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Floating wildly!

Luo Chang scolded Ye Gongzi in his heart, but smiled on his face:

"From tomorrow on, if we encounter high-end Warcraft, our elite group will cooperate in combat. I hope you and Xiaonian can follow me. You do not need to fight, but you must see the cooperation and Combat methods.

So starting tomorrow, I hope that your brother and sister will join my team for the time being. "

"No," Feng Xingying refused.

If Luo Lie had said it, she would have agreed.

Ke Luoshang's expression of high gift made her very upset.

Now that she is a frivolous and leafy Ye Gongzi, of course, she can be willful.

For the first time, Luo Chang received such a straightforward rejection in the cooperation of the camp, and it came from a young Samsung!

Luo Chang was so angry that she couldn't speak, or Feng Xingying suddenly made a noise:

"Dora, Sister Sang seems to be in depression, you give her a cup of macaroni."

"Okay." Huang Duola made the tea obediently and skillfully.

Luo Chang just reacted and wanted to refuse, and everyone made tea.

Luo Sang also returned to God, depressed the depressed mood, sat opposite Feng Xingying, took the tea handed off by Huang Duola and savored it carefully.

Although Huang Doula brewed Luo Sang's tea, it didn't have any floral fragrance. Instead, it had a faint bitter taste, which was not unpleasant.

At least Luo Chang likes this taste.

"Sister Sang, women have to be nice to themselves, and stay beautiful and happy forever.

I have a packet of Hearty Tea, and I will give it to Sister Chang. The brewing method is very simple. Dora has already demonstrated it to you. If you still do n’t understand, just ask her. "

"Thank you." Luo Chang took the tea from Feng Xingying, and was really embarrassed.

It seemed that every time she came to find this Ye Gongzi, people would give her something.

The so-called hand without smiling, she can't take things away, is she still stern?

Luo Chang is a wise man. Knowing that it may be necessary for Luo Lie to say that, he no longer entangles the problem of team formation, but instead looks at Huang Doula up and down.

Huang Duola was not deeply involved in the world, and was so embarrassed by Luo Chang's sharp eyes, she subconsciously hid behind Feng Xingying.

Luo Chang just smiled and said, "Ye son Ye really enjoys it. Take a pretty girl with you."

"You can't say this indiscriminately!" Feng Xingying took a sip of tea: "The so-called heart is clear, not afraid of gossip. My sister, Dora and I, are also brothers and sisters.

Oh, yes, I have no wife. Sister Chang wants to inquire about this question, you ask me directly, why bother with it? "

Feng Xingying said, Tao Huayan blinked and gave Luo Chang a wink lightly.

Luo Chang was speechless by Feng Xingying, holding her flower tea with a cold face, turning her head and leaving.

After a while, she changed Luolie to persuade Xingying.

Feng Xingying also asked Huang Doula to make tea for him, but Luo Lie made fresh green tea.

Feng Xingying smiled and looked at Luo Lie: "If I really want to mix other people's teams, I can rely on Ye Ying's medical skills. Which team can't be mixed?"

Luo Lie was surprised and promised Feng Xingying with a smile: "Your team is more than two stars in strength, the quality of Star Armor is very good, you can act with our elite group.

Remember that you have not been instructed not to arbitrarily, just protect yourself and cope with it. "

"That's natural. No problem, this box of green tea will be given to Luo Gongzi to talk to you, it is a happy mood." Feng Xingying delivered the tea smoothly.

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