Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 904: Cold King's Guard Mode 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Tao Xingzhou only finished reporting here, and someone sent a note over there:

"Brother Tao, there are three hundred people who claim to have introduced you and are applying for admission."

Tao Xingzhou's eyes were all bright: "Master, Feng Xingying is still there, she won't go far."

"Then you go." Several deans resumed their cold attitude.

"What about Su Yuheng?"

"What our college advocates is freedom, equality, and young people's affairs. They handle it by themselves, and we are not convenient to intervene."

"Oh." Tao Xingzhou looked helpless, and just now I didn't know which impulsive old guys said that he would go to the college with Su Yaozong and Su Yuheng? Will it change now?

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!

But Qin Molin and Feng Xingying are really uneasy.

It's been three days, and when some of the Dean could not help but want to pack up Su Yuheng, they returned together on the Moyu Lion King, Qin Molin's mount.

"Welcome Qin Tianzun to join our spiritual college." The dean greeted him personally, which was to Qin Molin's face.

After that, the Dean personally invited Qin Molin to become the honorary Dean of Xiuling College, and ruled with him.

Who knew that Qin Molin refused with one sip: "I'm not tired of being the president."

"..." Others don't want to be taken seriously! "Qin Tianzun may have misunderstood. You don't need to manage common things, just name it."

"I don't need a name." Qin Molin shook his head.

!! !! !!

Can you still play happily? We beg you to be anonymous?

Obviously, Qin Molin wrote the answer in his eyes-no.

Hey, if you want to blame, you have to blame Su Yao religion for being a good apprentice, then Su Yuheng also ate the bear heart leopard gall and dared to provoke Feng Xingying.

Qin Molin must be unhappy about Feng Xingying.

Dean Tao could only turn his eyes to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying's eyes, nose, and heart look at each other, and while they are talking, they practice.

Obviously, her answer is also written on the expression: Qin Molin's matter, she does not care.

President Tao could only ask Qin Molin: "What do you want?"

Qin Molin's fingers were oriental and his face was smiling.


Besides, Su Yuheng's poison had returned to ask her master Su Yaozong three days ago, and Su Yaozong was powerless.

Su Yaozong took Su Yuheng to see Luo Yaozun of the Dan Medicine Branch. He was the first person to practice alchemy and medicine in the Xiuling Academy, and was one of the vice presidents of the Xiuling Academy.

Not to mention anything else, Chongluo Yaozun's age close to Chitose should also be rich in experience and knowledgeable.

Who knew that the master and apprentice were sincerely seeking to see each other, but did not even see Luo Yaozun's face, and got a perfunctory reply:

"Master Yaozun said that he is not available. He is not available now and will not be available in the future. In short, you and your apprentices will not be available."

This reply is really not perfunctory at all.

Su Yaozong and a few disciples could only help Su Yuheng go back, and scolded Feng Xingying for thousands of times while some people came up with an idea.

Suddenly, new news came.

Su Qing was excited: "Sister and sister, I heard that our Dan Yao Branch has changed to a branch dean. It is a senior with a medicine respect of less than 30 years old! And he looks very handsome. He is now leaving the hospital. Over there, many sisters and sisters went to watch, and there was a scream.

"It's just a wave of fame." Su Yuheng held his face, but with a thin red on his face, his eyes flickered with hope.

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