Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1305: Legendary Town Princess

I looked at her quietly.

I couldn't even hear the breathing in the side hall. I only looked at her slightly curved eyes. The corners of her eyes were bunches of wrinkles, but her eyes were so gentle as if the spring breeze touched people's hearts.

That kind of gentleness and leisure makes people even unable to have any intense emotions.

So, after a while, I slowly said, "What?"

She looked at me with a smile, but instead of repeating the sentence just as I thought, she slowly turned around and turned to the tablet where she was still kneeling before--that is, up When I came to Taimiao, I saw the unusually tall and broken tablet here.

After taking a look, she turned her head towards me again: "Is your Highness afraid that he has not come to kneel before this tablet?"


After all, the word "His Royal High" made my breath tighten. I walked slowly to her side and smelled a faint, sandalwood smell from her body, which seemed warm. Then, I looked up again and looked at the tall tablet.

"You want me to bow to it?"



She looked at me with a smile: "As a daughter, shouldn't Your Highness bow down to the tablet of her mother?"


It was another unstoppable silence.

Only this moment, I was completely suffocated, no heartbeat, no perception, not even knowing that the sudden silence at this moment was that I could not hear anything, or that everything around me was really quiet because of her words. .

I didn't know how long it took before I started speaking, the voice was already so low that it didn't look like my own—

"Me, mother?"

"Yes, the former dynasty-Princess Zhen Guo, your mother."

Probably the opposite is true. After listening to her "His Royal Highness" title, after she asked me to bow down to my mother's tablet, and then heard the title of "Princess of the Country", I actually calmed down, breathing calmly, heartbeat calming, Even the five senses gradually recovered. I slowly turned my head and looked at the cracks and mottled writing on the huge tablet.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over, bowed down and scratched my head.

Then I heard her whispering softly behind her, "Amitabha."

After doing all this, I slowly got up straight and looked at the huge tablet again, then I felt a tingling in my chest.

Before I knew that my mother had passed away, and that she had not been able to enter the Yan Family Ancestral Hall, I had no choice but to worship, whether I wanted to worship or talk, but I did not expect that in Beijing, a thousand miles away from Xichuan, this In the solemn temple, the tablet of the mother will be enshrined, which will give me the opportunity to compensate for the regrets of these years.

Obviously, she already knew that she had a close relationship with the royal family. Obviously, she already had countless speculations in her heart that she thought was delusional. Obviously, she knew that the world was impermanent, but it was hard to bear when she was in it.

My mother, Princess Zhen Guo ...

Mother Yan Family ...

What else does she have, I do n’t know? What else does she have that I can't imagine?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but reach out, and my trembling fingertips touched the mottled cracks, as if I could feel the bumpy experience of her life. I couldn't help but count her nose and her eyes became hot. I suppressed myself, stood up, and turned back to the protector--

"It's rare to talk to the mage today. I think the master also understands that I have a lot of questions to ask and I hope you can confuse me."

She smiled and looked at me: "The poorest man will do his best."

I couldn't help it.

I thought she would say "know nothing but speak endlessly", but did not expect her to say "as much as possible". At this time, does she intend to have any reservations?

However, at this time it was too late to care about her wording. The country-protecting mage slowly walked to the futon next to me, and I sat down on the futon on this side with good grace. The two sat down, raised their heads and looked at each other.

Her eyes were still gentle. When looking at me, she was like a beloved elder, watching her junior.

However, I was a little hesitant under such eyes.

Too many questions to ask, too many mysteries, all came to mind at this moment, but I don't know how to speak, or even ask which one is the most important. She looked at me a little at a loss, and said with a smile: "If your Highness doesn't know how to speak, let the poorer first say it."

I looked at her and nodded. "Okay, you say."

She looked at me up and down for a while, and then slowly said, "In fact, the poor Ninety has not seen Her Royal Highness for many years, and she is about to forget her, but now she sees Her Highness, and she seems to see her.

"Do I look like my mother?"

"Not like it."

"So, why did the mage say she saw her?"

She smiled and looked at me: "His Royal Highness has the shadow of the princess of the country," she said, her eyes became a little stunned, as if looking through my body and seeing something else, saying: "Yes The spirit of the princess of the town. "

I took a deep breath: "My mother, is the last princess in the previous dynasty?"

She looked at me with complex eyes and nodded: "Yes."

