Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 889: Crushing the first formula 11: slavery or broken arm?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Su Yuheng's face was even more ugly. The hand holding the elixir continued to exert force. What she was holding was not the elixir, but Feng Xingying!

Who would have thought that after Su Yuheng exerted too much force, the good elixir was even crushed alive by her.

Feng Xingying's elixir is so good?

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the elixir burst in Su Yuheng's hand. Although Su Yuheng was rescued by Xuan Yuanhao, her hand was injured and blood flowed.

"Are you really a king-level alchemist?" Feng Xingying shook his head helplessly: "Identifying the properties of the elixir is the basic skill of the alchemist, I don't think I need to remind you."

"I know, I know." The round-faced girl came again for fun: "Sister Feng's elixir is made with magic gas and is black. It must not be taken at will, so this must be an aggressive elixir.

According to the breath on the elixir, I was just guessing that this elixir may need spiritual power to trigger, and it probably can serve as the attack power of a mysterious fireball, but I do n’t know how much spiritual power is needed to trigger.

Now that I know, Sister Su is so good that she has refined the elixir that does not need to be triggered by spiritual power. If this elixir goes to the people, it will surely become a battlefield killer! "

Not to mention, the round-faced girl really has a bit of knowledge.

What the **** is shouting sister just meeting?

She is obviously older than Feng Xingying! And strength is above Feng Xingying.

Several other alchemists also nodded, agreeing: "Sister Feng's approach really opened my eyes."

Are you shouting sister?

Even Sesame couldn't bear it, and asked weakly.

The answer we got was: "We are alchemists. We are ranked according to our alchemy strength. Sister Feng is a king-level alchemist and the magic of alchemy is amazing.

All our alchemists here should call you sister. "

All of this naturally includes Su Yuheng.

Su Yuheng's face is even more ugly, and her feelings are hurt in white?

Su Yuheng looked at the people who had worshiped her and refused to worship her. At this moment, she started to worship Feng Xingying. Even when she was injured, no one cares about it. She turned away and wanted to leave.

However, the star-shaped figure of Fengxing Xing has been blocked in front of her.

In front of the Spirit King, Feng Xingying's speed is absolutely the first, because she is a fellow initiate of Lingwu! After advancing to the King Wu, Feng Xingying's speed and strength have made a qualitative leap.

If the spiritual power is blocked at this moment, Feng Xingying can single them out with a strong military strength!

After being blocked by Feng Xingying, Su Yuheng looked angry and responded coldly: "You won, all right? What else do you want?"

"What? Is it a great loss?" Feng Xingying smiled.

Xuanyuan Hao reluctantly rounded the field: "Feng Xingying, you have to deal with others."

"If I don't do it?" Feng Xingying continued to stare at Su Yuheng: "I heard that the gate of the demon world can be used to win or lose.

"My hand has been wounded by you, what else do you want?" Su Yuheng shuddered a bit can't help.

According to the practice of the gate of the demon world, if the battle is based on the extermination of the monster, if there is no agreed loot, the winner can ask the loser to be a slave! If the loser is unwilling, they need to cut off one ear, one arm, or one leg to redeem themselves.

Feng Xingying is now trying to force her to cut her arms and cut her ears?

"Why, can't you afford to lose?" Feng Xingying looked at Su Yuheng with a joke: "Are you going to be a slave to me, or do you have something to hand out?"

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