Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2395: Domineering against robber

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The mother and daughter sang a harmonious song, and under the furious of the blood emperor, they sent two high-ranking generals, Miao Tianmao and Feng Ping, two nine-star generals, and took a full ten search warships, heading for the giant star.

The giant star has always been the star of peace. Naturally, they can't ban for no reason, so a flag is held in front of this battleship, indicating their purpose--

The blood emperor had a female name Feng Xingying and was forcibly occupied by the Star Thief King. Today the blood emperor sent the envoy to welcome the princess.

What is welcome back?

The preparation of ten battleships and two famous generals, is this a robbery?

People seem to suddenly remember that after all these years of peace, they have forgotten what the Blood Emperor was like.

The blood emperor was used to being arrogant and arrogant. The iron blood of the red blood star was also promoted by the blood emperor.

The blood emperor's most famous saying is: What do you want to have, speak with your fists!

He even made such high-profile remarks to the soldiers of the Red Blood Stars during the performance, without any concealment.

The hegemony of the Blood Emperor is well known throughout the Northern Territory.

He now sends ten warships, ten times the strength of the Star Thief King, apparently trying to find his face with strong force.

Blood Emperor, is indeed the blood emperor! Nothing has changed!

But this time his opponent was the more infamous Star Thief King. He was too lazy to wash himself and swayed in the name of a robber.

What kind of spark will the two have against the robber?

In any case, one thing is certain-there is a good show!


Outside the giant gate star, there is an empty and huge parking platform, known as Hepinggang. Feng Ping and Miao Tian hammer docked the ten battleships of the Red Blood Star on the Peace Harbor.

Peace Harbor is not a place of peace, but a battle platform for giant stars.

Giant stars want peace and neutrality, but they can't completely stop some private disputes, so they opened up this peaceful port, which is used to resolve disputes.

"King of Star Thieves, some kind of came to Heigang to fight with me !!" Miao Tianhammer didn't use any equipment, just let out his throat and roar like a thunderous voice, and spread it across the giant star at once.

Miao Tianmao is Miao Tianxue's younger brother. He is also derived from the blood spirit religion. His character is always arrogant, but his strength is really terrible. Among the blood spirit religions, no one is his opponent except the blood emperor.

Perhaps it is because the strength is not as good as Feng Tianyi. This Miao Tianhammer does not respect his father and brother, but listens to the blood emperor Feng Tianyi the most. He is also the strongest member of Feng Tianyi.

Feng Ping stood quietly beside Miao Tianmao. There were few rumors about him, because he was too low-key! However, some people found that Feng Ping was like Feng Tianyi's shadow, always by his side.

Those who can be so valued by Feng Tianyi should not be weak, at least at this time the mark of his coach can explain a lot of problems.

Miao Tianmao has a irritable character. When no one responds, he is even more arrogant, and speaks again:

"Qin Molin, are you a scared turtle, are you afraid of us?"

"Shut up! Noisy!" A soft drink in the air was a woman's voice.

Don't underestimate this simple sound, it can cover Miao Tianhammer's momentum in one sentence. This woman has at least nine stars!

Miao Tianmao felt a little dull on his face, and he did not use all his strength in his voice to be overwhelmed by a woman. Now he is unhappy, and is ready to fight back with luck.

Who knows, the other party will not give him this opportunity.

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