Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 704: She is his heart

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"I know it's wrong, you come back, okay?"

"You don't belong to this continent, do you? If you want to leave, can you take me with you? Even if it is Yincaodifu, I would like to accompany you. Even if I lose all my spiritual power, I just want to change back to you.

Feng Xingying, did you hear that? "

I heard.

I really heard it.

Feng Xingying wanted to answer him, but she couldn't speak, couldn't speak, she could only look at him helplessly like a ghost.

She wanted to reach out and hug him, but found that she might really be a ghost from the body, and actually passed through him like that.

I also know it's wrong, I shouldn't be so stubborn.

If I had known I died here today, I might as well stay in your space, at least to accompany you.

This is what Feng Xingying wants to say, but cannot say.

Qin Molin desperately kissed Feng Xingying's cheek over and over again. He was afraid her body would become cold. He held her tightly and refused to let her go.

"Hehuan Palace passed the trial and officially opened. Irrelevant people will be sent out of Hehuan Palace. Those who re-enter will be deemed as intruders.

Sudden mechanical sounds floated over the entire earth palace.

Hehuan Palace?

It turned out to be Hehuan Palace!

Did you find the inheritor?

At least alternatives were found.

When everyone was confused, they were sent out of the palace by a streamer.

Compared with the powerful underground palace, the individual strength is too small.

After Ji Jue was sent out of the palace, the first reaction was to find his star.

The same scene was staged in each adventure group.

Apart from the living, there were corpses.

Except those that were burned to ashes and fried into meat.

Feng Yuexian's body was sent out. Based on her body, the Black Panther judged that it was ruthless.

And many people are really missing.

Such as Li merciless, Yin Qi, Xiaoxing.


On the other side, a strange electronic sound sounded in Qin Molin's ear:

"Do you want to save her? If you want to save her, replace it with your own life, put your blood into her body, and she will be resurrected."

"Good!" Qin Molin agreed without hesitation: "I don't care if you say true or false, please be sure to save her."

Qin Molin is not a person who believes in fate, nor is he a man at his mercy.

But in the face of this state, immortal Feng Xingying, he was helpless.

Even if the hope is slim, he wants to bet.

If you lose, it's not a big deal.

Big deal he died with her.

Without her world, what's the point of being a zombie alive?

Qin Molin already felt that if he couldn't leave Feng Xingying with him today, but walked out by himself, he might really fall into the beast of life forever.

Not because of Feng Xingying's blood, but because of his own heart.

Qin Molin also understands now that Feng Xingying brought him not to calm his beast blood with her blood, but to let him have a heart that was unwilling to be beastized.

No matter what kind of pressure, he always has this trace of fetters in his heart, he will not beast.

Even though Ling Qianyi shamelessly created the blood of the demon that inspired him the last time, Qin Molin still kept a hint of clarity in his heart.

Otherwise, how can Ling Qinling and Ling Chuxue overcome Qin Molin?

After all, it is that heart.

The heart belonging to Feng Xingying.

If Feng Xingying dies, his heart will die with it, which is truly terrible.

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