Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 988: Doo Dan 5: There is no harm without comparison

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Do you have a problem with your brain or your eyes and smell?" Feng Xingying glanced at Su Yuheng with a contemptuous glance, then pulled out a bun on his head, and flew a dart to Su Yuheng.

Su Yuheng panicked, but did not expect that it had ended Dou Dan, this woman had to attack her.

When Su Yuheng was subconsciously dodging, Feng Xingying's bun fell on the emperor's tripod, and suddenly the tripod was opened.

A black smoke burst from the tripod.

Started a flying spin and returned to Feng Xingying's hands. The figure of Feng Xingying also disappeared from the crowd.

She didn't want to say anything, and didn't have to say anything.

There are so many alchemists who come to participate in the Danhui, and naturally there are not many people who watch the door.

What's more, there are defenders such as the upright Sun Yaosheng and Bailiyu. They only have the holiness of elixir in their hearts, and there is no closeness.

Even if Feng Xingying cheated, they would point out mercilessly.

At this time, Sun Yaosheng did not give Su Lingsu face at all, pointing to Su Yuheng's lesson:

"Your character is corrupted. If there is another time, the husband will disqualify you from participating in the Danish Association."

"This was broken by her just now." Su Yuheng was not reconciled, and actually acted as a defense.

Su Lingsu interrupted her in time: "Shut up! Isn't it embarrassing enough? Follow me!"

Su Yuheng didn't know how she left the crowd. She only knew that she had never suffered so much humiliation and criticism in her life.

Whispering around, like the most harsh spells.

What is said, this person has the most obvious level of distinction.

Although it is the first to explode the stove, but the elixir is burned to ash, but it is not a kind of explosion.

However, if you refuse to admit defeat after it becomes ashes, continue to make troubles and let others explode first, then you will do something.

Fortunately, this master Yuying is strong and has no explosion midway. If not, wouldn't it have been picked up by Su Yuheng?

After all, whoever breaks the stove first loses. Many people will no longer check their opponents' furnaces.

This is the minimum respect and trust among alchemists.

The spirits are very face-saving. The alchemy is noble, and they are even more face-saving.

Rather than lose that face.

People are more obvious than people.

Yesterday was also here. Ye Huotong, a master of alchemy at Xingchen College, lost to Su Yuheng this way.

The day before yesterday, the Baili Festival in Shendan Valley was also lost to Su Yuheng.

Things that were very common today are a little different when compared today. Regardless of their strength, whether it is the effectiveness of Yu Huangding, at least they maintain the basic character of the alchemist.

If you lose, you lose, and admit it in time to ensure the fairness of Dou Dan.

"Maybe the first two days, Su Yuheng deliberately refused to open the furnace. Laughing."

"The dog corpse is invincible. I think she is a thick-skinned invincible hand."

"Well, sure enough people don't want to be invincible."

"I admire Master Youying and beat the water dog."

"Master Youying, don't leave, take down my knees, I want to worship you as a teacher!"


And Feng Xingying did not leave at this time!

The sudden departure that seemed mysterious and unpredictable, was only when people didn't pay attention to enter the space of Wuhuang sword.

This mysterious way to leave is quite consistent with the identity effect she wants to create now.

Feng Tianzun praised Feng Xingying with rare satisfaction: "I have the ambition to be my apprentice."

"Master, this phoenix feather?" Feng Xingying paid more attention to the phoenix feather that depended on her.

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