Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2104: Medical contest

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Although Princess Jin was angry, she was even more afraid of death.

After listening to Feng Xingying's words, he rushed back and asked her master to detoxify.

After half an hour, Feng Xingying ordered: "Ready to return to the house."

She didn't bring many people, that is, a number of four white unicorns pulled the cart, just turn around and go back.

The car hasn't turned around yet, and Frost Valley's door opens again.

"Slow." A white-haired woman with white hair and a white veil covered her face, appeared in Taniguchi, and gave a gift toward Feng Xingying:

"Since Feng Shenyi is here, I would like to ask Tanai."

Her title is Feng Shen Yi, not the Queen.

Feng Xingying knew a little in her heart. This hoarfrost had a certain personality. No matter how high her power was, she could only be moved by superb medical skills.

"Senior Bai Shuang was invited personally, and the junior was honored." Feng Xingying got off the car and also paid the woman a gift.

Bai Shuang turned aside slightly, refused to accept Feng Xingying's courtesy, but continued to salute Feng Xingying:

"Fengshenyiyishu is above me. According to the rules of Frost Valley, since I should be honored by seniors, Baishuang was fortunate to guide Fengshenyi and was honored."

Feng Xingying also no longer shirk away, only taking Ye Xiaonian, Ye Jingning and Suiyu into the Frost Valley.

With the strength of the broken jade, once it broke out in full, few people were her opponents, and it took her a self-defense.

What's more, in Frost Valley, he is playing medicine.

The moment Feng Shuang came out to greet himself, Feng Xingying even confirmed this.

Bai Shuang greeted Feng Xingying into a bamboo forest in the valley. The spring water drew in the depths of the bamboo forest. An elegant bamboo house was located in it.

The appearance of this bamboo house is simple. After entering, the furnishings are elegant and elegant.

"This is where I live." Bai Shuang introduced Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying nodded: "People outside the world of Bai Shuang have different requirements in their hearts from ordinary people like me."

"Don't dare, don't call me a senior after Feng Shenyi. It's a shame."

"Then I am like them, call you a white doctor."

"Ashamed, ashamed." Bai Shuang helplessly: "Bai Mou is far behind Feng Shenyi."

"Let's not be polite all the time, otherwise Luo Yunjin is afraid of suffering."

"Feng Shenyi really looks like God. The poison under Feng Shenyi cannot be cured by the old man. Please ask Feng Shenyi to save the apprentice."

Bai Shuang led Feng Xingying and others to the inner hall, and saw Luo Yunjin being tied to a post like a mule, and she was still twisting. Wherever it twisted, the flesh began to fall down.

According to her situation, I am afraid that after half a day, the flesh will fall into a skeleton.

Seeing Feng Xingying coming, Luo Yunjin made a sudden whining noise, twisting even more, as if struggling to bind the ropes, rushed to find Feng Xingying for his life.

"The apprentice was seriously injured, and he could not help himself. Please ask the **** doctor to forgive me."

"No matter. I don't know anything about the juniors." Feng Xingying waved his hand wildly: "As for the antidote she needs, I have sent the apprentice in advance. Didn't Bai Shenyi receive?"

"Send in ahead of time?" Bai Shuang just wanted to say no, and then thought of the ingredients in those altars that made medicinal wine.

Bai Shuang quickly opened the wine jars, and after tasting them one by one, he chose one and splashed it on Luo Yunjin.

Strange to say, after the liquor was spilled, Luo Yunjin no longer twisted, and the flesh on her body would not fall off. After that, Bai Shuang was treated with his own medicine and he was quickly rescued.

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