Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2113: When something goes wrong there must be a demon

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

As a healer, Feng Xingying suddenly felt that all things have commonality. Since the **** of valley of the Yunxi continent can create medicine to help the spiritual awakening.

In principle, the star force can also be stimulated with astral needles and elixir, but the elixir here needs the starlight grass. The specific formula seems to need further elaboration.

Thinking about it that way, Feng Xingying took Ruxiang to Frost Valley again, ready to visit Baishuang.

Only Feng Xingying turned around at the gate of Frost Valley, but didn't enter the valley to see Bai Shuang, but instead opened up and threatened:

"I'm not assured of my two disciples, you sent Ye Xiaonian and Ye Jingning to see me, otherwise I will send troops to attack Frost Valley!"

"Feng Shenyi, our owner invited you to go in for a narrative." The female disciple received at the door was not the last one, but changed to a more clever and enchanting one.

"Shu She?" This palace is the queen, can anyone tell me the old one? This palace is not available today! "Feng Xingying waved his hand, posing as the princess of the fairy queen.

Arrogant, too arrogant!

The entire Star Thief City, it is estimated that only this queen, dare to be so disrespectful to the hoarfrost.

Strangely enough, Bai Shuang didn't even attack, and it also caused two disciples of Feng Xingying to leave Ye Xiaonian and Ye Jingning, and sent Princess Jin to preach.

"My master said that she had a heart to make a friend with you. Who knew you were so arrogant, since then, Frost Valley does not welcome you."

Feng Xingying looked at Luo Yunjin with a smile: "Frost Valley doesn't welcome me? The so-called Mo Fei soil under the sky, the soldiers who lead the soil must not be the king's minister. One of the three iron guards, as a queen, I come to inspect my land, check my soldiers, and ask for your approval? "

Feng Xingying frowned Luo Yun in a single sentence:

"Feng Xingying, you don't have to be too far. My master is not an ordinary person. If you offend my master, you will not be able to bear the consequences! Don't think that the king of robbers stared at you for two days, and you will be forgotten.

I tell you, a man is nothing but good, and you can rely on yourself to be beautiful, and you can get the favor of Star Thief King temporarily. My father and king have already gone to the world of Guangluo Beauty, and they can always find a more beautiful fight than you, and then you will fall out of favor. Do you know what the end is?

There used to be someone who could sing very much, like Princess Le, who was given to his subordinates Tuli Dian by Star Thief King, and Tuli Dali took her out of the army to share.

Do you know what it means to share the whole army? Is a military prostitute. "

"You are so noisy." Feng Xingying rubbed her ears. "Princess Jin is not confident about her appearance, and is afraid that she will end like Princess Le, so she didn't recommend her own pillow? What a pity."

Want to seal Xingying with words? A small Luo Yunjin is still far behind.

Feng Xingying responded saltily and briskly, and Luo Yun was so angry that if not stopped by someone nearby, he would have ordered the attack on Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying didn't come to Frost Valley alone, but she also had broken pieces and the Red Phoenix Army left by Qin Molin.

The Sun Phoenix Army is almost all women. It was Qin Molin who had prepared for Feng Xingying early.

The fiery phoenix army's fighting ability is extremely strong, Luo Yunjin still dare not take risks.

So even if Feng Xing was so angry, Luo Yunjin could not bear it, humming and turned back to the valley, leaving a sentence:

"If you come to Frost Valley again, don't blame me!"

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