Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1076: The main messenger appeared behind the scenes!

This shop's second child is unknowing!

Unlike the shop Xiao Er, who always stood at the door waiting for us on the way, he didn't seem to know who I was. Apparently no one had greeted him before, or his boss, so even in Cai Wei After saying "we came from Yangzhou", he remained indifferent and only treated us as ordinary passengers.

what happened?

Didn't the one who made arrangements along the way didn't come here?

I frowned subconsciously, and Cai Wei and Lao Zhong looked at me next to me. Obviously they were used to the arrangements along the way. Suddenly no one arranged, and they were both at a loss.

Cai Wei looked at me and whispered, "Mrs., then we—"

I thought about it and looked at the second little shop who was still a little bit stunned. We smiled and said, "Little brother, hard work, give us a table of wine, hurry up, and prepare two more rooms. . "


The shop Xiao Er promised and welcomed us, Cai Wei and Lao Zhong followed me in, sat down at a table, and after a while, hot wine and hot dishes were served, and the shop Xiao Er served. I was going to say hello to the other side, I stopped him: "Little brother, let me ask, is there another hotel near here?"

The shop's Xiao Er smiled and said, "Ma'am, this is ours, there is no other shop."

"Then your business is good."

"Where is the hukou?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, come from the south, apart from the official road, is there any other way station?"

The shop Xiao Er blinked and said, "Ma'am, are you trying to take a shortcut?"

I smiled: "But ask for nothing."

"The lady can ask the right person, but ah, the lady can't copy the approach."


"Walking here from Henan Road, there is indeed a close road, many people go, but after our post, the government has checked it strictly and there is no trail to go on."


"Also, the trail is not easy to walk."

"How to say?"

"Two days ago, I heard people from the south said that the side of the trail had collapsed, and many people were stuck there and couldn't get through."


I was silent, nodded, and the shop junior saw me without asking any more. He just said two words casually, then turned around and went to the other table to be busy.

Lao Zhong and Cai Wei both looked at me, especially Cai Wei, and widened their doubtful eyes: "Mrs., what is going on? Who are you, no matter what we are?"

I couldn't help but smile: "People just entertain us on the road, they don't have to control us."


"Eat first, and go back to bed early after eating."


Cai Wei and Lao Zhong were full of doubts. The three of them ate the meal quietly, and the shop junior welcomed us to the second floor. Lao Zhong came to the door of his room with gratitude and asked me: " Madam, shall we leave tomorrow morning? "

I thought about it and laughed: "No rush, rest tomorrow, don't rush to hurry."



Cai Wei and Lao Zhong both looked at me in astonishment.

On this way, half of them were eager to rush to Beijing to find their daughter, and half were because they wanted to know, who was in front of us to arrange for us, so we all rushed this way, starry night, but did not Thinking of being here suddenly, I actually said that I was not in a hurry to rush off, and I would take a day off tomorrow. How could I not be surprised and stunned.

Cai Wei said, "Let's rest tomorrow, one day?"


I said to Lao Zhong with a smile: "I've been hurrying these days, and you are tired. Take a good rest tomorrow."

After speaking, I went to my room.

Although the hotel's facade is not large, the room is still very clean and tidy. Although the sparrow is small and all organs are readily available, Cai Wei also asked the store to send us hot water. The two were comfortable. After cleaning, I went to bed and lay down, but Cai Wei was still up and down in the room for a while, then went to her bed and fell asleep.

The next day we didn't get up early.

I got up very late to sleep, got dressed and pushed open the window to look out. Today is a cloudy day, with heavy clouds accumulating on top of my head, as if to be overwhelmed. But today I was extraordinarily leisurely. After getting up late and washing, Cai Wei told the shop Xiao Er to deliver the meals. I sat at the table and ate slowly while watching the scenery outside.

In late autumn, the weather is approaching winter, and the wind is getting colder and colder. The wind outside is blowing dust and a large locust tree in the backyard is shaking constantly, rustling.

