Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2147: Hurry up next time

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying was very impressed with the righteousness of Luo Lie, and temporarily joined his camp on the spot.

Anyway, the camps are relatively free and travel according to tasks. Luo Lie has more than sixty large and small teams, but it is impossible to complete all the tasks every time. Some people will not go, or they will not accept them when they are full.

Luo Lie's mission was with his most trusted people, and he specially invited Ye Ying, a doctor who obviously had an unusual mission.

But Feng Xingying believes that these people are soldiers, not dead men, and they will not make jokes about life, and it is good to follow them.

On the other side, the line of people kept mourning.

Because the son Ye Ying closed the stall, he only said one sentence: "It's getting late, my son is sleepy. When I come out of the death forest, I will sell medicine to everyone.

The very casual **** doctor son, within a day, the supply point in the death forest brushed up a full point of reputation.

Perhaps the character who has been in the death forest for decades has not yet become famous.

Feng Xingying does everything she wants. Although she lacks strength, she doesn't like to hide.

Having the identity of a divine doctor has increased her value.

Someone who is valuable will want to kill you, and more people will want to protect and cooperate.

There is no shelter from Qin Molin and Ji Yun. Feng Xingying relies on his own ability to mix, feeling free and free for a long time.

It is an unwritten custom in the Death Forest to not stay overnight at supply points.

Luo Lie is also an efficient person. He has organized the staff to prepare for departure, but he feels that there is something missing.

After receiving the two doctors, Feng Xingying and Ye Xiaonian, they also took a team price from Feng Xingying, so that everyone in the team bought three bottles of hemostatic pills. These preparations were done well, and they started before dusk. .

The dead forest is terrifying, and the first floor is almost a safe area, which is always safer than a place with more people.

The personnel at the supply point are redundant. If you rest at the supply point, the ghost knows whether it will be killed in the middle of the night.

On the contrary, in the dense death forest, once a person enters, it is like a few small stones falling into the sea, and he immediately loses contact with others.

Luo Lie and they are obviously an experienced team. They quickly find a good place to set up their own military tents, usually a small team and a tent.

Fortunately, these most basic things, Feng Xingying they also explored clearly and prepared in advance.

These three hundred people lived in one area and really looked like a small military camp.

And the people who follow Luo Lie are really complicated. Except for one star warrior, two stars and three stars, and three elite teams with average strength of five stars!

How many people touch the fish, and understand the situation of the team and the rules, it is the job of the captain Ye Jingning and the deputy captain Zhuo Zihuan. Feng Xingying continues to be her high-cold **** doctor, take care of Ye Xiaonian, and prevent anyone Abduct his beautiful apprentice who is beautiful and easy to use.

The dinner was also settled by the team, but Luo Lie was very generous. He also invited Feng Xingying to eat with the three elite teams he led.

Although there are three teams, each team has more than ten people, and the number is quite large, his team strength is really good.

However, Feng Xingying is the name of the **** doctor, who can remedy medicine. He also has a sister who has an inherent healing property. Not to mention that she is already a Samsung power, even if it is a star, someone will rush for it.

These elites are quite polite and have been helping Fengxing Barbecue.

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