Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 882: Crushing first type 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

At this time, there were dozens of demons who came through the door routinely, and they were burnt to ashes by Su Yuheng beautifully.

"Pretty." Many people around expressed admiration.

The members of the Star Shadow Corps resisted not to speak, but the excitement in their hearts was difficult to hide.

Such a battle is just happy!

Su Yuheng, the eighth-order spirit king, really lives up to his name. Can maintain the flame array for a long time, most of them are in charge, and Wan Fumo opens the posture.

At this time, there are not many magic soldiers, just a few pathfinders, and there is no fighting back in Su Yuheng's flame array.

Xuan Yuanhao frowned helplessly, and shook his head: "Sister Su is too impulsive. Although this method is good, if you encounter a senior magic soldier, you will be in trouble."

Feng Xingying was also watching Su Yuheng's demonstration battle. After all, such a strange thing as the gate of the demon world, Feng Xingying also met for the first time.

In particular, the magic soldier is completely different from the human race and the beast, because after the magic soldier is burned to death, there is no flesh, but it turns into a black gas!

This feeling made Feng Xingying think of ghosts and ghosts.

Fire's restraint on such monsters is really good. However, if the gates of the Devil Realm are so well guarded, the heroes here will still be talked about?

What we are facing now is nothing more than an appetizer. It's like a spiritual master can only crush the strength of a recruit team composed of ordinary people.

What others have seen is how Su Yuheng's goddess Fan Er, killing the Quartet without relenting. Feng Xingying was keenly aware that her complexion was beginning to darken.

It was less than a moment of fragrant incense, but Xuan Yuanhao let a ten-member squad replace Su Yuheng's position and brought her out in person.

Su Yuheng, who was brought out, gave Feng Xingying a provocative glance, without talking, sitting quietly and adjusting his breath.

"What's wrong with her?" Feng Xingying humbly asked Xuan Yuanhao.

"After the demons are killed, a magical energy will be generated to affect our consciousness, so we must also change the shift every six hours for a group of 100 people.

Su Shimei's spiritual power is too fast to be attacked by magic, but it doesn't matter, wait for her to use her spiritual power to purify.

If you don't support it later, you should come out early. "

"Oh." Feng Xingying nodded. "Don't I have to come out if I can hold on longer?"

"This ... it is okay in principle. But this is not a fighting platform. It takes time to enter and exit between formations. If you encounter any dangers alone, someone may not be able to save you."

"Um." Feng Xingying nodded, regarding this risk of life and death, Tao Xingzhou had been chanting them back and forth many times like Tang Seng.

Su Yuheng was so annoyed by Feng Xingying that he almost did not vomit blood, regardless of the need for recuperation now, and raised his eyes ironically:

"Aren't you in charge? Naturally have more means than me. As long as you can insist on not releasing a monster for half an hour, I Su Yuheng immediately gave in!"

Feng Xingying responded with a smile: "I have so many things, how do you know? They all say that Xiu Ling Academy is well-informed, and it is true."

"You!" Can't you hear that is ironic? !!

Su Yuheng was smashed by the blood of Feng Xingying Qi, but he couldn't hold back a spit of blood.

"Sister Su. Why bother with newcomers?" Xuan Yuanhao persuaded Su Yuheng again, and she was willing to recuperate with peace of mind.

The process of turning spiritual power into shame is not so good. She just had less than a moment of incense just before, but she needed an hour to condition herself.

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