Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2362: Important matter

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The eternal style can ignore these gossips, but just continue to identify Ye Xiaonian's elixir:

"To be honest, the Danfang and refining methods of high-end resuscitation Dan have been lost to us, and we haven't seen such an elixir in the northern region for a long time.

It is still in the tower of our Shentang Pavilion that we have the honor to worship the relic left by our elders before we can recognize it, otherwise we will be ugly today.

According to the book, Xuanming Dan is a kind of vital elixir. Different grades will have completely different life characteristics and effects. When it reaches the best, it can even make people come back to life! I wonder if it is true? "

Ye Xiaonian shook his head modestly: "There is no such god, if you want to get back to life, you have to breathe a bit. It is useless to die."

Really a modest and good girl, but Ye Jingning was not humble at all, and began to say the case:

"For the first time I saw Need for Life, I was still used by a master to save a friend. At that time, he had only five-star strength and was smashed into mud by the angry six-star demon ape. Fortunately, this friend is good at speed and decisive. At the last moment, he dropped his two legs, one arm and most of his body, basically leaving only one head to hide.

A master's life-saving Dan gave him a rebirth, and he used some cherished materials to help him rebuild his body. He finally survived intact and his strength was not damaged. "

"Haha, the little girl is talking about me!" Hou Jin was a close friend of Luo Lie, and this time he followed Luo Lie to join in to recruit relatives. He heard Ye Jingning talk about the events and couldn't help but open his mouth.

There are live cases that make people have to be convinced. The eternal style is quite a leader, and he smiled and asked Hou Jin to check him for free.

As for Ye Jingning and Ye Xiaonian, the eternal style invites enthusiastically: "Since two of us have come to Shentang Pavilion, we might as well be the elders of Shentang Pavilion. As for the alchemy of two, we are not small. The sect will not force the two to teach. "

"Yeah, we also want to know some alchemy friends. Before we traveled, our teacher had told us so much that we must visit our elders." Ye Jingning responded appropriately.

The elder predecessor he said is, of course, the eternal master.

Eternal Wind is also the Eight Star Alchemist, and is not yet qualified to let Ye Jingning shout a senior.

"Master and his elders would be very happy if they saw the two of them. As for the grievances between Master Feng and you, how about our story in the court?" Elderly Feng smiled and invited the two of them together with Feng Xingying to Shendan Pavilion.

The eternal style is not stupid. At a glance, you can see that the relationship between the three is extraordinary.

The eternal style will also buy people's hearts. In order to make up for the onlookers who did not buy elixir, they took six seven stars and ten six elixir from the Shendan Pavilion to sell on the spot.

Moreover, Eternal Wind said: "These elixir are regarded as a gift from our Shen Dan Pavilion to the two masters Ye, and the auction results will be given to the two masters."

This is equivalent to helping Ye Jingning and Ye Xiaonian buy people's hearts, and also attracted them.

While Ye Jingning and Ye Xiaonian were just invited to Shendan Pavilion, Feng Xueyan suddenly spoke:

"I do n’t know if two friends of the Shenhuang clan can borrow a step? Xueyan has an important thing to explain to the two, which will not take up much time for the two."

"The top fairies are invited, how dare Yem refuse." Ye Jingning's face had an elegant smile, but his words were full of irony.

Does the alchemy fail the top-quality fairy?

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