Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 964: Lecture 4: Why are you?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

In particular, Feng Xingying talked about life-saving hemostatic herbs and soul-hunting fruit. In fact, it is not necessary to use elixir, apply the herb directly to the wound, and use the spiritual force to stimulate the medicine. It also basically works. Can be emergency.

These are things that other alchemists are unwilling to say, because they have all done this. How can elixir be sold?

After all the people practice alchemy and all the people argue, their status as pharmacists will decline! The most important thing is that income will also decline.

Therefore, there is an unwritten unwritten rule in the alchemy industry that the identification of herbs, the refining of elixir, and the use of medicines are not passed on to ordinary people. Only pass to those who have entered the alchemy gate.

Feng Xingying did this, and it made all the people in the branch of Danyin feel embarrassed. Especially when others looked at them with disdain and disdain, they made them intentional.

The most terrible thing about Feng Xingying is that he not only distributes lectures but also albums!

With Feng Xingying's atlas, anyone with a little brain and eyesight can argue. In addition, Feng Yaoying's old student Sun Yaosheng even wrote down some simple use methods and taboos of several herbs mentioned by Feng Xingying.

In this way, as long as this album is available, everyone can go to collect medicine. Since you can use the herbs yourself, the price of elixir is bound to fall.

Oh, and what did the madman Feng Xingying just say? She wants to automate alchemy? She wants everyone to take panacea!

This ideal is too ambitious. Most people in the whole spiritual college are crazy for her and can't wait to pick up the medicine right away.

But she suddenly became the enemy of all alchemists! Except for the traitors who helped Feng Xingying, Luo Ning and Sun Yaosheng.

But alchemists are also desperate. Feng Xingying is backed by Qin Molin. Who dares to touch her?

Maybe it is. If Su Yaozong was not imprisoned, Feng Xingying would definitely not be allowed to do so.


This lesson was supposed to end in half an hour, but Feng Xingying was actually released two hours later.

She had no problem arranging the course. The problem was that there were too many people who wanted to ask questions.

In the end, Qin Molin was soaring and forcibly took people away to avoid the disaster of Feng Xingying.

"Is this good for you?" Qin Molin looked at Feng Xingying puzzledly.

"Is more people offering me alchemy, is it good?" Feng Xingying tinkered with her alchemy furnace and responded with a smile.

"Oh." Qin Molin's **** thin lips evoked a slight mockery.

Feng Xingying just raised his head and saw what he looked like at this time. He whispered in his heart: Demon evil is demon evil, put peach blossoms anytime, anywhere! Humph! After all, I will collect it, Buddha said, I will not enter Hell.

Thinking of this, Feng Xingying even had a smile on his face.

Seeing her smile, Qin Molin looked suffocated, but didn't delve into it, but approached the question just now:

"In my impression, you should not be the kind of person who denies yourself."

"That's because you don't know me!" Feng Xingying snorted, and stopped looking at him. Was he silently voicing that he had just been in his head, and thought the man was so good-looking.

Qin Molin didn't know when she was in front of her, staring quietly at her face.

Feng Xingying exclaimed with enlarged pupils and thick eyelashes, "What do you do?"

"You're not saying, I don't know you. Are you blaming me for neglecting you?" Qin Molin raised a smile on his lips:

"Then I should spend more time communicating with you."

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