Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 892: Crushing the second type of qualification 2

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

When Feng Xingying fell to her, it just happened.

Su Yuheng looked at it subconsciously, his face became increasingly ugly.

Feng Xingying's arrogant voice came: "Look, you watch hard! After reading it, tell me the answer. Is your qualification in front of my Feng Xingying?

There is a lot of talk around.

They can understand the frustrated mood of this person as the head of a group.

They also felt that Su Yuheng was a little too far. Although Su Yuheng was telling the big truth, this truth is that these young spiritual kings who have outstanding talents and superior sense of the spiritual college will hide in their hearts and will not easily say, Will not slap in front of others.

Feng Xingying is a young girl who is a spirit king at a young age. Her qualifications must be very good. Perhaps she is above Su Yuheng, but she made Su Yuheng call herself an ant, which is a bit whimsical.

Su Yuheng is an eight star pure fire qualification, and her alchemy talent is also outstanding. Even in the entire Demonstration team, she is considered to be in the middle.

If she claims to be ants, do they all have to be ants?

The festival of Feng Xingying and Su Yuheng, the onlookers are unknown, but they all know that the smell of gunpowder is getting heavier and heavier.

Feng Xingying won the beautiful game in the last round, I am afraid this round will not work.

In the light of Su Yuheng's character, I am afraid she will not spare her.

Who knew that Su Yuheng looked back while watching Secret Records of the Secret. Take a look and step back! Take a look and take a step back.

Take four steps back!

"Don't admit it? Then you read it out and let everyone comment?"

How does Su Yuheng read? Just staring at Feng Xingying, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

She didn't read it, naturally someone would do it.

Sesame grabbed Su Yuheng's soft book with one claw and began to read it sentence by sentence:

"Feng Xingying, the first test qualification half a year ago, is the soul of the Jiuxing Fire Department."

Jiuxing, indeed, good.

half year ago? Spirit?

Is this speed too scary?

But at the back of the Awakening Ice Department, the Xuan Ling division stage broke through the king-level alchemist and other rules, everyone was frightened.

After reading it, I smashed it and added: "My master is now the three-line spirit king. He has made an appointment for the three spirit beasts. In addition to the watermelon with the blood of the beast and the cute and invincible rabbit, There is a very powerful semi-transformed spirit beast about to join the team. Just think about it. "

Three lines? She actually hides a line!

How can you be a demon? Can you give others a chance to live?

I have to admit that according to Su Yuheng's evaluation criteria, in front of Feng Xingying, they are all ants!

But this star shadow is too sharp, right?

"Are the qualifications great? Can we all think of us as ants?" Su Yuheng hit a rake and tied everyone together with a word.

"My host didn't hate you. Why do you hate our Star Shadow Corps?" Su Yuheng is a strong argument this time. Even the little sesame understands the truth, will others not understand it?

It ’s just that they do n’t want to understand it. After all, as Su Yuheng said, in front of Feng Xingying, they are all ants. This feeling is really not a taste.

Fortunately, Tao Xingzhou turned to the sun and suddenly started a chicken soup speech for Feng Xingying:

"The biggest difference between us humans and the demons is that although we are jealous, we understand restraint and unity.

When I first met Fengying, I was jealous of her too. I thought that if she joined the spiritual college, she would take away my master's position within one year.

However, when Feng Xingying faced a critical moment of life and death, I wanted to replace her life with her own life, and at that moment I finally wanted to understand.

We Yunxi need genius, we need such comrades ... "

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