Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 986: Doo Dan 3: Burned to Ash?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

This is not just a pre-game mini-game, but it is related to their honor.

Fortunately, there is Yu Huangding, Su Yuheng basically has the bottom.

Dou Dan Dou Dan, the fight is always elixir.

The spiritual attacks from both sides generally do not directly attack people, otherwise everyone will be ridiculed.

They can only move two things-their own furnace and the opponent's furnace.

I saw Su Lingsu's fingers lightly, and the flames spread into a red carpet, sweeping the star furnace of Feng Xingying.

And Feng Xingying even boldly put the Dan furnace there, so you can burn and play.

Feng Xingying's own fire magic power turned into a beautiful feather, and landed precisely on the so-called indestructible feather emperor.

Seemingly the same action, but with completely different results.

Feng Xingying's Dan furnace was left to be burned by Su Yuheng. Now it is as if Su Yuheng is helping Feng Xingying to make alchemy.

And Su Yuheng's Yu Huangding is really magical, and it has the function of separating flames.

Yuhuang Ding is a spiritual treasure. Actually, if he already recognizes his master, he will only recognize the flame of Su Yuheng, and the flames of others will be absorbed by that piece of phoenix feather.

Feng Yu's strength lies in the fact that after absorbing the flame, it will fight back again.

So Su Yuheng is almost invincible.

But the red furnace and the red crest on Feng Xingying's side are also phoenix motifs, but Su Yuheng is a phoenix feather, and Feng Xingying's lifelike phoenix.

Su Yuheng's flame, just like the nourishment of this phoenix, turned it bright and red, dancing around the Dan furnace.

If it weren't for seeing Feng Xingying throwing the herb into the Dan furnace, Su Yuheng would have thought Feng Xingying had not started to make alchemy at all.

After all, alchemy with other people's flames, such a normal alchemist, can not even Su Lingsu! Not to mention the scammer who didn't know where it was.

But why hasn't her stove exploded yet?

Su Yuheng had a bad feeling in his heart.

She wasn't even busy making alchemy herself, turning all her spiritual power into flames, and attacking the furnace of Feng Xingying.

But the Dan furnace is really not afraid of fire, and it is not afraid of burning.

Dan stove is not afraid of burning. This is a matter of course. But what about the Chinese herbal medicine?

Is it gray?

Su Yuheng suddenly felt that he was wrong.

"Master Youying, has your herb been burned to ashes? I advise you not to stand up and wait for my elixir to be refined. You are still ugly."

"Shut up if you don't understand." Feng Xingying's answer was simple and clear.

Su Yuheng was suffocated in her chest. This simple and rude answer reminded her of Feng Xingying inexplicably, and a layer of shadow was added to her heart.

But now she has not retreated. Can only serve two purposes, split half of the spiritual power for Feng Xingying to burn the stove, and half of the spiritual power for himself.

On the contrary, Feng Xingying watched Yu You side by side, occasionally adding a fire to her own furnace.

It's not too messy!

In fact, the onlookers also had an idea with Su Yuheng. I am afraid that there is only ashes left in the furnace of Master Youying. See how she rounds the field?

Yu Huang Ding is really amazing.

Although, Su Yuheng was not upset. With such a high intensity output, she quickly lost her energy and started to take elixir.

While taking alchemy while refining alchemy, she is also the most bitter alchemist.

Fortunately, Feng Xingying did not keep her waiting. It only took more than an hour for Feng Xingying to drop a frozen seal suddenly.

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