Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1274: I want you to make me treat you

I look at him and he looks at me.

The two didn't say anything, but it was clearly a tug-of-war. He was so spared that I thought about it and watched the heat emanating from the bowl of medicine dissipating little by little.

I don't know how long, I reached out and lifted the bowl, and almost immediately, a smile appeared on his face, reflecting the sun, there was an illusion of spring blossoms, even reaching out and dragging the chair directly Just moved in front of me.

I frowned and looked at him.

"Your Majesty this time, won't you bite the spoon again?"

"No! That's a kid's trick."


I pursed my lips, picked up a spoonful of soup, and sent him to his mouth. He was stunned by this sudden blow, but instead of opening his mouth, he stepped back a little: "Don't you blow?"

"It's getting colder."


He looked at me and looked down at the hot soup that hadn't been so hot. He said nothing and opened his mouth.

He drank very slowly. He obviously felt a bitter and bitter potion when he smelled it. He was like a fragrant tincture, and aftertaste it slowly with a sip. I know what he means, and he does not urge him. I gave him a spoonful of spoonfuls to drink.

After all, even if the two had nothing to say, they did something.

However, with such a spoonful of spoonful of feeding, after a while, the medicine will be drunk, and he will drink more and more slowly, not as if he is drinking tea, but more like aftertaste. However, as time passed by, this kind of silence suddenly rose up little by little.

When I remembered the illness of Miaoyan, I lifted the soup while lowering my head, and said gently, "Your Majesty, there is one thing the daughter wants to say. The daughter said before about the protector."

He looked at me with a mouthful of medicine, and swallowed, saying, "I also want to tell you, the protector of the country came to me, and talked to me about the wonderful words."

With a movement in my heart, I looked up at him: "What?"

"The mage said that she still needs to perform her last spiritual enchantment in order to recover."


My heart beats a bit more intensely than before.

"His Majesty, then please invite the protector to practice the magic of the soul again for her."

Pei Yuanzhang was silent for a moment, then looked at me: "Do you think Miao Yan still needs it?"


This time, I said nothing.

In fact, in my opinion, except for her past memories, many of her wonderful words are a little vague, or even completely unrememberable, but other behavioral abilities are almost the same as those of ordinary peers. No one would look at her at this time. Think she is a child suffering from dementia.

From this point of view, the last method of soliciting souls is okay, and the impact seems to be small.

However, this is just a simple matter. In the final analysis, as long as the illness has not healed, it is like a bane is buried, and no one knows what kind of impact it will have on her in the future. As for the wonderful words, I still hope she can go smoothly.

Therefore, Pei Yuanzhang asked me a little hesitantly.

I took a spoonful of soup, carefully put it in his mouth, and said, "So, what does Your Majesty think?"

Pei Yuanzhang took that sip and said, "Actually, I also know what you mean. Looking at the wonderful words now is no different from ordinary children. It seems that it doesn't matter whether the method of enchantment is okay, but I don't know the future What will happen. This disease, leaving this root cause, is afraid of endless problems. "

"Then, just invite the mage?"

"It's no problem to ask her to come, but the mage also told me that Miao Yan's last practice of enchantment is dangerous."


My heart beat, and I almost couldn't handle the bowl in my hand, and looked at him in horror: "What's the danger ?!"

When he saw me like this, he hurriedly reached out and grabbed my hand holding the bowl to help me stabilize, and then said, "Don't be afraid first, it's not a big deal, you panic, I won't tell you."


I gritted my teeth and felt that my hands were tightly wrapped by him. It took me a long time to finally stabilize. I took it out of his palm, put the bowl aside, and then stabilized my mind, and then Turning his head to look at him: "Please tell your Majesty."

He looked at me like this, his eyes were a bit complicated, and he paused before saying: "The words that the Master said to You are so mysterious, and He also knows that these people are speaking. Nine of the ten sentences are false, but One thing is true. What she is doing is retrieving human consciousness for the wonderful words, common sense of being a human being, and more, regaining her joy and sorrow. "


I thought about this.

Since the beginning of the method of enchanting the soul, every time the wonderful words come back, they have more consciousness than before. Slowly, they start to have moods, sorrows, and emotions, and their emotions are becoming more and more complicated. Now they are like a normal child.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "But there is one thing, she never found it back, which is the last time to do the spirit, to find something for her."

My voice was a little bit awkward: "What is it?"

"That's what happened that night."


"The memory of that night."


My heart sank.

That night, on the red boat, in the cave room, everything she saw with her own eyes ... the blood, the new house, the blood-stained Pei Yuanzhen, and the coldness that kept Pei Yuanzhen in her arms.

These are all forgotten by her, and if she is to be cured, she must be reminded of everything.

Pei Yuanzhang said: "What happened that night, although we can check it out, but no one has seen her like this. I saw it with my own eyes and felt so clearly. That was what caused her to be sick. The way to do it is to remind her, which is equivalent to that she needs to experience that memory again. "


"It was the night that made her lose her soul, if she remembered ..."


"If she's not strong enough ..."

I rarely heard that Pei Yuanzhang's voice also appeared stagnation and retreat. He slowly raised his head and saw the hesitation in his eyes, and that emotion immediately caught my heart—I understood what he meant. , Once again experiencing the memory that caused the onset of wonderful speech, if she is not steadfast, it may be the same as before, especially, her own illness has not healed yet, and the final result may be worse than before.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "She may be unconscious ... forever."

My breath is choked.