"But I heard that after the Pei family entered the customs and occupied the imperial city, all the royal families of the previous dynasty were killed.


"And it was killed by the last emperor, Emperor Yun, that is, my grandfather."


"Then why didn't my mother die?"

She still looked at me, her eyes seemed extraordinarily dim, and she said slowly, "Probably, this is destiny."


"Destiny will never end her, nor will this line of blood."

I frowned slightly, and heard the protector mage gently say, "How about your impression of His Majesty the Emperor, who is just your grandfather?"

I thought for a moment, and said, "The son never speaks of his father, let alone his grandfather?"

She laughed and said, "His Royal Highness is cautious. Yes, rumors and records of the previous dynasty are quite critical of the Emperor, and everyone knows that the poor Nepalese will not repeat them. However, even if he said Emperor himself probably didn't care. "


I raised my head and looked at her, she said calmly: "Although he inherited his destiny as emperor, in fact, he should be a happy and scattered fairy. Even if he was born in the prosperous age, in a rich family, it will be a generation. Wen Hao, the leader of the music industry, or the romantic ranger, or the good man. But unfortunately, he was born in the emperor's house, and he was born in such a troubled world. "

For the first time at this time, I really heard someone talk about Emperor—my maternal grandfather. It felt weird and strange, and she continued to say, "So, his romanticism has become absurd, His chic and elegant, has become perverse-he, lost his country. "

After hearing her words, I gradually understood something.

To be honest, the hundred-footed worm died but was not stiff. Such a dynasty, ordinary people came to be emperors, at best they could n’t do it, but only those who were so talented would really be able to achieve destruction. One area may bring great achievements, and in another area, it may be a devastating blow.

The magistrate continued, "In fact, your grandfather did not want to occupy the throne all the time. He had hoped to pass it on to others in the morning. But his brothers were killed and killed in the previous seizures. , Only one of his peers is left, so he puts his hope on his son-in-law. "

I hurriedly said, "That--"

"Unfortunately, although he is romantic and collects beauty in the world, he does not have a child."


"Because of this, he was worried day and night, and even began to ask for immortality, but not to cultivate the immortal body, but to refine the medicine so that he could give birth to a son who inherited the throne."

"So, was it born?"

Mage Guardian chuckled: "I look forward to ten months and welcome your mother."


I couldn't help but laughed softly.

It is conceivable that the grandfather was disappointed at that time.

The protector went on to say, "Although he was disappointed, he loved your mother very much. As soon as she was born, she became a princess of the country. This is a precedent that has never been seen in all previous dynasties, and she took her with her personally. Upbringing. His Royal Highness Princess Zhen Guo mostly inherits your grandfather. "

I sighed for a long time.

Recalling those piano, calligraphy, paintings, poems and flowers tea taught by my mother, I only picked up her fur, but I knew that I was better than many people, and now I understand where her elegant quiet came from.

I said, "So that's why, when the city was broken, my grandfather killed so many concubines and princesses, but let my mother alone."

The protector looked at me for a long time and finally sighed.

I couldn't help but clenched my fist: "Even if she escaped the grandfather's killing, then what happened? The Pei family did not touch her?"

The protector of the country smiled slightly: "This is probably destiny. The Pei clan broke through the capital, occupied the palace, and killed them in a dark and **** way. When these people walked into the Taihe Hall with the blood on their insteps, I saw a thin girl standing behind the corpses piled up in the mountains, above the hall. "

I couldn't help getting nervous.

"Her body is full of blood, so is her face, and her hair. The blood has not passed her ankles."


"But her eyes were unexpectedly clean."


"Also, such a girl, who doesn't cry or make trouble, stands so quietly, watching those who break in with a knife."

I held my breath, imagining that moment, imagining my mother.

"Then they put down their knives and knelt down."

My heartbeat is about to stop.

The protector looked at my tightened pupil, and suddenly laughed softly, "His Royal Highness must not be scared."

I just looked back, and when I looked at her again, I felt a little bit choked by the neck and just loosened my breath, and then said, "The mage talked about this, so clearly, isn't it? When the city broke, the mage was in the palace? It was in the main hall, beside her mother? "

She smiled and shook her head.

"So, why does the mage know so well?"

"Because, someone told poor Nepali."


"The first person to drop his knife and kneel."

"Who is he?"

She laughed: "Of course it is too great."

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