Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Luo Yue came by her mother's life. As long as she did not look at Luo Yunjin's face, her flesh was quite delicious.

Luo Yue knew that Luo Yunjin was the first time, and she used all sorts of tricks and methods to make her forget everything, leaving only the lingering words that were constantly demanding.

After one night.

Luo Yue was well-groomed, and apologized to Luo Yunjin apologetically: "The girl seemed to have done some tricks yesterday, and she had to be unwilling to do so, so she was happy with the girl, and please forgive her."

"Do you hate me?" Luo Yunjin has never experienced such a cold reception. Last night, the man who was enthusiastic about her and quickly integrated with her suddenly said that it was a misunderstanding?

Only she Luo Yunjin does not want others, and no one has dared to bully her so!

"No, girl, you have misunderstood, but you are from Luo Futian. Although you are a prince, you can be an awkward person in this Star Thief City, so you don't dare to delay the girl.

If the girl does not give up, I tell my mother and let her give me you. From then on, you will stay in my room. Luo Yue said sincerely, and looked at Luo Yunjin secretly.

Luo Yunjin also struggled somewhat.

If she promised him, she might not have to suffer.

But if she really promised him, Luo Yunjin would become a bed-warmer who was not known by Luo Futian. What happened to her in the future?

Luo Yunjin shook his head: "The second prince does not worry, I will go back and continue to be punished."

"I'll send you." Luo Yue sent Luo Yunjin back again. The road was very compliant. Instead, Luo Yunjin felt itchy and wanted to lean on Luo Yue.

Falling in the hands of Qin Yue, what good can Luo Yunjin do.

On this day, Qin Yun again found new tricks and tortured Luo Yunjinfu, but after that, she still watched the Spring Palace daily.

Desire is a door, and once opened, it can never stop.

Luo Yunjin personally experienced a ecstasy yesterday. Looking at these pictures today, it seems that they can be brought in, as if watching Luo Yue send her to the cloud.

Where Luo Yunjin could endure such torture, he was almost paralyzed.

Fortunately, Luo Yue appeared again in time, and took her away without a word.

This time, Luo Yunjin abandoned all his restraints. On the flying horse, he continued to linger on Luo Yue. When he got to the house, he rolled into a ball impatiently.

Qin Yue has always kept Roy staring at the movement here, expressing his satisfaction with his second son's beauty.

When Princess Sun Jin releases him, she will still be Princess Jin. If Luo Yue can conquer Princess Jin's heart, they will have an extra chip in Star Thief City.

It is too difficult to conquer a person's heart in a short period of time. Qin Yue can only go to extremes, let him conquer her body constantly, and let Princess Jin be completely tamed by her son.

On the third day, Princess Jin was able to bite her head and refused Luo Yue to be willing to accept punishment.

On the fourth day, Luo Yue simply held Princess Jin, and while walking around her, she asked her:

"Do you really want to leave me cruelly, let me think about you day and night? We are all abandoned people, it is better to just love each day, do n’t take care of these common things, is n’t it?

As Luo Yue said, she continued to work hard to make her feel his presence.

Princess Jin's body was about to wear out, everyone was soft and weak, humming in her mouth, her brain was blank, she nodded subconsciously and agreed:

"Okay, I don't need anything, I just need to be with you every day."

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