Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1303: The method of calling the soul is done!

I said coldly, "Not good."

When she heard it, she looked at me anxiously: "Is she--"

"Mother-in-law," I interrupted her calmly, her eyes sullen, and said directly: "Wonderful words are my daughter. She was injured because of you. You can see that your two words are different. For other things, just Please don't care anymore. "


"Also, don't come near her again."


"Because she is my daughter, she may have a lot of elders who love her and have pity on her aunt, but I don't think you will be among them."

Her face paled again, and looked at me with a bit of despair: "Why?"

"Because I don't allow it."

She finally couldn't hold back: "You--"

My voice improved a bit, and Yang said, "I didn't tell you what you did to me before and what you did to her. I didn't tell her these things, not to cover up for you, but because I don't want her to be exposed to these filth while she was a blank piece of paper. "


"But one day, she will know, because these are the truth."


"What do you think of that day, how she will look at you!"

She paled and couldn't say a word, her eyes suddenly turned into stagnant water.

I said faintly: "While you are still some distance away, you are still you, she is still her, just give up, and it is not harmful to you or her."

After that, I didn't look at her anymore, and turned around to go back.

But just after I took a few steps, before I walked back to the gate, I heard a sneer from Nangong Lizhu behind him, sharp like a knife with ice, when it sounded, it seemed to be scratching. Human bones.

I frowned and turned back.

She was still standing there, her face pale as snow, at this time slowly raised her head to look at me, and said sharply: "Yan Qingying, do you think you are right? You do n’t think you ca n’t touch her if you do n’t say it The place where she lives is this palace. What happens here every day is the 'dirty' in your mouth. Sooner or later she will face these. Do you think you are treating her well? "

"She certainly met, just like we've all met before."

"So, you want her to think that everything around is good, and no one will harm her, and then let her be victimized?"

Hearing these words, I smiled and said, "So what do you think? What do I teach her? How do I harm someone? How do I calculate someone?"

When her face changed, she immediately said, "Don't teach her this, would you let her be slaughtered."

I laughed: "I don't tell her this, not to let her be slaughtered by anyone, but I want to make her live clean and candid, and even more so that when she encounters these things in the future, don't Will make the wrong decision. "

She was stunned, and just about to say something, I had snatched in front of her and said coldly: "Girls, musculoskeletal bones made of water, should be born clean and clean, just like water. Falling into this place is inevitable People, but the choice is how to be yourself and to others. "

After hearing these words from her, she looked even uglier.

However, I could not help but smile.

I don't know why, I would tell her this and say so much.

Obviously, there used to be two people with you and me who couldn't stand it, but because of a child, they had talked about it, but they talked too much about speculation. I laughed at myself and thought there was nothing more. There was room for talk, and then he turned and left.

At this time, Nangong Lizhu suddenly said: "Yan Qingying, do you believe me today-isn't it going to hurt her?"

I glanced at her, and said lightly, "I believe there is no difference between you and me."


I turned around in my pale face and Cangjie's eyes.

Behind her, her breathing was disturbed. As if trying to reach out to stop me, I even heard Rui Zhu calling her in a low voice, and I was a little hesitant in my heart. After taking two steps, I stopped.

Feeling her eyes staring at me, as if really eager to get the answer.

I was silent, but didn't look back, and said, "But I believe."

After speaking, never looked at her again and walked into Yihua Palace.

Later, Wu Yan packed his things and told me when he came back that Nangong Lizhu was no longer standing outside. I was standing by the bed of Miaoyan, but nodded slightly.


Early the next morning, I woke up just after I was out, and Pei Yuanzhang's people came to Yihua Palace to pick us up after we finished washing.

When I went out, the surroundings were still black, and only a touch of white fish belly in the eastern sky should be a good weather-I think so.

Out of Yihua Palace, I got on the sedan chair and walked a long way with shaking.

I felt like I should be out of the palace door, and walked forward for a while-I opened the curtain and saw that I had reached Taimiao.

At this time, the sky was brighter.

