Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 960: Step on the handwriting conquest

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

In the following days, Feng Xingying and the Xingying Legion began to play high-profile daily battles in the Spirit Academy.

Feng Xingying is not a myth that will win every battle. After all, she is still personal, and her opponent is Lingzong.

Ke Feng Xing Ying has been named privately: the most difficult to entangle opponents! If you can lose to her, try to lose to her!


Because Feng Xingying is really difficult to entangle.

On the third day, Feng Xingying confronted a wooden spirit sect, calling Mulun.

Although the wood attack power is not as strong as the fire system, it will be slightly restrained by Feng Xingying's spirit fire.

However, the small world of the Mulun family is a grass and wood world, which is highly consistent with the environment of Doulingtai and is difficult to break.

At that time, Feng Xingying and the Xingying Legion tried several methods, and did not exhaust the small world of Mulun with all their efforts, and ended up failing.

The fifteen exchange students of Xingchen College finally felt exasperated, and Ye Huohuo couldn't help but exaggerate Mulun.

However, Feng Xingying didn't feel embarrassed. When he ended, Feng Xingying pointed at Mu Lun and said:

"Tomorrow continues, I will challenge you."

When fighting again, Feng Xingying still worked hard, but she broke the small world of Mu Lun and won.

Feng Xingying is not finished, she said, "If you are not afraid, I want to challenge you tomorrow."

Is this ok?

The clay figurines have to be three-pointed!

After being bullied by a spirit king, Mu Lun finally understood Zhuo Li's mood.

After the third battle between Feng Xingying and Mu Lun, Feng Xingying submitted a satisfactory answer to everyone. What is progress like flying? Said that such evil as Feng Xingying!

Her spiritual power has not risen, and she is always the third-order spirit king.

But she proved her growth with the results.

Feng Xingying did not make an appointment with Mulun for the fourth game, and Mulun did not dare to ask. Because he had foreseen that if there was a fourth game, he would be worse than Zhuo Li.

Feng Xingying is terrible.

On which lesson is most popular this week?

Answer: Feng Xingying's noon combat class!

Feng Xingying never analyzed a sentence and never talked much. Is in her unique way--

Down! Get up and continue!

Fight and improve!

Until victory.

Feng Xingying is tempering his own magic skills, and the people of the Xingying Legion are also growing up. The fastest growing ones are Xiao Jiu and Lei Jue.

Their qualifications are very good. In this spiritually rich Hankong Island Spirituality Academy, their spiritual power has also grown rapidly. This time, Feng Xingying's process of tempering spiritual skills has also been tempered along with them.

Lei Jue is okay. He is from the Lingli family. Although his family is not as big as Ling Chuxue, he is considered a spiritual family. Ants have a little inheritance in their young family. His cultivation methods and resources are not a problem.

And Xiao Jiu ’s problems have been exposed. Her veins are problematic. The highest realm that she can cultivate is the peak of the mystic master.

"Your meridian can't be operated like Lu Chen, otherwise all your spiritual power will be lost." Feng Xingying said: "But I never give up, how about you?"

"If others say so, I must not believe it. But the boss, I believe you." Xiao Jiu answered.

After the month of torture, Feng Xingying finally abused the exchange students of Xingchen Academy except Ji Jue and Ye Huohuo.

Ji Jue and Ye Huohuo have no choice, because those two are not Lingzong, but the innate state!

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