Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2221: Hard to paint the soul

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Dare, dare, this is Duanmuhong's own mistake, and he should be punished by himself. How dare we take action against your thief.

If these little friends are missing anything in the future, they will come to our Duanmu family to get them. Duanmu Song was frightened to express his stance.

Ye Jingning also wanted to refuse, Qin Molin actually responded:

"Okay, when I'm away, you lack any elixir, star armor, manpower, spaceship, even if you go to him. If he doesn't help you, he won't give me Qin Molin's face."

"Thank you, Master, you are the best." Ye Xiaonian was more familiar with Qin Molin in the Yunxi continent before, and naturally he was not polite at this time.

Anyway, Ye Xiaonian always feels that Qin Molin is the same. The teacher is good to the master, only to be good to them.

"Well, you go too." Qin Molin turned his head and left.

At this point, he still had to pay attention to his star stone mirror. He didn't look for a moment, and didn't know what the little girl was doing.

Just now he seemed to see a few girls who wanted to use his beauty as a star figure, oh yeah, and that Luo Lie also had a haunting spirit. He has to stare!

There are so many things in this world that nothing seems more important than his star shadow.

After returning to the secret room to open the star stone mirror, seeing Feng Xingying's vivid face, Qin Molin's mood was much better and he couldn't help whispering:

"Painting skin and bones is difficult to paint the soul, even if she looks exactly like you, she is not as good as you after all."

It's ridiculous, but he used such clumsy methods to cheat Qin Molin.

However, it is no wonder that the world does not know the feelings of Qin Molin and Feng Xingying, but the King of Star Thieves is a very picky person. After seeing Princess Ying, he suddenly became faint, so he is also a faint prince.

Feng Yueyi and Duan Muhong both thought that even if she was fake, as long as she had the beauty and temperament of Princess Shadow, she would still be able to grab the favor of the Star Thief King.

Only when he knew that the Star Thief King was Qin Molin, Feng Yueyi knew that he was ridiculous.

It is not surprising that Feng Yueyi's short-sightedness was the news that Queen Qin ordered the blockade of Star Thief the same day, and deleted the entire Luofutian database about Star Thief.

Feng Xingying was concealed that day, and Feng Yueyi was concealed again today.

If I had known that the Star Thief King was Qin Molin, Feng Yueyi would not dare to pretend that Feng Xingying was looking for nothing.


Ye Jingning accompanied Ye Xiaonian to rest on the star stealing ship for a while. In the lounge, she used the needle method to help Ye Xiaonian adjust the meridians. After she recovered almost, she got off the star stealing ship.

Duanmu Song was afraid of Qin Molin and disembarked a step earlier than them, but he never left.

After seeing Ye Jingning and Ye Xiaonian, Duan Musong warmly greeted him:

"I wonder if the two can appreciate their faces. It's getting late now. How about visiting our house?"

"No, if we want to rest, we will naturally rest on the Star Thief Ship of my teacher." Although Ye Jingning was cautious in front of Qin Molin, he was very smart in front of outsiders, and knew when to take advantage.

Although Qin Molin warned Duan Musong, he was not allowed to play with Zixing Ling's idea, but whoever knew what he thought, Ye Jingning was still watching for Duan Musong to grab things at any time.

Duanmu Song looked at Ye Jingning's careful attitude, and was a bit sorry: "Where are you going? We have a lot of spaceships in Duanmu family, which can be sent for two."

"No need. Some of our old friends are still in the forest of death. We have to meet with our companions.

By the way, my teacher hates most people to probe him. You better not send someone to follow us. "

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