Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1074: Station Adventure

I was awakened by the sound of the horse's hoof and the sound of the wheels hitting the stone road. When I yawned, when I opened my eyes, I saw Cai Wei lying on the window and looking out.

There was bright light on her face, even in her eyes.

The sun shone into her eyes and on her face. The bruises were clearly legible, but she couldn't hide the faint smile on her face. When she heard my yawning, she quickly turned her head and looked at me and said, "Madam, you are awake!"

I leaned on the mattress for a while, and I nodded slightly.

The sun came in through the window and quickly filled the small compartment, but I didn't want to get up immediately, lay quietly for a while, and then closed my eyes.

I remembered my dream last night.

I dreamed that the man was standing by the river and sent me away. The figure traveled thousands of miles. For some reason, it was such a long dream. He was clearly sleeping in this bumpy carriage. There was no sense of stability at all. But my dream is so peaceful, it has always been that figure, standing quietly, I can even feel his eyes, as bright as the stars, as gentle as the flowing water, always watching me in the dream.

More and more, don't think of it anymore.

However, I couldn't help but, when I heard Cai Wei called me, the old driver outside the bell said aloud, "Madam, we are going to the post station."


"The horse has been running all night, and it's almost impossible to hold it up, ma'am, should we go to the station and rest."

My original plan was to depart from Jixiang Village this morning and go to rest at the first station almost at night, but because the departure time was temporarily advanced, it is now a bit disrupted, but the horse still wants to rest, I nodded, Cai Wei quickly rushed over and said, "All right, let's take a rest."


Old Zhong promised, and quickly whipped two whip.

After a while, we went into a small town with a carriage and said it was a small town. In fact, it was just a few shops built around a post station. These people are very good at doing business. Yangzhou is a gathering place for various businessmen who travel around There are indeed a lot of business in repairing these shops at this post station some distance away from Yangzhou. The carriage passed all the way and I heard that many people around were yelling and selling, which is also a very lively place.

Lao Zhong hurried to the car all the way, but also saw a lot of hotels standing on both sides, while shaking the reins gently, he turned back and said, "Madam, which one do we pick?"

I asked Cai Wei to lift a corner of the curtain and looked back and forth. I saw a small building on the second floor in front of me. The front door was clean and generous. The second child of a shop looked on the threshold and looked up. It looked like I was waiting for the guests to come and go. I nodded, and Cai Wei said, "Old bell, this is the house."


As soon as the voice fell, Ma heard hissing, and the car stopped. The old clock immediately jumped out of the car and came over to help me and Cai Wei get out of the car. As soon as I stood still, I looked up at the hotel, but before I came to speak, I saw that the shop's Xiaoer welcomed him diligently.

Old Zhong said: "Small second, we live in the shop!"

Having said that, but the shop Xiao Er unexpectedly did not immediately greet him enthusiastically, but instead looked at us up and down, and suddenly his eyes brightened, as if thinking of something: "Some, some are from Yangzhou A guest? "

We glanced at each other and the old clock nodded: "Well."

"This lady, but the young lady?"


I was shocked immediately.

If I am in Yangzhou and Jinling, I can still be regarded as famous, but here is a wild country, a post station, how can this shop Xiao Er know who I am?

I looked at him in confusion, but didn't speak, but Cai Wei beside me took a moment and said, "How do you know our wife?"

When the store's Xiao Er heard this, he knew that he was asking the right person, and hurriedly laughed and said, "Some people are strange, some people are strange. The little offended the wife's name."

Cai Wei said, "What are you doing?"

Dian Xiaoer nodded his head and said, "Yes, the shop has prepared a good room, as well as wine and food, waiting for his wife, and a few droves. I just watched some old people are not coming, but when some of them have left After that, the small eyes are almost looking through, haha, hahahaha. "

He thought he was telling a joke, and he laughed, but my brows frowned.

Did they prepare the room and wine for me?

I don't think I have a good reputation. I will be greeted at such a small shop. I asked, "Who asked you to prepare?"

Dian Xiaoer smiled: "It is a nobleman who came to tell us to prepare everything for his wife. Don't let the wife worry about her labor or else it is our sin."

A noble?

My brows frowned even tighter: "Who?"

