Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1311: Have you changed your heart?朕 also changed

"What's up with your seed?"

That seed with me?

Probably, I haven't even thought about it myself. If I give up, who will look back?

I looked into his eyes and heard this sentence, but I couldn't open the mouth several times.

Maybe, at some time in the past, when my heart was still full of hatred, I would not hesitate to put the sharp blade into his chest, but to this day, he told me that he has been "perverted" Today, when I realized that I didn't love or even hated it, I couldn't do it.

Loved one, maybe pain.

Those who do not love cannot escape the pain.

I've only lived for half my life, but I've been imprisoned for too much time, imprisoned in Hongyan Tower, imprisoned in the imperial city, imprisoned in picturesque high walls ...

Imprisoned next to him.

Why do n’t I know that bowing my head and being soft will make my life better, after all, I already have a daughter, and he is in charge of my life and death, so many emperors who return to his life. Everything around him is more comfortable than resisting him.

But I can't fool myself.

Looking at my painful eyes, he was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "You raised the seeds of others, give up the one between us, right?"

As sharp as he is, I can't cheat.


I didn't look into his eyes, but slowly lowered my eyelashes.

He took a deep breath, and a heavy chill emanated from him instantly, immediately covering me. I think I should say "I'm sorry" at this time, and I should be sorry to him, but those words have been choked in my throat for a long time, and I can't say anything.

I'm not sorry for him.

When I love him, I try my best to wrong myself; when I don't love, I don't feel wronged anymore.

Feeling my silence, he looked at me for a long time, as if suppressing something, and slowly asked, "When did you raise his seeds?"


My heart sank inevitably, and I looked up at him.

His eyes are invariably dark, deep, without a trace of light, making people feel as if they are facing an abyss, and they do n’t know where they will go if they take a step forward.

My breath was choked.

He squeezed my thin shoulders, not too hard, but felt that the whole person was clamped by him, like a butterfly with nailed wings, without him letting go, I could not escape anyway.

He looked into my eyes: "Say."


"Is it in Yangzhou? In that small fishing village?"


"You've spent so long there, he's been taking care of you-yes, I almost forgot, and you once said that you want to marry a fisherman."


"and so--"


He was settled by the sudden two words that seemed to be able to blow away in a gust of wind, and his breathing stopped for a moment, then he stared at me with wide eyes: "No?"

I still shook my head: "No."

"So-when is it?"

When is it

I also want to ask myself, at this moment, maybe I should really think about it.

So, I remembered his clear eyes, indifferent expression, remembered that he said, "Fate is always together, is the total separation of evil", reminded him that he admires me, and the distance between me and him-no Many more, just one step away.

I looked at Pei Yuanzhang and smiled suddenly: "When your Majesty welcomes you far away."

He froze, and was about to say something, and I continued to say quietly, "At the time of gathering Xianxian."


"At the Juma Valley."


The more I said, the more the voice trembled, and the strength of his hand became heavier, almost crushing my bones. I finally trembled and finished the last sentence before the most painful moment came:

"When he set fire and burned Jixian Temple ..."

His eyes were getting more and more chaotic, and his breathing was becoming more and more chaotic. In the end, he even couldn't control himself, grabbed my shoulder, buried his head and gasped heavily. Something on him will shatter. I thought he would roar, anger would destroy me, destroy everything, but only heard his heavy breathing, murmured-"Not in Yangzhou ... not in Yangzhou ..."

Yes, not in Yangzhou.

My seed and I grew up in the most difficult Yangzhou, but the one with Liu Qinghan was not in Yangzhou, where it should have been smooth.

It's in the palace.

The same difficult situation and the same difficult environment as before.

The emperor's high pressure, the princess's involvement, and even his deliberate alienation and coolness, the seed still grew.

How ridiculous? I did not fall in love with the emperor in the palace, nor did I fall in love with this little fisherman in the fishing village.

