Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 954: War Sect 1: Whetstone

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Only Girl Luoning and Lu Chen were confident.

"My master will surely win." Lu Chen looked only five or six years old, with green eyes and big round faces, and a little pink face was lovely.

Luo Ning also clenched his fist: "Of course, she will win, otherwise how to be my idol."

"But she is just the spirit king." Tao Xingzhou was a little worried.

"So what, can my idols compare to you ordinary people?"

"Just! My master is amazing."

What's going on with this cheerleader duo?

Oh, now it's a trio, plus Ji Jue who defected from Ye Huohuo's side.

Ji Jue ’s legs are all set. Standing straight, in a robe with a red ribbon, and holding a plump white cat, Ji Jue gives people a true sense of abstinence.

More beautiful than a woman, that's someone like him.

"I am also looking forward to the performance of Xingying. She is different from others, so do not use ordinary standards to evaluate."

"Yes, sister, you look so beautiful. Except for my master, you are the second most beautiful woman in the world." Lu Chen stared at Ji Jue's face and couldn't help but sigh.


Ji Jue's face twitched a little, but looking at such a small child, he could only be regarded as childish.


On the Douling stage, the stars turn.

The flower in front of Feng Xingying's eyes has come to another world.

It's a vast field, and there is no end to it, except for green grass, air and sunlight.

It's simple but refreshing.

"Boss, what array do we use?" Xiao Jiu looked excited.

Feng Xingying shook his head: "This question you ask Du Shushu, I am only responsible for the striker, others, you decide for yourself. Don't treat him as a spiritual sect, just as he is now on the battlefield, he is a million troops."

"Okay." Du Shushu was under great pressure and nodded calmly.

Zhuoli's strength is not bad. He has both fire and soil. He can defend and attack, which is a relatively comprehensive type.

Zhuo Li glanced across, Feng Xingying brought two king-level spirit beasts. He was the opponent he cared about most. As for the ants of Xingying Legion, he defended with his soil system, considering that they could not shake him at all.

So Zhuoli's goal is also very clear-to kill Feng Xingying!

Kill Feng Xingying and prove to Brother Ye that this woman is not as great as he said in her mouth, her qualifications are good, she is always a yellow-haired girl, how can she not know in the future, anyway, she is not qualified to let them fold her waist!

For this reason, Zhuo Li really does not intend to stay.

The spirit king is a qualitative leap. After entering the spirit king, he can borrow the spiritual power of heaven and earth for his own use.

And Lingzong is a further leap, it is not a person fighting, but heaven and earth are with him.

This is also why the Dooling Table at the Royal Academy in Dali requires only a simple setup, and in the Xiu Ling Academy, you need to enter the small world to fight.

Because Lingzong needs to borrow and mobilize the environment of the small world, whoever can control this small world has the absolute upper hand.

And in this battlefield, Zhuoli is the only spirit sect. He who occupies the small world must be him.

This item alone, Feng Xingying has fallen behind.

so what?

She can be at least powerful.

And Feng Xingying now also needs such an opponent to improve himself and temper his spirit. This method is feasible!

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