After a while, he saw Lao Zhong go to the backyard barn to feed his horse.

Today he was off for a day. Of course he was the easiest one. I looked at him and asked the store to find a badger, and fed it to the horse little by little with fine forage. While combing the horse's mane, he whispered something to the horse.

After a while, it started to rain lightly.

There is not much rain in the north. On this kind of weather, the road is full of mud. Seeing that those travelers who go out are very difficult to walk on the mud, we are much more comfortable. After eating, I leaned on the window. On the side, watching the leaves of the locust tree cleared by the light rain, a lush green reflected in front of my eyes.

Nothing in a day, time passes quickly.

When the sound of the rain gradually became smaller, and finally it was inaudible, the sky darkened.

Today's guests are going to be much fewer. There are few people in the lobby. The shop junior has become a little lazy. After sending me hot tea, he leaned on the pillar at the door and yawned.

And I stood at the door, holding the fence with both hands, and looked down quietly.

Today, all day, Cai Wei followed me with confusion. At this time, seeing me like this was even more inexplicable. Finally, I couldn't help it, and whispered in my ear, "Ma'am, we are already here today. Have stayed here for a day, will you stay here tomorrow? "

I didn't look at her, I simply answered, "It depends."

"It depends?"


"Ma'am, what is the situation?"


"Ma'am, what are you looking at?"

I turned to look at her and smiled slightly: "Look at the people who take care of us, will they show up."

"What ?!" She was startled, her eyes widened: "Who will take care of us along the way?"

"Maybe," I said, turning my head to look at the lobby again, the lazy shop junior, the boss lying on the counter playing with an abacus, slowly said, "I hope they will appear."

Cai Wei still seemed a little overwhelmed, stood beside me for a while, and finally said, "Madam, you stayed here all day just to wait for those people to appear, didn't you?"

I smiled slightly and didn't speak.

Cai Wei also said, "But those people are clearly walking in front of us. They have been here before we arrived at these stations to arrange all this. How could it be behind us. We are waiting for them here, How do you wait? "

I smiled: "You think that's right, but do you remember what the shop junior said yesterday?"

She frowned, lowering her head for a moment, suddenly thinking of something, and staring at me with wide eyes: "Yes, there is a way, it seems to have collapsed!"

"Yes," I nodded and said calmly, "They have been in front of us, but the distance between us is not too far, because they saw me in Qishan Village, knowing that I want to go north, it's really It ’s only half a day before the start of the journey. The half-day journey may be better if the horse is better or the journey is smoother. "

Cai Wei nodded forcefully: "On this way, my wife also kept Lao Zhong on his way, just to catch up with them."

"But we haven't caught up, so I suspect that they are very familiar with this path, and even know how to make some short cuts, so that they will never be caught up by us."

Cai Wei nodded, then said, "Yesterday, the shop junior said that a small road in the south had collapsed and many people were blocked on the road."


"So-" she suddenly realized: "So this time we went to this station, this shop little Er didn't even know who we were, because those people were still blocked on the road, there was no time to arrange here!"



Cai Wei suddenly realized what was happening, her face flushed, and she looked at me with a little nervousness and excitement, and looked at the open door in the lobby below. It looked dark outside and looked like A black hole, only the faint lights at the door were cast on the stairs and diffused into the distance.

Gradually, we heard a sound of horseshoes from the dark night.

For a moment, my breathing became a little quicker.

And Cai Wei was so nervous that she even forgot to breathe. She grasped the fence tightly, and her eyes looked scorchingly below. The nervous and excited mood made her tremble slightly.

I was calmer than her, but at this time, the hand holding the fence was slightly tightened, and took a step back subconsciously, backing behind a pillar.

The carriage stopped at the door of this hotel.

Xiao Er, who was dozing at the door, woke up early this time, took a towel off his neck, shook his hand, and greeted him with enthusiasm: "Guest, please, please!"

I heard the sound of a person slowly walking down from the carriage. As the person walked to the door step by step, his shadow slowly appeared in the hall.

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