I fell in love with them at the worst time, the most unlikely place.

Therefore, I deserve those sufferings.

When the tear-like pain in my heart spread, his shoulder was almost crushed by the bone, and the general pain was also stabbing me. I gritted my teeth without moaning, but I saw him slowly lift At the beginning, the flushed eyes were almost as hurt as mine.

He said, "He shouldn't let him enter the palace."

I said, "Everything is fatal.

He said, "Can't you help people? I don't believe it."


My heart missed a beat, I do n’t know why, but intuitively felt pinched by a pair of invisible black hands, he stared at me, blinked without blinking, as if to see through my eyes at this moment "You forgot. He gave him a wedding."


"Don't you know, he won't fall in love with Yuan Zhen?"


"He gave them a marriage, not to let him be locked up by Yuan Zhen for a lifetime, but to be locked up by himself for a lifetime!"


"For this day, you two have no way back!"

I don't know why, it made me so desperate and so painful. At this moment, when I said it through his mouth, I was not so painful. Perhaps it was already numb and painless.

I laughed: "I love him, not to be with him, but to love him in my heart, I suffer this kind of pain and enjoy this happiness. I won't have to force him to be with me, just Like-Someone loves me, but I may not give myself out. "

He nodded.

"But I'm not you or him."


"I'm such a person, I still want to get you, hey--" He intensified his tone, and his hand was even harder: "I want to be with you."

Looking at him like this, I can only laugh.

He is indeed not me, not even Liu Qinghan.

He never gives up on what he wants, even if it makes people unable to breathe, he will not let go easily, but must hold it in his palm!

I forgot, this is him, Pei Yuanzhang!

I was full of tears, and I could hardly see the person who was already clear in front of me. He squeezed my shoulder and pressed me **** the cold door, looking down at my twinkling eyes, cruel. Cruelly, biting his teeth, "Did you give up that seed? I didn't give up."


"Have you changed your heart? I have changed."


"And, I will make you back!"

Has he changed?

It took me a moment to lose my mind, and then I remembered that he told me that he was broken.

At one time, he had spent so many thoughts and devoted most of his feelings. After spending so many years in Nangong Lizhu in this harem, he finally changed his heart and exhausted his feelings.

He changed his mind too.

But he wants me to change back?

Don't you want me to go the same way again?

I gritted my teeth, shook my head subconsciously, and even began to struggle and twist, trying to get rid of his shackles, only to find that he had already pressed me tightly under my body before I started to move, those dark pairs His eyes kept looking at me for a moment without relaxing.

I finally looked up at him a little helplessly, and met his face with no temperature and expression.

But at this moment, I already understood what he was going to do.

His breathing was getting more and more intense, and he was getting hotter. He lowered his head slowly, and when he was about to iron my lips, I closed my eyes and knew that it was coming.

However, his lips and his breath stopped at a distance not far from me.

"Is it really impossible?"

His voice sounded in his ears, and it seemed to be very painful. When I said this, I clearly felt that his body was shaking slightly.

"I won't hit you or torture you ..."


Hearing this sentence made my breathing suddenly sink.

This sentence reminded me of that at the beginning, when he was still in the Imperial Study, he told me the same way. After that time, I was confused and did not reject him, but walked into that period and could no longer Turning back to life.

Now, he said that to me again?

I laughed bitterly, slowly opened my eyes, and looked at him, a thousand words, but could not speak, just smiled so, looked at him so helplessly.

He also looked at me with firm eyes: "I won't force you, let alone force you."


After my brief moments, he slowly released his hands.

Slowly, took a step back.

I had little time to respond, and felt that the solid and hot body had left me, and immediately a gust of wind blew through the gap between the two of us.

The cold feeling suddenly smoothed out the enthusiasm and restlessness just now, his gaze was a little more calm, and he fixedly looked at me, but said with an incredibly tenderness: "Hey, I just want you Change back. "

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