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The second prince Luo Yue felt like a puppet and a male pet. His mother saw him every day and told him:

"Be sure to serve Princess Ho Kam. She is everything to you. Without her, you would be nothing."

Yeah, without Luo Yunjin, he would be nothing!

From an early age, Luo Yue envied his brother to be a prince and later to be the same as his father, and by that day, he might not even have the qualifications to continue to live in the Louvre Palace, and could only be released.

In the future, his brother's descendants will continue to be hegemons, and his descendants will become civilians and will no longer enjoy honor.

Luo Yue has always had ambitions and wanted to **** Luo Zhuo's Prince. It was just that he knew he was not capable, that he was not qualified enough to be a powerful star warrior, and his brain was not enough to play power with others.

So Luo Yue kept suppressing himself and hid his ambitions well in front of Luo Zhuo, only to live well in the future.

The appearance of Colo Yunjin gave him every turn.

When his mother gave this opportunity to him, Luo Yue knew that his opportunity was coming, and he worked very hard to please Luo Yunjin, and tried his best to be perfect in front of Luo Yunjin.

Successfully marrying Luo Yunjin is perhaps his greatest opportunity in life.

It followed that the Queen Qin wanted to give him the prince, which was quite natural. Father Huang has not yet agreed, but he will agree sooner or later, because Luo Yue has such an old man, he dare not disagree.

But everything was obtained, but Luo Yue's heart became more and more uncomfortable. He is now in an outstanding position in the Louvre Palace. Everyone saw him and could not wait to compliment and salute, and no one paid attention to Luo Zhuo.

However, everything in his possession is in the hands of Luo Yunjin. He wants to please Luo Yunjin like a male pet, and try his best to satisfy her and please her.

Luo Yunjin's face is very beautiful. Although not as enchanting as Feng Xingying, at least on par with Qin Hongyun, Luo Yue does not feel wronged, and even has a little vanity.

The elder brother showed off how beautiful his princess Qin Hongyun was all day long. Before Luo Yue could only envy him, now Luo Yunjin satisfied his vanity.

However, as time passed, Luo Yue also found something wrong. Luo Yunjin is beautiful on weekdays, but the strange disease that occurs every month makes her face extremely ugly in an instant. You must use an ointment to be good.

Luo Yunjin didn't want him to see it, but between husband and wife, there is no way to hide it.

Then Luo Yunjin was jealous, and Luo Yue was not allowed to have other women.

At the age of Luo Yue, in addition to his elder brother's fear of his wife's pustules, the normal prince would spoil many maids and secretly give birth to several sons-in-law. This is a royal routine.

Luo Yue had tasted the love of men and women earlier, and he was a master of flowers. He had more than a dozen maids, three sons, and two daughters, which were stronger than his father.

Unfortunately, after Luo Yunjin's arrival at the Louvre Palace, Luo Yuejin used to be treated and tortured by several little court maids, all of which were tortured by Luo Yunjin, with eyes cut, mouth and nose cut, and chopped Some of them are made on the fire and roasted.

There were even four or five of them intact, which were sold by Luo Yunjin to the place where the fireworks were sold to wait and see.

After that, there are new maids who will be cut off by Luo Yunjin as soon as they enter the palace, and then they will be required to serve with a veil.

Listening to outsiders said that Luo Yue Palace was an ugly maiden's house, Luo Yue felt particularly shameless.

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