In the morning light, the majestic temple of the Taimiao towered like a giant about to stretch, but it also gave a great sense of oppression. I followed Xiaofuzi into the temple, and he invited me to rest. For a moment, then took away the wonderful words.

I rested there, got restless for a while, and went out of the gate of the side hall subconsciously.

As soon as I stepped out, I met Pei Yuanzhang.

As soon as I saw him, I hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, her words are wonderful--"

"I'm going to have her bath and change clothes."

"That's going to--"

"Naturally, you have to do the trick."

"Well, what about the protector?"

"She will come." He said, blinking slightly, looking at me: "Or, do you want to see her before you do the spirit?"

I hurriedly shook my head.

No matter how many mysteries I want to unravel, how many doubts I want to ask, these are the past things, and they are not as important as the safety of the good words in front of me. I do n’t want to see her before, just in case Anything that affects the practice of soul-hunting, even if I die 10,000 times, it is not enough to make up for it.

He nodded. "You're still awake."

I took a deep breath and asked, "So, when will she arrive?"

As soon as this sentence was asked, I heard a sudden sound of music outside.

It came from a long distance, but it was particularly clear to my ears. The melody of the music was strange, but no stranger. When I met that country defender in Taimiao, she was a companion. Going out of the temple with such a musical sound.

And now-she's here.

My heartbeat suddenly sank, and I hurried to the door to look out, and saw that in the morning light, a team came in slowly from the outside.

Those who follow are supposed to be the monks mentioned by Chabixing, but this time, of course, they will not hold the sword as he encountered in Chongyun Pavilion. At this time, all of them were wearing plain plain and wide plain clothes. A robe surrounded a tall group of people. The man, wearing a purple robe, shone a dark golden light in the morning light.

Those around him, holding flags and fluttering in the wind, also covered the face of the protector mage, looming.

My heart is tight.

I'm away from her now, but a few dozen feet away, I can even see this country protector immediately by telling Pei Yuanzhang and uncovering the doubts in my heart, but now I ca n’t say, I ca n’t shout , Can't even affect her with a little action.

Because of her actions, it is related to the future of wonderful words.

My hand on the door frame was slightly firm, and my nails were scratched on it to make a mark.

At this time, holding my wrist in one hand, pulling my hand down, and looking back, it was the silent Pei Yuanzhang. He firmly grasped my hand and said quietly, "Wait in peace."

I gritted my teeth and finally said, "Yes."


Time passes slowly.

I can hear every gust of wind blowing, every breath he takes, every heartbeat, but even if he waits this way, he doesn't have the time to speed up the pace, but it becomes slower and slower. Kind of suffering.

People are about to burn out.

After an hour, Pei Yuanzhang and I moved the place and went to the apse, because he said that every time he had performed the method of encouraging the soul, the protector of the country would go there with wonderful words. This place is quieter than the former side hall, and even the wind birds can't be heard.

I finally couldn't help asking: "Every time before, is it so long?"

Pei Yuanzhang sat quietly with her eyes closed, and then opened her eyes and looked at me. "The first time, it didn't take so long, and every time after that, it was longer than once."

"So, do you know how it works?"

He smiled slightly: "It's not a street trick, how can I watch around?"


I also felt that I had asked this childishly, but I couldn't hold back my anxiety. The whole person was grilling on a small fire. At this time, he slowly came over, squatted in front of me, and waited for me to make it. Any reaction, I grabbed my hand first.

My hands were cold, not even a trace of temperature, but his hands were warm. Such a wrap around my hands instantly warmed me up.

He looked at me and said softly, "Don't worry."


"Whether she is here to protect her, or her grandparents worshipped in the nave, she will bless her. Even her own, our daughter, is stronger than any girl in the world, and she is also It will surely keep you safe. "

This is almost crazy.

However, maybe at this time, some arrogant words are needed.

Listening to his calm voice and listening to the arrogant words, I finally calmed down and nodded gently.

He held my hands and smiled slightly.

At this moment, from a distance, there was a long, thin voice from the distance where the portals were cut off. Someone was killing.

My heart jumped.

Before I could react, I saw Pei Yuanzhang suddenly stood up and looked outside—

"It's done."

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