Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1313: Strange words?

I froze, and before I could react, my hand froze on the door.

The little Fuzi next to me was also stupid. He looked at me shyly and looked at the closed door, and then tentatively said, "The emperor, it wasn't you--"

"I said, let her not come in!"

This time, his voice clearly felt a sense of oppression. If Xiao Fuzi swallowed the back immediately, the atmosphere was afraid to take a breath.

I frowned.

what happened? I just went to take a bath, and the good words awoke. He asked Xiaofuzi to come and call me. I rushed over without even drying my hair. Who knows that he does n’t even let me in now. thing? Why did he suddenly become so fast?

Could it be that what is wrong with the coquettish words?

As soon as I thought about it, I couldn't help it. I hurriedly reached out to push the door. Xiaofuzi was frightened and grabbed my hand, and whispered: "Miss, what are you doing? The emperor said-"

"I'm going in!"

"Can not do it!"

"Let me in, I want to see the good words!"

I struggled with him and waited below. The eunuchs who were waiting for the Annunciation were all stupid. They stayed at a loss, or Xiaofuzi turned around and whispered to the two women "Can't you just pull Miss Yan and wait to be scolded?"

The two court ladies agreed, and hurried over to grab my arm: "Miss Yan, don't you be impulsive!"

"Yes, the emperor ordered."

Where can I hear it at this time? My daughter is separated by a door. She finally woke up. It should have been ecstatic for me, but now I do n’t even let me see her. She How is it now, happy or sad, how much does she remember about the past? How will it affect her now? What I should have thought of on the way, I didn't have time to think about it all, and this moment all came to my heart, which made me even more upset.

There is only one most determined thought in my heart-I want to see her!

The more I got angry and almost rushed to hit the door, I heard a creak, and the door opened from the inside.

I hurriedly looked up, and saw Pei Yuanzhang standing at the door, looking at me with a grim expression.

Just now, before I left here, he still looked kind, but at this time he clearly felt a deep chill exuded from his body. When he looked at me, his eyes became a bit cold.

But I was too late to look after him, and hurriedly looked behind him to see the wonderful words inside, but saw him step forward and closed the door behind him with his backhand.

I was in a hurry: "You--"

He said coldly, "You all go down."

Xiao Fuzi and the eunuchs who were holding me were also very difficult to hold. At this time, at the hearing, Emperor Emperor was relieved and hurriedly let go of me. Xiao Fuzi nodded his apology to me. Turned around and led them all down.

I stood in front of Pei Yuanzhang panting, and just came from the bath. This struggle made me weak and my hair was not dry. Drops of cold water dripped from the ends of the hair. The forehead fell to my brow. I looked at him, and said unevenly: "Why don't you let me see good things?"


"I want to see her!"

"You better not see her."

He spoke, his voice was not cold, and he was not angry, but with a bit of unspeakable depression and unpleasant feeling, the more doubts and uneasiness I felt, "Why? Wasn't she awake? Didn't you let Did Xiao Fuzi come to call me? Why aren't I allowed to see her now? "

The temperature just brought out of the bathroom couldn't resist the coldness of the night, nor could it resist the chill emanating from my heart. I almost became cold with hands and feet almost immediately, and I became slightly cold with cold, and my lips became pale.

He looked at me, frowned slightly, and seemed a little distressed. He reached out and reached my brows.

I didn't have time to dodge, and I felt cold.

The tip of his finger reached the drop of water, and he wiped it away.

I was a little bit caught off guard. I didn't even know what he was facing. I saw him take back his hand and said with a stern tone: "You go back first, and when she wants to see you, let's be natural Will let you come and meet her. "


There was a momentary stagnation in my breathing.

The moment he turned to go back, I said dumbly, "Wonderful words refuse to see me?"

His footsteps also stopped.

All of a sudden, I understood.

Unbelievable and unacceptable, but he just said that he had made Xiaofuzi come and call me and he told me plainly-he wanted me to see the wonderful words, but he really didn't let me Go in and refuse to meet me, it's a wonderful word!

My heart sank all at once, like this dark night, my entire world was also in darkness, and I looked at him in pain: "Why? Why didn't she see me? It was all right before!"

