Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1326: Pei Yuanzhang's condition

The old doctor seemed to be a little panicked, hurriedly took out the pillow and tulle, and then examined Pei Yuanzhang. Fingers pressed against his veins, and the old doctor's brows frowned.

My father-in-law and I stood by and looked at him intently.

It took a while before I heard the old doctor whispering, "This, it shouldn't be ..."

We hurriedly asked, "How?"

The old doctor turned back and said to us: "I have no abnormalities in the diagnosis of the emperor. Although I was overworked before, but as long as I am in good condition, it will not be a big problem. Moreover, yesterday ’s medicine did just that For the use of the emperor, we should wake up today. "

As soon as we heard him say that, we frowned.

If he finds out that there is any problem in the direction, it may be better to solve the problem, and the prescription is the right one, but the results of his diagnosis are not abnormal, but Pei Yuanzhang still does not wake up.

This is a big problem.

I hurriedly said, "Hey doctor, look at it again and see if the emperor's body has anything other than this, and he hasn't been diagnosed before he will be lethargic."

The old doctor was also a bit nervous, especially now that there is only one of him in Yihua Palace, and there is no one to discuss. The emperor's condition was on his shoulder. When I said that, the sweat on my forehead came out. Then, he cried, "So, let me look at that."

After speaking, he knelt beside the bed and examined Pei Yuanzhang.

I glanced at Father Yu.

Not only was the old lady doctor sweating, both of us were still a little restless. At this time, Susu carefully walked to me and said gently, "Miss, today's breakfast ..."

I looked back at her and was about to eat, but suddenly my head flashed again, and I looked at Pei Yuanzhang on the bed, and said to her, "Let the person in the royal dining room come in, and you can come in and you can do it. Now, just say don't disturb the emperor to rest. "

She said, "I see."

After speaking, I turned around and went out. I suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stopped her. Susu stopped and looked over at me. I went to her and thought about it, or said, "If outside Someone asks you about Yihua Palace, especially the emperor, so don't talk nonsense. "

Susu blinked and immediately thought: "Miss, rest assured, I understand."

I nodded and let her out.

Looking back, I saw the father-in-law Yu looked at me, and also nodded his head slightly, but the two of us were not in a mood to speak now, so we didn't speak, only looking at the super doctor at the bed together.

This time, he took a longer time to diagnose the pulse than before, and was more careful.

Even after the diagnosis, he carefully lifted the curtain and looked at Pei Yuanzhang's face for a while.

However, when he stood up and turned to face us, the grey eyebrows were still twisted, and I hurried forward and asked, "How?"

"Here, I checked again. The emperor's dragon body is indeed free of other illnesses."


My father-in-law and I looked at each other again.

He also said, "Master Jade, you also know the emperor's dragon body. Although you have thought too much and you have two qi and blood deficiency, these are not urgent illnesses. It is only that the emperor has not rested for the past few days, so that the illness has come out, so It looks dangerous. The medicine yesterday was for the emperor Guben Peiyuan. "


"There are no other illnesses, but also rest here, and there is medicine, the emperor's dragon body, can be recovered."

The father-in-law frowned, looked at me, and said gently: "The prescription, the slave, also looked at it. There is no medicine for tigers and wolves. Indeed, as the Taiyi said, it is Guben Peiyuan."

I said, "So-is it still working?"

The father-in-law Jade thought for a while and said, "Well, take another dose and see if the emperor can wake up first?"

After thinking about it, there was no other way, so I said to the doctor: "Well then, go down and keep them decoction."

The Taiyi promised and went down.

I looked back at the people on the bed, and I felt more and more uncomfortable—this prince was too qualified for the hospital, and the emperor ’s dragon body had a problem. He could n’t be cautious, saying that Pei Yuanzhang ’s body was not The big trouble should be really no big deal, but since it is no big deal, why is it lethargic for so long, really just because there is no rest in these four or five days, so tired?

I just hope it's that simple.

Just thinking, Susu and Wu Yan came in from the outside.

As soon as they saw the food container in their hands, the father-in-law said immediately, "Miss Yan, eat breakfast first."

I nodded and said, "My father-in-law is also going to eat something, don't get tired."

He promised, and went out, but he heard that he was in the yard and charged the little eunuchs and the gatekeepers outside, but he did not dare to slack off for a moment.

