Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2391: Qinglong Protoss

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Taoer shook his head again and again, shaking his head desperately.

Sister Red Candle, don't get me wrong, I mean Princess Shadow! Not that you!

"Never mind, since you were brought on board by Mr. Wei, I will also give you a gift." Red Candle said, giving Taoer a small piece of shadow stone.

"this is?"

"The shadow stone portrait of our queen, seeing you are so honest, know how to appreciate the beauty of this girl, it will be cheap for you, and take it back to you." Red Candle said casually.

"Really? Thank you, Sister Hongzhu." Taoer was terrified.

Bixue Pavilion has been looking for Feng Xingying's shadow stone portrait, but unfortunately there is a lot of resistance, because the star thief is not allowed! The images of the shadow princess that had been exposed at that time were taken away by the Star Thief King. Even if someone secretly left it, they did not dare to spread it.

After all, the Star Thief King not only has a powerful Star Thief force, he is also unfathomable himself. The main thing is that this person does not play cards according to common sense, does not follow rules, and has no scruples! Who dares to sell Feng Xingying's shadow stone portrait under his eyelids? Looking for death?

And the people on their Star Stealer ship offered it differently.

Anyway, Taoer didn't quite understand, and was dismissed from the ship in a daze. In the envious eyes of the crowd, he was picked up by the people of Bixuege.

Taoer still remembers, the red candle sister said to her, "I also look at Gongzi's face. Who made Gongzi's mother a relative of General Ji Yun, General Ji Yun is our queen's best friend, Queen Of course, he has to be taken care of. Besides, he can also be regarded as the blood awakener of the Qinglong Protoss, which is different from ordinary people. "

Wei Cheng, Qinglong Protoss Bloodline Awakener!

This news comes from Star Thief City, and will be spread by Pai Xue Ge for a fee. As the big buyer of Bixuege News, Xuedi will naturally know the first time!


At this moment, Xuehou and Princess Yan were also sitting in a humble beast car, watching the movement outside through the outer window. Fortunately, the beast car was so rigorous that outsiders could not see them.

At this time, there were only their mother and daughter. Feng Xueyan didn't have to pretend to be her iceberg beauty, pouting her mouth and pampering her mother:

"Mother, do you see, this Feng Xingying has no sincerity at all.

Both you and your father-in-law have invited her personally. Since she came to our Red Star City and did not go to meet you and your father-in-law, but stopped a star theft ship here to show off her strength, is it waiting for you to meet her in person? "

"We are not greeted by Feng Xingying, but by the Star Thief King. The Star Thief King is famous throughout the Southern Region. It is nothing wrong for me and your father to greet him personally." Miao Tianxue's face did not look very good after blood.

"Well, a cheap bitch, where is such a big shelf? Don't just rely on some sort of appearance, it will seduce a man.

I heard that the man in Star Thief City is the most beautiful, especially the Star Thief King is a hungry ghost in color, and when he arrives at our Red Star Palace, I will send him hundreds of beauties to see if Feng Xingying can't stand it at that time Favored! "

"Okay, I know outsiders say Feng Xingying is more beautiful than you, and you don't agree. It's right to disagree. This is my daughter Miao Tianxue. But there are some things we just need to do, don't say.

I don't care what you think, in the future in front of Feng Xingying and the Star Thief King, you can't show a little bit of stubbornness. "After the blood frowned, reminded sharply.

"Mother, I know. I am your daughter after the blood of the first beauty, Miao Tianxue, and the daughter of the first queen of Red Snow Star, you can rest assured that I will never lose face with you." Feng Xueyan hugged hugly Miao Tianxue's arms are coquettish.

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