I do n’t know what ’s wrong, and what ’s wrong. My daughter has always been so well-behaved, and I am looking forward to this time. After this last time, she can Fully restored the life of a normal child ... but I did not expect that the first thing when she woke up was that she refused to see me!

At this moment, Pei Yuanzhang slowly turned around and looked at me with a serious look.

I also looked at him anxiously.

He said slowly: "There are some things that I reminded you of early."


I was totally messed up, took a step forward, and reached out and grabbed his sleeve: "What are you going to say?"

This time, he looked at me calmly, slowly reached out and took my hand down, and then said, "You go back first. I still say that, when she wants to see you, I won't stop And will let you come over immediately. "


"There are certain things that only she can tell you clearly."


After speaking, he no longer spoke, turned around and did not push back the door and walked in.

The door closed again in front of me.

I stood in the cold night, the water drops on my brows condensed again, and the cold wetness remained on the skin, and Pei Yuanzhang's words were like a curse, echoing in my ears.

What the **** is ...?


I went back to Yihua Palace in a humble mood, and spent this night that I couldn't sleep at all.

The next morning, my eyes were red and I got up early and went to Pei Yuanzhang's dormitory, but the father-in-law was there to serve outside earlier. When he saw me, he stopped me immediately.

"Miss Yan, you know, the Emperor has ordered ..."

"Still not seeing me?"


My heart ached, I looked at the closed door not far away, and clearly I kept her there for so many days and nights, hoping that she would wake up, but now why she was awake, opened her eyes, but Refuse to see me?

I was so anxious that I was almost in tears, but I could only hold myself firmly and grab his hand: "Daddy Jade, do you see the wonderful words?"

He was a little embarrassed, looked around, and finally said softly: "The slave is just outside and glanced at it from a distance."

"How is she? Crying? Are you upset?"

"That's not true."

"So what did she say?"

"After the Princess Miaoyan woke up, the emperor always accompanied her personally. Until early this morning, the slaves came to serve. Her Royal Highness had never said a word, and she always sat on the bed."

"What about eating? Drinking water?"

"These are all served by a maid."


Yes, everything has been arranged for her, and someone has served her. I don't really have to worry about it.

But I am most worried about it now.

Looking at my eager look, the father-in-law sighed softly and said in a low voice: "Ms. Yan, Her Royal Highness Her-I'm afraid that she suddenly woke up. Many things are not the same as before, and some are difficult. You don't Worry, wait patiently for a while, and when she comes by, she will see you. "

As he was talking, there was another message in the room. He patted my hand and hurried in.

I'm still alone, standing outside the door stupidly.

There were not many people in the past, but many. Everyone could see what I was looking forward to, but the door of Pei Yuanzhang's palace was never opened for me.

The news of the healing of the wonderful words soon spread throughout the imperial city.

The concubines in the harem are fine on weekdays, which is certainly a major event. None of them invited to go to celebrate, but I also heard that all people were kicked back only at the door. Pei Yuanzhang It is naturally said that Princess Miaoyan had just recovered and she was not very good enough to see too many people.

However, for the whole three days, even the princess's mother was unable to meet her, and everyone realized that something was wrong.

Even Chang Qing and Yang Jinqiao both came to ask me, but I couldn't answer anything.

I'm more at a loss than any of them.

What the **** is my daughter for not seeing her mother?

During these three days, I almost didn't think about it. No matter how Wu Yan advised them, they could n’t eat anything, and they could n’t sleep at night. The road outside.

I'm still waiting for the news from Pei Yuanzhang.

This day has reached the fourth day.

I sat by the window and waited until the sunset in the mountains, night fell, several eunuchs lit the candles under the eaves, and Wu Yan lit the candlestick on the table.

The swaying candlelight illuminated my pale face.

Looking at my dark circles and bloodshot eyes, Susu almost couldn't bear to look at it, but still whispered, "Miss, don't wait any longer, today the emperor should not pass the news. "

I shook my head gently.

"Miss ..."

"You asked me to wait," I watched the quiet road leading to the outside gate, and these days, almost I was pierced: "I still think, wait."

Just then, a dark shadow flashed from the outside.

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