Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1232: Alas, I actually want to guard you

Wu Yan said softly, "Do you know the girl, these two days, another rumor came out of the palace."


I'm a little lazy with a slight drop of eyelids.

I spent one night in Pei Yuanzhang's palace, and even the concubine was sick like that. The emperor did not pass for a whole night. What rumors would have appeared outside the palace, I already thought about it.

More lazy to listen.

So he said lightly, "Left is just those people chewing their tongues."

Wu Yan said: "This is not the root of the tongue ..."

"I did spend the night in the emperor's palace last night, but not--"

"Girl," Wu Xie interrupted me anxiously: "The rumor is not that it was last night."

"Oh?" It surprised me a little, looking up at her: "What's that?"

Wu Yan glanced back, Su Su still carefully serving the wonderful words. Both of them didn't pay attention to us, so they lowered their voices even more and said, "In the past two days, someone was talking about one thing— —It's about Lord Nangong's nephew, the Lord Qu who was assassinated. "

I frowned slightly: "About him? What?"

Wu Yan squatted down and reached into my ear and said gently: "Some people say that Master Qu died because someone leaked his whereabouts."


Recall that before, Pei Yuanzhang did say that when Qu Xueyi rushed to Shaanxi, it was not a big fanfare, but light-handed, so he was assassinated. It must be that the hands-on person knew his schedule in advance. It may indeed be Leaked beforehand.

However, my heart suddenly moved and turned to look at Wu Yan: "So what?"

"So," her voice was lower. "Some say it was the harem who spread the news."

"What ?!" I was startled and stared at her: "Somebody said that?"



I suddenly became cold all over.

Qu Xueyi's journey to Shaanxi did not have a big fanfare, but he acted in accordance with the emperor's secret call. People in the natural dynasty did not know his whereabouts, but to say that the harem leaked the news, could it be said that--

Wu Yan also looked at me with a little cold sweat on his forehead: "I see, they have already pointed."

"..." I pouted and stopped talking.

Previously, this incident was directed to Nishikawa. Fortunately, I had a frank talk with Pei Yuanzhang, and told him Yan Qingchen's current plans, so that he was relieved. Although I also know that the people in the Central Korea may not be willing to give up, but I did not expect that at such a fast time, they were in trouble again.

Moreover, this kind of statement is not just pointing to Xichuan, it is clearly pointing to me who lives in Jingren Palace!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help breathing any more.

Thinking back to the past two days, the eunuchs and palace ladies in the palace looked at me, pointed and whispered in their backs. At that time, I was still weird, and now I understand a little; and in the morning, the father-in-law sent me to Jingren Palace Come, he also seemed restless along the way.

It turned out to be for this matter.

Moreover, there is obviously someone behind the incident who is building momentum, otherwise it will not spread so fast, even Wu Yan, who has always been quiet and indifferent, took the initiative to speak.

Just as I frowned and tried hard to think, Wu Yan said gently again, "Girl, this thing is coming at you, both secretly and secretly. You have to deal with it well."

I nodded. "I see."

Then she retreated.

I still sat there without moving. After a while, I brought the cup of tea up again. The dangling tea reflected my eyes and was a bit distorted, and my mind began to turn round and round.

To say that the people in North Korea targeted me, this incident was directed at Nishikawa, which was completely unexpected, but the problem was that when the incident was the worst before, it had never been involved in leaking news from the harem. In these two days, such a statement began to emerge.

No sooner or later, it is at this time.

Does it make sense at this time?


The day passed quickly and calmly.

Probably because all the people in the harem went to Yuhua Palace, and the rest of the place seemed a bit lonely. Jingren Palace seemed to be out of sight. Only at lunch time was the Imperial Dining Room. Just after the meal was delivered, Father Jade came.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "The emperor asked the old slave to come and see the girl and her Royal Highness."

I snapped: "What are you looking at?"

"Just look."


I was a little confused, and then smiled and said, "We're here, and we're not going anywhere."

The father-in-law hurriedly said, "The girl has misunderstood. The emperor did not let the old slave see the girl and her princess, but—"

When he said that, he would not go on, just looked at me with a smile.

Then I understood it.

