Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2092: The Secret of Star Thief City

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

On the other side, Qin Molin knocked on Feng Xingying's door.

"Her name is Luo Yunjin, the daughter of the previous King of Star Thief." Qin Molin explained to Feng Xingying outside the door.

"What are you doing with me? Is your fiancee, the thief king Qin Molin, still looking at someone else's face?" Feng Xingying opened the door and faced Qin Molin directly:

"Since you want me to help you manage the Star Thieves City, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you feel bad about any princess Jin, you can cancel our previous plan."

Qin Molin looked at Feng Xingying in front of him, and smiled:

"What kind of person do I still don't understand? You can just do it with confidence and boldness. My woman doesn't need to look at anyone, including myself.

By the way, tossing all day, what would you like to eat? "

"Whatever." Feng Xingying responded coldly.

She missed Qin Molin's cooking very much, but she didn't want to show it, she was really scared. Fear of losing all defenses in front of him.

"Then how about grilling fish? Come with me. I'm fast. By the way, I can tell you about the situation in Star Thief City."

Feng Xingying nodded and walked side by side with Qin Molin.

Qin Molin also began to talk about the Star Thieves City: "The Star Thieves City, which is frightened by outsiders, is actually an abandoned poor person, because most of us in Star Thieves City do not have their own star domain."

"No star power?" Feng Xingying also froze, without star power, there was no star power, no star power, she also felt, even if she was the most spiritual spirit in the Yunxi continent, or was crushed by ordinary star warriors.

Without Star Force, how to fight those people? There is no such thing as a battle!

Qin Molin shook his head: "There is no star power, but there is no star field."

"Isn't Star Force created by Star Field?"

"Our star power comes from the mysterious nebula. So we can never go to the edge of the red blood sky, ghost sky, there is beyond the range of the nebula."

"Tell me this, aren't you afraid I'll run to Red Blood Sky?" Feng Xingying tilted his head and looked at Qin Molin.

"I know your parents are all in red blood. When the time comes, I will take you to find them."

"Aren't you without Starfield? How do you get to Red Blood Sky?"

"you guess?"


Feng Xingying tilted her head and ignored Qin Molin, so she didn't guess.

Feng Xingying's heart was also very contradictory. Qin Molin was willing to tell her the secret that was related to the life and death of the entire Star Thief City, which shows that she did not consider her an outsider.

Qin Molin has always said what he must do. He said he would take her to Red Blood Day, and that should go.

But the Star Stealer couldn't leave the Nebula too far. If Qin Molin really sent her to Red Blood Sky, would he also be in danger?

After all, Qin Molin has a special identity, and those who want to kill him are expected to fill a city.

Wouldn't it put him in extreme danger if people knew he had lost his strength?

Regardless of whether he was a real Qin Molin or a fake Qin Molin, Feng Xingying could not watch him die for her again.

"Anyway, I have never seen my father. He didn't come to me, why am I in a hurry to find him. As long as I don't go to him, I won't have to marry you." Feng Xingying proudly turned away.

"I just hate you so much?" Qin Molin's eyes flashed with pain.

"Yes." Feng Xingying nodded.

"Then I will work harder and try to make you like me as much as possible." Qin Molin's smile was really beautiful.

The grilled fish he made is also very delicious. A familiar scent with a strong temptation.

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