"Here, I don't know the young one. All these things are also explained by the boss."


"Some, please first, otherwise the food will be cold."


Cai Wei and Lao Zhong probably haven't encountered such a thing. They turned around and looked at me. When I decided, I thought about it for a while and then went inside.

Walked to the lobby of the hotel. Of course, it was n’t luxurious, but it was clean and tidy. There were five or six tables in the lobby on the first floor. There were two tables where guests were sitting and eating. The boss originally stood behind the counter. Dialing the beads, when he looked up, he saw that Xiao Er came in and greeted us. The Xiao Er flew over and whispered, and the boss immediately greeted him and laughed, "Mrs. Madam, you can count. Please sit down, please sit!"

As he said, he led us to a seat near a window in the high central hall. When we sat down and looked back, the shop Xiao Er had served a few dishes, and it was all steaming, It is full of colors and fragrances. Around such a station that only provides accommodation for horses and forages, such dishes are already rare.

Even more rare is a pot of osmanthus wine.

The boss stood next to me, and said with a grin: "Wildness shop, coarse tea and rice, Madam no wonder!"

I glanced at him and sat down without saying anything. Cai Wei didn't dare to sit with me. I just said that she didn't have to be too polite when she was out. She pleaded guilty and sat obliquely on the corner of the stool.

Lao Zhong ran out to take care of his horse at this time, but the shop's second follower also went out and seemed to take care of everything. When he walked in, he didn't dare to sit with me, just asked the boss for two hoes, and I also Called him over, and after he pleaded guilty, he sat carefully in the chair on the other side.

With a look of doubt, Cai Wei lay on the table and asked me carefully: "Ma'am, what's going on?"

I shook my head.

"These things--"

"Eat first."

After I finished speaking, I picked up the chopsticks myself, clamped the first chopsticks, and then they both started eating.

After a while, the wine and dishes were used. I just got together, and the boss greeted him again and said with a smile: "Some people, the room is upstairs, some people please follow me."

We followed him to the second floor, and sure enough prepared two rooms for us. The old clock was an ordinary guest room. However, if a hired driver like Lao Zhong wants to come, where would the past guests rent him a house? Just go to the next room and make up. I didn't expect this time to have such good luck. I thank you for walking in, I didn't know where to put my hands and feet. My room is the best upper room of this hotel. Cai Wei lives with me. It is a bed close to the bed in the upper room.

She was also puzzled and had a lot of questions, but she didn't ask much, so she had to walk in with her luggage and start packing herself.

The boss stood at the door and smiled at me, "Ma'am, but still satisfied."

I looked around and smiled. "Tough work."

"Dare not dare."

"This money—"

"Mrs. is a man of high moral standing and expensiveness. Where else can I worry about such little things as money?"

I looked at him with a smile: "Boss, don't you just open a shop just for such little things?"

He was blocked by me and immediately hehe laughed.

I also laughed: "Say, what's going on?"

"Mrs. is a good-sighted person, and I don't conceal my wife," he laughed with companionship. "A guest came here a few days ago to explain to us. A young baby lady is coming from Yangzhou government. There will be some followers around us. You have to have good wine and good food, and the rooms must be prepared the best. That's why we prepared these for the wife in advance. "

"What about the food and the money?"

"That guest paid for it first."


"Ma'am, it's the majesty of the lady, that's why someone treats the lady like this. I also hope that the shop's coarse tea and rice are not wronged."

I ignored his flattery, pondered for a while, and then asked, "The kind of person who comes to explain all this."

The boss thought for a while and said, "It's not a kind of person, just an ordinary guest."

"Thirties, short dress?"



After hearing what the boss said, I understand.

That should be the person who entrusted Lao Zhong to Qishan Village to bring me the arrowhead, and also ordered Lao Zhong to take good care of me along the way. I thought it was over, but I did not expect that he was still on the way. Arranged for me too!

Good food and drinks, good rooms.

It seems that my previous guess was correct. This person, or this force, is not malicious to me. At least for now, they want me to be safe and even return to Beijing comfortably.

But in this case, the mystery that confuses me in the capital thousands of miles away, becomes more and more serious.

Who are they?

Why do they want me to return to Beijing?

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