Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 827: Uninvited guest 1: Are you Feng Xingying?

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The mountain rain is about to wind up the building.

Tian Yuguo really made a big move this time. The book of war was sent early, but he was not in a hurry to attack. He just formed a camp outside the Beiyan Pass.

There was an indescribable sense of tension over Beiyanguan.

In the first war, there was bound to be a fierce battle between the two sides.

On the other hand, Yunxi mainland is a place where the spirits are respected. When the two countries formally engage in battle, the opening of the summit is usually the confrontation of the peak spirits.

The eyes of the soldiers from Beiyanguan unconsciously floated towards the loft with a high loft, where there was a touch of purple clothes, which was where their faith was.

Fortunately, in order to maintain the peace of the mainland, the high court of the Second House and the Four Gods Mountain set three rules for the secular country:

"First, Lingzong or more powerful people outside the world must not participate in the war.

Second, the protector of the kingdom can only protect the country and cannot participate in the war, and can only stay in the capital to protect the royal family.

Third, any detached sect and spiritual family will not participate in the war. "

Because this is the battlefield of ordinary people, the sagemaster is the highest existence that can be allowed.

Feng Xingying has reached the ninth level of the Xuanling Master. She should be able to fight the first battle and win the opening momentum for the Dali country.

It is precisely because Tian Yuguo can't find anyone who can destroy Feng Xingying, so at the opening, they are also hesitating and preparing.

Beiyanguan, in recent days, has been a lively, well-equipped spirit, their spirit robes are dazzling to splendid.

The highest loft in Beiyanguan is the place where the new Governor Lei Duo assigned to Feng Xingying to practice and rest.

At this point, Ruta prepared the meal and was greeting:

"Sesame, go and call Miss out for dinner. Rain ring, you have been sitting at the window for three hours. Come and eat."

Feng Yuhuan just landed from the window, wearing a purple veil, which is the same as Feng Xingying!

Feng Xingying also knows why Governor Lei arranged her to live here, but her practice is basically in space, and she also needs to be guided by Li Tianzun.

So Feng Xingying figured out a way to make a gauze skirt of the same color, so that Feng Yuhuan would cover her bangs half-faced, wearing such a dress and sitting at the window.

Anyway, it's so high here, you can only see the purple skirt in the distance and the training ground, you can't see the face.

Only after the rain ring was seated, someone knocked on the door.

After Ruxiang opened the door, a group of seven or eight people looked at Fengyuhuan.

Among them, two men and one woman started to comment on Feng Yuhuan:

"No, Feng Xingying looks like this? It's okay, and the first beauty is too good." The woman was dressed in a green-lined mysterious robe, with a beautiful and pretty face, with a touch of self-perception superiority sense.

The two men next to her quickly answered: "Of course she can't compare to her sister. Especially this temperament, alas, lay people are lay people."

"How do I think she looks weak. She must be inferior to Shimei you."

The woman smiled with satisfaction.

"So, are you going to challenge her?" The cold voice sounded abruptly.

When they came in, they only saw the girl who opened the door with a rice spoon, the turtle beast around the table and the girl in purple.

When is one more person? Turned out to be a purple?

"She is Feng Xingying." The head of these men, who had been silent, began to speak at this time, looking at Feng Xingying calmly.

Feng Xingying shrugged: "I'm sorry, we have dinner here, and say something after dinner."

Having said that, Feng Xingying immediately set up a matrix formation enchantment by the dinner table, and was at ease eating.

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