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"Brother Wei don't make a joke. I don't have any intention here, except that last time Princess Yan wanted an extraterrestrial gauze, which was given to her by a mysterious merchant.

You also know that our auction house wants to establish a foothold in this Red Star City and always has to do something. This is just a normal human relationship, but it was misunderstood.

If the son of Wei needs an extraterrestrial gauze, he should do everything he can to find it for you. "Gongzi explained quickly.

"That's fine, this boy doesn't have that special hobby." Feng Xingying shook his head.

Gongzi stunned for a while, then realized that Feng Xingying's special hobby was referring to male style, and a handsome face couldn't help but sullen red.

Not to mention, although Wei Cheng's actions are bold and unrestrained, his appearance is absolutely beautiful. As a man, he is even more beautiful than Princess Yan.

The son-in-law asked himself to have seen countless beauties, all kinds of temperament, as if I had never seen any beauties who could be better than Wei Cheng, the eight-star refiner.

Even ladies like Chu Lily, who stood behind Wei Cheng, seemed to lose color.

Gongzi froze, rubbing his eyes quickly, what is he thinking? Although he is not a favorite girl, but he is also a normal man, how to start admiring men.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Mr. Xi quickly drew the topic back:

"So, is Feng Xingying's identity so familiar?"

"The specifics are not clear to us outsiders. I can only tell you that I have not heard the master mention it myself." Ye Jingning answered very skillfully.

Yeah, Feng Xingying's father is called Feng Tianyi. Many people of this God Phoenix family know it, and Ye Jingning also knows it. But Ye Jingning didn't lie, he just knew, but Feng Xingying never said it himself.

Ye Xiaonian blinked and asked, "If that's the case, why did the blood emperor now remember to recognize his daughter, and what did he do?

My master has ascended from the subordinate plane. When I first arrived in Luofutian, my life was not very good, but Lord Luo Qin recognized her as a righteous daughter.

I really didn't expect that the master had such a powerful biological father. "

Ye Xiaonian did not directly deny it, but said another aspect, whether they are father or daughter, obviously the relationship is not very good.

Son-in-law is also a wise man, as if he understood it immediately, and filled them with a smile:

"It's Xun's stereotype. Our Red Star Auction House always pays attention to a well-documented, clear business, how can we learn from outsiders to pass on the word."

"The son-in-law thinks why the blood emperor suddenly released the news? Is your auction house offending the blood emperor? He deliberately demolished your platform to prevent you from making money?" Feng Xingying asked suddenly.

Gongzi shook his head helplessly: "Here, Gongzi is more concerned. I don't think the Blood Emperor will do such a thing for this money. What's the specific development? We can look forward to it.

Today, this elixir, the family ancestors have decided to host the auction in person. "

"That's great. I can be presided over by Wei Chikun. My elixir is definitely not worried."

This Wei Cheng, sometimes savvy and sometimes confused, is himself an eight-star alchemist, and two friends of the eight-star alchemy have only come to Red Star City in just a few days, and he has already known the whole Red Blood Star. What is he exactly? People?

The son-in-law couldn't help but look at Wei Cheng a few more times. There was a feeling of getting more and more familiar. Where did he see it?

Among the people he met, there didn't seem to be such a handsome man.

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