Presumably, Pei Yuanzhang also ordered "Go and see them", so he came, but how to look at it, what to look back on, will be particular about it.

The father-in-law is also the old man in this palace. He is exquisite, and smiles. "It is true that the concubine's illness has come too urgently. Now a few senior doctors are still consulting, and the emperor is really inseparable-"

It turned out that he explained to me for him.

I smiled slightly in my heart and said, "I see."

The words behind the father-in-law can't go on.

I thought about it and asked, "Is there any improvement in the condition of the concubine?"

The father-in-law Yu paused for a moment, but there was a rare anxiety in his eyes. He said, "The lady of the concubine is very ill this time. Fortunately, the emperor has stabilized in the past, but some of the great doctors can't see the cause. It's tricky. "

I nodded and said calmly, "Since this is the case, then the father-in-law will go back and serve. I'm fine here, and Her Royal Highness is fine."

The father-in-law Yu looked back, and the wonderful words really sat obediently. Su Susheng gave her a bowl of rice. She obediently took it and ate it with chopsticks.

"Okay, then the old slave will go first."

When he left, Miao Yan looked up at his back, holding the bowl, with some eyes.

I said softly, "Well, what's wrong?"

She quickly shook her head: "Nothing." After that, she lowered her head and started chopping rice.

I looked at her for a while, and after all said nothing, just sighed softly.

I spent an afternoon this quiet, and in the evening, I let her go to bed early. This time, she returned from the spiritual method. Although she usually looked much quieter than before, she was not so stable when she slept. It seems that she is always having nightmares. She can often see her frowning and nervous expression.

I don't know what kind of dream she was going through.

I leaned over the bed and read the book for a while, until I felt a little tired, so I closed the book and prepared to lie down to sleep.

But as soon as I lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

I could not help frowning.

I know of course that no one else in this palace will run to knock on my door in the middle of the night. It used to be there, but it took me to be tried. But the knock on the door was very mild, and it did n’t seem to be due to concubine disease It's going to drag me over to ask what happened.

I got up and went to the ground, put on a piece of clothing, walked over and opened the door, and saw Pei Yuanzhang standing at the door.

There was a hint of tiredness on his face, but as soon as the door was opened, I wonder if the candle in the room had illuminated his face. His eyes lightened and his face lightened.

"Not sleeping yet?"

I tightened my clothes: "Just going to sleep."

"What's the good word?"


"He wants to go in and see her."


The wind outside was blowing very loudly. Just standing for a while now, I had frozen my hands and feet, but instead of breaking in, he stood at the door and looked at me calmly.

Actually, I'm a little bit shy.

The concubine's illness has not improved. At least now, I haven't heard someone from Chang Qing come to talk. I thought he would stay there tonight, but I didn't expect him to come here. "Climbing the Three Treasure Halls".

However, a father who came to see his daughter late at night could not be turned away.

I thought about it for a while and whispered, "Be quiet."

Then took a step back.

There was a smile on his face immediately, and he hurried in and closed the door with his backhand. Because the body was still cold, he first went to the table and stretched out his hand to bake it on the candlestick, and then went to the bed. The wonderful words were already asleep, and he knew nothing about his arrival.

He stared at his daughter intently, with a few wrinkles in his eyes, and said gently, "How is she today?"


"Did you eat more?"

"Eat one bowl and half a bowl of soup."

"What about the event?"

"It's cold outside and didn't let her go out."

"Also. The weather these days is not good. When the spring begins, I will have the gift of self-cultivation. I will take her out for fun when she is there. She will be happy."

After saying this, he didn't hear my response, so he turned around and looked at me: "Huh?"

I said lightly, "Your Majesty's arrangement is fine."

Looking at me indifferently, he seemed to feel something. He put his hands together and thought about it, then turned around and said to me, "The concubine's illness came a little more urgently. Can't leave. "

When he heard what he said, it seemed that Yu Gong was unsatisfactory, and now he came to explain it himself.

I said, "The patient is big, and Her Majesty should guard the concubine."

After saying this, I shut up.

Regardless of instinct or perfunctory scenes, these words are not leaking, but Pei Yuanzhang didn't see a bit of joy, but he had no other emotions, just looked at me so quietly.

I don't know how long, he said, "Well, I actually want to guard you."

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