Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 797: Bloodstained Tianyu 1: Nangong Yulian's Counterattack

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Looking at the frozen portrait of her aunt, Feng Xingying felt a pain in her heart, and her blood was boiling.

She wants to kill Yu Wenxilie, at all costs!

If the convention does not tolerate her, she will escape this **** star convention!

If it would drag Taiji Palace, she would not be the master of this palace!

If it would drag Qin Molin, she could also leave Qin Molin. As long as they have each other in their hearts, why bother with that form?

At this time, Feng Xingying was burning out of his chest with a heart burning, just to kill Yu Wenxilie.

But the character of Feng Xingying is that the more she gets angry, the calmer she becomes.

She wants to be clean and clear, leaving no room for the enemy.

So Feng Xingying stepped towards Yu Wenxi Lie step by step. Outsiders only said that she wanted to scare Yu Wenxi Lie. After all, the real commander would start a war if he didn't agree with each other. Where would he be so calm.

Feng Xingying used her calmness in exchange for a chance to approach Yu Wenxi.

Otherwise, Yu Wenxilie's thousands of guards will stop, and the chance of Feng Xingying will be greatly weakened.

This threat of death is not felt by others, but Yu Wenxilie will experience it multiple times.

If you change to a person with a lower psychological quality, I am afraid that Feng Xingying's heart-beating step-by-step beat can be scared to death.

Yu Wenxilie was not scared to death, but he wanted to resist.

Resist? Use Nangong Yulian?

Feng Xingying gave him a mocking look, and threw a few silver needles onto Yulian Nangong.

At this point, Nangong Yulian was sober, and her blood-red eyes suddenly became normal.

Her mental condition was very bad, her eyes were filled with despair, and she stared at Yu Wenxi Lie:

"Yu Wenxilie, you beast!

We're going to have a spouse. For your sweet talk, I came to you from a thousand miles in Dali.

How could you use me to do a kind of extinct experiment? Still controlling me as your killing tool?

You are so cold-blooded that you are so kind to your pillow. Why do you hold the world?

If you make me strong, then try the pain of being bitten by me! "

Nangong Yulian rushed to Yu Wenxilie desperately, threw him to the ground, sat on him, ripped off his clothes, and bite a piece of flesh from him with a big mouth.

At this point, Nangong Yulian's pupils were black, but her heart fell into madness.

She wanted Yu Wenxi's life more than Yu Wenximing.

"You bitch, being turned around by others makes me unable to lift my head for a lifetime, and kills my beloved Dandan. What princess Dali is a daughter-in-law in my eyes!" Yu Wenxi wanted to resist.

Why is Nangong Yulian so powerful at this time that even his brother Yu Wenximing is not an opponent, what can he do?

General Fuan Yu finally remembered and was ready to escort.

"Sea of ​​Purgatory Fire!"

Feng Xingying's familiar voice sounded again with Morin's killing.

This time around Feng Xingying, Yu Wenxilie, and Nangong Yulian as the center, the surrounding area was covered with raging fire.

Although Feng Xingying's spirit fire is not as powerful as Qin Molin's, it also has enough lethality and deterrent.

If they rushed up, it was indeed not enough to burn everyone, but in the face of such a flame that would die, the soldiers were human, and they were not willing to give up their lives.

"Feng Xingying, are you going to be our enemy against Tian Yuguo?" Fu Anyu did not dare to approach, but only shouted: "If you kill our Crown Prince, you will not be able to survive, and you will provoke war between the two countries. . "

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