Putting his hands on his knees, he clenched his placket, and the cold sweat slowly soaked. Pei Yuanzhang looked at me silently. After a while, he reached out and opened my fingers little by little, spreading my hands. , And then put it in his palm: "Don't be afraid first, I'm here. I'll think of a way."

"How do you think of it?" I looked at him intermittently, "If that's the case, then don't--"

"But if you can't do it this last time, if you don't remove her root cause, then the root cause will remain, and I don't know when it will happen again. At that time-" He looked into my eyes: "The two of us are still not in her. By her side? Who is by her? Who else will treat her kindly? Like you, Rugao? "

This last sentence faintly made me feel a bit wrong.

But at this moment, I can no longer take care of it, I just feel that my whole body is deprived, and my internal organs are tangled together, and it hurts me to say, "What should I do? Really let her go through it again?"

He clenched my hand tightly: "I just said that her heart is not strong enough to cause illness. What if we make her strong?"


"Do you understand what He means?"

When my heart moved, I looked up at him.

Recalling that night, it was probably the night when she was small and old, the most helpless and the saddest. Regardless of whether she is sensible or not, but seeing the uncle who has always loved herself and she has always loved her, and married her aunt, I can fully empathize with her, how much she suffered that night, and then, with her own eyes Witnessing Gu Ping's murder as an elder brother, stained his new house.

If I were her, I wouldn't be able to survive it.

Pei Yuanzhang grasped my hand tightly: "Now, she depends on us. We have to make her feel that everything is fine, and her life should be as peaceful and happy as it is now. As long as we have our support, then this level, She will definitely be able to pass! "


He looked at me deeply: "Only by eradicating her illness, can He be relieved and do something."


My heart beats like thunder.

I did n’t ask him what to do to relax his heart, because he knew he would not answer when asked. At this moment, I just felt that his hand was pinched in his palm, as if it was about to break, and he was unable to pull it out. It took a long time before he said, "So, the emperor wants a daughter--"

"I want you, let me be nice to you."

I looked at him a bit rashly.

He took my hand and said softly: "He is good to you, you suffer; he is not good to you, you come to trouble with him ..."


"Like an ordinary couple, we gave her all the love and care I have owed her for so many years, so that she can also be a real, happy little princess."


"All right?"

My throat rolled, and after struggling for a long time, I couldn't speak.

Make him treat me well

He treats me well, shall I suffer?

Should I do this?

Maybe at this time, I shouldn't think about myself first, but should think about my child, think of how she pretends to sleep, think of the fake mask she wore in front of me-is it really because of us, let her Premature maturity, early wisdom, can't enjoy the joy of family and family like an ordinary child, but want to fool for father and mother's affairs?

But can't I consider myself?

What he gave me, I will suffer ... What about my heart?

I looked up at him as if I was about to cry, but my eyes were so dry that my vision was blurred.

You can't see him, you can't see the way.

I was silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath. He thought what I was going to say, and stared at my dry lips, but felt that I was pushing hard and pulled his hand out of his palm.

His eyes darkened: "Lightness."

The next moment, I took the bowl of the cold soup on the table, scooped a spoonful, and gently delivered it to his lips.

Something exploded in his eyes. For a moment, joy and brightness almost illuminated the whole face, and he looked at me with joy: "Lightness!"

I didn't look at him, I just stared at the few soups left in the bowl, and it looked a little fuzzy, my eyes.

Also reflected his ecstatic eyes.


"If you don't drink, I'll take it."

"Hey, don't!"

He hurriedly reached out and grabbed my hand again, but it was the injured hand with a bandage. As soon as it touched me, the whole person shrank with pain, hissing straight in his mouth Air-conditioning. I looked at him blankly, and sent the spoonful of medicine to his mouth.

He was sore with sweat on his forehead, but at this moment he immediately smiled, opened his mouth, and covered his spoon.

The dark medicinal juice was drunk like honey.

This time, I didn't talk to him. The soup was fed into his mouth little by little. After a while, the bowl reached the bottom. I poured the last little thick medicine in the bowl. He continued to deliver to his mouth with a spoon, and he was probably too bitter to swallow, and frowned: "Forget it."

I glanced at him and threw the spoon back into the bowl.

"Dangyu", it sounded as if he had beaten him, he suddenly stunned, and said, "Let ’s just give him a drink, good medicine."

I didn't say anything, so I picked up the bowl and spoon again, poured the last bit of soup into the spoon, scraped the bowl wall twice, and fed it into his mouth. The taste is also conceivable. Okay.

He frowned all over his face, showing an almost vomiting expression.

I did n’t look at him either. I had to go out after collecting the bowl and spoon, but before I turned around, he grabbed my wrist suddenly, and his expression was bitter toward me: "It ’s so bitter, but what is sweet Do you have something to eat? "


I have some words, he himself said that he is not a child, how can anyone prepare sweet after giving him medicine?

I said, "Now, they are not prepared."

He laughed: "Are you carrying it?"



I just feel the heartache is like a knife cut. Looking at him with such a smile and looking at me, there is a kind of unexplainable flexion, gritting his teeth and frowning: "No!"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "But, I can find it."

I suddenly understood what came over, and the subconscious was going to move backwards, but his wrist was grabbed by him, and he couldn't get rid of it. I felt a gust of wind hitting him. He leaned over me and pressed it to the corner of my lips.

My hand was loose, the medicine bowl fell off, and I fell to the ground with a slam and smashed.

He didn't linger on my lips, just pecked and left me again.

He stepped back a little closer, and I clearly saw the rippling smile in his eyes, and licked the corner of his lips: "Well, sweet."

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