Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1221: "Well, here comes the new man"

The kiss was originally a dragonfly, but it was real. I clicked it in my peaceful dream, and the ripples that followed caused it to spread uncontrollably.

My dreams are no longer calm.

It was the smoke of war again, shrouding the entire Xichuan into a fog of blood, and I shouted desperately, but no one responded to me, all I could see was a deserted sky and a dead old Earth. I walked barefoot on this ground, only to feel that my whole body was cold, as if immersed in ice water.

What about my great words?

What about my light cold?

Why the two people who have been in the dream can't be found at this time? Where did they go?

Just when I was in pain, everything in the dream became chaotic, the sky was getting darker, everything on the ground was withered quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the whole world became barren.

I opened my eyes suddenly: "Don't-!"

My heart was still pounding on my chest, almost popping out of my mouth, but when I opened my eyes, I saw a completely different scene from the dream. In a large and comfortable room, the sun shined through the window paper. A bright room.

Almost instantly, I woke up—

It was just a dream!

However, the cold sweat brought from the dream has not dried yet. I panted and wiped the sweat on my face, but I heard a cold voice next to me, "Who did you dream of?"

I was stunned by this voice, and turned around to see that Pei Yuanzhang actually leaned on the bedside, one of his hands was still on the quilt in front of Miaoyan, and his face sank almost Can screw out water and watch me coldly.

Suddenly, I froze there.

"How do you--"

Although my mind is still a little chaotic, I remember clearly that he promised me last night, and he would leave after sleeping with the wonderful words!

Now he is like this, is he staying in my room all night, or-again early in the morning?

I looked at him pale and was about to ask, but his face was as dark as the other extreme, and I said, "What did you dream of?"

I froze for a moment.

I dreamed--

Before rushing to think about it, I heard a very soft voice coming from the door: "The emperor, it's time to face up."

It's Jade Jade, he is still outside the door!

Pei Yuanzhang looked at me with a calm face for a while, but apparently, he didn't plan to continue to question, but patted the words gently, and then slowly got up and stood beside the bed and looked coldly. Take a look at me.

I ca n’t say that the shortness of breath is short. After all, you should n’t control what people dream about. If everything in the dream can be controlled, what freedom is there in this world? Maybe for some people, the last bit of hope alive is gone. So, I also calmed my face, but didn't look at him, but instead took care of the clothes on my body.

He walked away.

I waited until he went out, closed the door, and I finally let out a sigh of relief. Wonderful words also woke up from my sleep, and my fist rubbed his eyes hard: "Mother ..."

"Mother is here."

I hugged her in a hurry, for fear of her catching cold. As soon as she sat up, she was wrapped in a quilt with my quilt, like the snow dolls piled up in the open space by little eunuchs. Fairer and more lovely, blinking and blinking, eyes widened, finally awake, look at me, and looked at the wide bed.

"Mother, what about father?"


I was silent for a while, and answered with Yueyan pretty: "Leave."

"When did you leave?"

"Last night."

"Woo, I want dad ..."

When I heard her whispering in a crying voice, I hurriedly said, "Don't be capricious, Dad has a lot of things to do. You are good, wait until Dad is done, come back to see you."


"of course."

She was simple. I was convinced by such a coax, so she was happy again.

At this time, Su Su and Wu Yan also pushed in and came in.

I hurried to get up with Wonderful Words. After being familiar with it, while Su Su was holding Wonderful Words and braided her on the other side, I asked Wu Yan: "Last night, did the Emperor stay here last night, or-?"

Wu Yan a moment: "We don't know."


"Last night when the emperor came, there was the Jade Father who was taking care of them, so they took us all back and refused to let us come. It was only this morning when the emperor left that we were asked to serve."

My brow frowned.

I blame me for believing him too much last night. I believe that I slept like this. Now I have to ask someone, who should I ask? !!

But even when I was in a state of turmoil, bigger things came.

While holding a bowl of soup in my hand and feeding spoonfuls of spoonfuls, a little **** ran in from the outside and said with a smile: "Miss Yan, the queen lady, please come over to speak."


I choked for a moment, as soon as a spoonful of soup arrived at Miaoyan's mouth, he paused and asked subconsciously, "Is that the queen mother?"

"Yes, and-the damsels in each house are also there."


My hand shook, and a spoonful of soup spilled more than half out.

"Oh!" Su Su, who had been standing next to her, hurriedly reached out to stop, but couldn't stop it. Most of the spoonful of soup was sprinkled on the chest of her words, and the magic charm hanging around her neck was instantly wet!

I hugged the wonderful words in a hurry: "Is the fine word all right?"

She shook her head shyly and reached out to wipe. Wu Yan quickly grabbed her wrist: "Don't use your hands, come slaves."

They bustled to wipe her mouth, wash her hands and change clothes, and the little **** at the door was waiting for me: "Miss Yan, please drive me, the queen lady is still waiting."

I thought about it and said, "What's the matter, come to me early in the morning?"

"Here, the slaves don't know, they just heard—" He rolled his eyes sloppily and said quietly, "The concubine came first."


I originally took a towel from Su Su and wiped my hands. At this time, I couldn't help but twist it. The towel was twisted into a rope in my hand.

Again, Nangong Lizhu.

She really can't relax at all!

The **** admitted that he had brought the words, and it was time to draw with me, and he laughed, "Ms. Yan, the queen lady is still waiting, will the lady pass by now?"

"..." I was silent and didn't say anything. I threw Pa Zi to the table and glanced at the wonderful words again, then turned around and followed the little **** away.

Although the snow outside had been cleaned, but the way passed, I still felt the wind chilling my body, and finally came to Chang Qing's residence. When I entered the house, I didn't feel the heat, but first smelled a scent of fat powder.

I heard a familiar voice laughing--

"Well, here comes the new man."

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