Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1051: All fetters, so far

I simply lay down slowly and looked at her, "So what?"


Looking at me like this, Han Zitong looked as if she had been insulted, her face was flushed, and I could feel her two hands clenched into fists, her knuckles were ringing softly, but she still Holding on to his temper, he slowly said, "You know, my sister, she is sincere to Yuan Xiu. For so many years, even if you marry him, she has never given up."


"Now she's so hurt."


"It's really possible, that's her last wish."


"Anyway, you have already married Yuan Xiu. Besides, your wedding was so grand at the time, and you know on both sides of the Yangtze River that you have earned enough face."


I have been silent for a while, just watching me lightly.

Maybe it's my attitude, or maybe these words have embarrassed herself. After all, she is still a young lady who hasn't been out of the court. The more she talks about her eyes, the more she turns red, and I just say nothing, just wait for her Talk on.

At the end, she gritted her teeth, as if she had broken some jars and said, "Again, you are already in this situation, isn't it really important to you, madam?"

I thought about it and said, "This title really doesn't matter to me."

She was so happy that she was about to say something, and then I said lightly, "But it seems to be more important to you."


"My sister is Miss Han's, of course she--" With that said, she stopped and looked at the sneer that floated on my face, and immediately understood, her face sinking: "Are you threatening me?"

"Not a threat."

"... is that difficult?"

"Well, you can say the same."

Han Zitong's face immediately became ugly.

Instead, I leaned on the couch with a smile, looking at her with a wandering glance. She was more irritated by my attitude. I almost heard her squeak with silver teeth, as if I could not wait for it Biting me like a piece of meat, but after all, can only endure, just staring at me with spitting fire.

After a while, she said, "What do you want?"

I smiled slightly, and then said, "I just want to tell you, Han Zitong, don't take any daughter of Jiang Xia, Miss Han Jia came to me to publicize. You have to find out, my surname is Yan."

Her face froze suddenly.

"Your Han family has indeed been operating in Jinling for decades and is very influential. Do you know how many years the Yan family has survived in Xichuan without standing?"


"The family tree of the Han family can only trace the first seven or eight generations up, but how many generations of the family tree do you know?"


"The reason why I haven't thought of you for so long is not because I really fear your two sisters, nor your Miss Han family. The title of Wang Jiangxia daughter can really overwhelm me. I don't care. It is my mother who once told me that the real famous lady should be generous and gentle, not mean, not poison. "


"But obviously, your family doesn't seem to teach you this."


Her face became more and more ugly, as if she was slapped with two slaps, her cheeks on both sides became hot red.

At this time, I stood on the edge of the couch and slowly stood up and walked in front of her, saying, "Actually, I know everything you are thinking about. Your sister wants the position of this lady, not two days a day. Goodness. You're right, my current situation is not related to the fact that the wife has nothing, but one thing-- "


"In the end, Yan Qingying is the young lady of Xichuan. It is impossible for me to marry when I marry to Jinling."

As soon as I heard this sentence, Han Zitong was anxious at once, and hurriedly said something, but before she spoke, I slowly said, "If I leave, then whoever is the wife will have nothing to do with me. Now. "

She stared at me with her eyes wide open, a look of astonishment on her face.

"You, you mean--"

"Don't understand yet?"


"As long as I'm still here, I can't give up this lady's position, and I won't do anything. But if I go, then no matter what you do, I won't ask, let alone who will do it. This lady. "


"do you understand?"

I heard her sip an air-conditioned voice, and slightly twitched the corners of her lips, looking at her stunned expression, and seemed to say something, and at this time, faintly heard footsteps from outside, by Far and near, it seems to be approaching the door.

I said coldly, "Go back."

She stood still for a while, then slowly turned her head and walked to the doorway. I didn't turn back, but only heard her open the door with a snoring sound, and she felt astonished again, her breath was choked.

Then, I heard Pei Yuanxiu's deep voice sounding at the door: "Zi Tong, why are you here?"

"... I, let me see."


"It's okay, I'll go first."

Then, the sound of her footsteps sounded, and slowly went away.

I half-closed my eyes, quietly listening to the sound of her footsteps disappearing in the wind outside, and the trembling sound of bamboo leaves. After a while, Pei Yuanxiu came to the couch and looked down at me.

I dropped my eyelids and watched his shadow cast on me, as if he was being pressed by him invisibly. After a long silence, neither of them spoke, and he said, "What is Zitong here for?"

"Didn't she say that? Come and see."

"What else did you say?"

I looked up at him, and smiled slightly: "I heard that you are going to accept."



I said this very plainly, even with a faint smile on my face, but it seemed like he had a knife in his chest, and I even saw his brows frown, and his face showed a hint Painful expression.

He remained silent for a while, and slowly bent down and sat down, sitting beside me.

I stepped back subconsciously.

I do n’t know how he feels about him. I know he wo n’t hit me or even scold me. He wo n’t bounce my fingernails at any time, but the fear does n’t come from these scolds Yes, it seems that when he was still in the palace, I was the little palace girl who could not afford the night. He was the crown prince.

He calmly, with a word of understatement, determined the lives and deaths of so many people.

From that time, that fear seemed to be rooted in my heart, although after so many years and so many things, as if it had been buried by the dust of time, after all, when it emerged again, All perceptions are still alive.

It seemed to feel my rejection too. He looked at me for a while, with one hand resting on the couch beside me, and slowly leaned down to look at me.

"Green baby."


"I'm the same as before, unchanged."


"Even if I marry her, it won't change anything between us."


"You still—" He didn't finish his words. I slowly turned my head and looked out the window. His voice froze, and then I felt a hand stretched out and pinched my chin. My face glared at him, looking at him in darkness, and even with a gloomy look: "You have always been my favorite woman. It has not changed and will not change."

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes slowly.

Although my eyes were closed, the other senses seemed to be a bit more agile. I could even hear that his breathing became heavier and hotter, as if something was suppressed in his chest, even his eyes looked at me. Every time, it seemed to give my skin a burning sensation.

Then I heard him say, "That day, the day you will leave, because you know that officials from Yangzhou are here, and you want them to take you across the river, right?"


"You want to find Pei Yuanzhang?"


"Then you know who was here that day?"

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, and said a little dryly, "Wu Yanqiu?"

His eyes flickered: "So, do you know why he came?"


"The wonderful words have been sent to Pei Yuanzhang by Su Su and Gu Ping."

Until I heard this sentence, my heart trembled slightly.


They have really succeeded, and the wonderful words have been sent to Pei Yuanzhang!

At this moment, I just feel that my heartbeat has intensified, and my eyes have become involuntary.

No matter what my current situation is or whether I will continue to be separated from her, but she has at least returned to Pei Yuanzhang. Pei Yuanzhang said that there are two people around him who are proficient in Yi Jing. Dementia can really be cured.

My daughter does not have to spend her life like a soulless puppet!

However, just when I was a little thankful, Pei Yuanxiu went on to say: "I told him that after sending the wonderful words to the emperor, you have nothing to worry about."


"He has also returned to Beijing today."


Pei Yuanzhang has returned to Beijing.

My heart was empty for a while, and Pei Yuanzhang left Yangzhou, which meant that it was impossible for me to leave Jinling with his strength; but once he returned to Beijing, it also meant that Miaoyan's illness might be very serious. Get treatment soon.

The sad and happy mood held me back for a while, leaving me a little helpless, and at this moment, Pei Yuanxiu squeezed my two chin fingers slightly, raised my face, and I looked up at him , Watching the extremely firm eyes in those dark eyes, and his voice, sounded quietly and heavily in my ears-

"Everything in your **** ends here."

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