I walked to the table, put a hand on the edge of the table, and slowly supported myself to sit down. At this time, the wonderful words also came to my side. From the morning, to the time when the Taiyi doctor gave Pei Yuanzhang a pulse, she all Quietly staying on the side, as if I was afraid that the sound of my breathing would be noisy to us, carefully, at this time I whispered: "Mother, father's disease-what is it?"

I glanced at her and didn't know what to say. I just stroked her hair gently: "Your father will be fine."

Having said that, the dishes on the table are already set, and the meal for three people is because the emperor is here. Naturally, the royal dining room is very rich, but I do n’t have much appetite for those dishes. I just force myself to eat them. Go down, took a bowl of chicken congee from Su Su's hands.

Susu handed me the bowl. I watched her stop but asked, "What's wrong?"

She said, "Miss, when I went out, I heard a lot of people from outside telling us."

"Oh? What?"

"They said that the emperor will seal you down."


It seemed to me that I was suddenly punched on a temple that was already bulging, and everyone was a little cyanosis, but for a while, I still said nothing and just drank my mouthful of porridge.

Miaoyan held the bowl and looked at me: "Mother, what does the booklet mean?"

Although she has heard and learned many things in the palace after healing, such as calling her father "Father Emperor", for example, she better understands her status as a princess, but she still knows something about the harem. of.

I was a little heavy at first, and I didn't want to explain this to her at this time, so I said, "It's nothing, you will ask later, eat first."

She said "Oh" and obediently bowed her head to drink porridge.

I ate a bit, and put down the chopsticks, walked to the window, called Susu, and asked her, "What else have you heard outside?"

As soon as she heard it, she glanced at the wonderful words at the dinner table and said hurriedly: "Miss, there are so many people in this palace who are also very powerful. They all know that the emperor spent the night in Yihua Palace last night. A few really came to ask me if the emperor had lucky you last night. "

My eyebrows frowned: "What did you say?"

She hurriedly said, "The young lady explained, of course I wouldn't talk nonsense. I said that it was because Her Royal Highness had just recovered from her illness, and her condition was still a little bit repetitive. Her Royal Highness came here to guard Her Royal Highness.

I nodded. "You speak very well."

She smiled a little.

However, she immediately said, "But I don't think they are too convinced."


"I told them like this, they listened on the surface, but I do n’t think that any of those people ’s expressions really believed, they all laughed like thieves, and there were two unscrupulous ones who told me, congratulations My master takes me up. "


"Miss, they seem to agree--"

I gently waved my hand: "OK, don't say it."

She choked for a while, and did n’t finish the rest of her words. She could only pout and back down, and I supported the edge of the table with my hands, and slowly turned to face the window because of the sudden collapse of Pei Yuanzhang. The entire Yihua Palace was closed, the room was closed tightly, and the windows could not be opened. I felt uncomfortable and finally couldn't help but reached out and pushed the window open.

The wind blowing in from the outside brought me awake with the coolness of the morning and the wind of dew.

Sure enough, things will go like this.

Actually, when I decided to send them to Pei Yuanzhang back to this room, it was already expected, but because I had stayed in his palace for more than one night before, as long as he woke up today, then rumors It is said that the facts cannot be argued, and I need not worry.

The problem is-he hasn't woke up today.

There were no signs of even waking up.

He stayed in Yihua Palace for one more day, which meant that we could put more suspicions on our relationship.

Of course, there is no paper in the world that can cover the fire, and this suspicion will also be washed off one day-the day he is unconscious and known to everyone.

Thinking of this, my eyebrows tightened.

Just when I was upset, from the window that opened a line, two people's voices were faintly heard. One of them was naturally Jade Father, and the other—

Seems like a button around the queen!

I hurriedly looked at it, and really saw that in the courtyard, Yugong was just talking to Kou Er, Kou Er said, and looked at us, but eventually did not come, but nodded, turned and left.

My mood is tight-Chang Qing also knows?

When I saw that Kouer had already gone out, I hurried away from the window and was about to push the door to go out. I saw the father-in-law Jade had come to the door and met me face to face.

As soon as I saw him, I immediately said, "Papa Jade, was it just a deduction?"

"Yes," he looked at me, with a solemn expression: "The queen mother asked her to come and greet Her Royal Highness."

Greeting Princess's body?

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