Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1376: It ’s not Pei Yuanzhen that ’s really problematic!

For a while, I felt that those calculations between people, as well as those forced confession usurped by us just now, and even flesh and blood slaughter ... what's the matter?

In fact, he has already got the best things in the world.

One person, when she was the hardest, did not think of herself, not only did not think of herself, she even abandoned herself completely, and devoted everything, perhaps life, to his palm. Even though she was so naive and stupid, it was a heart that was more transparent than gems and more precious than Jinyu.

I looked at Pei Yuanzhang, and for a while I didn't know what I could say, choked for a long time, and said softly, "Miss Nangong ... It's rare."

After saying this, I didn't know what I said or what I could say. Looking at Pei Yuanzhang, he looked at me, and there seemed to be some words in his eyes, but for a long time, he didn't speak again.

The two were facing each other silently.

I thought he should say something to me after a while, but this time, he was silent for a long time, he didn't say a word, and even when I felt a little difficult, he said slowly: "Well, I don't understand. At that time, she was using her life for her life."


"I'm not as indifferent as you think. She did that time, I always remember."


"Even when she was crying, she was holding 朕, the voice called" Yuanyuan Brother ", often in 朕 dreams."

Speaking, his breathing also became a bit heavy, and then he looked at me: "In these years, she's been by her side, doing a lot of things, both good and bad. But no matter what she does, she also I kept thinking about that time, she cried and gave blood to her mouth, and she kept holding her hand so that she didn't die, and didn't leave her. "


"No matter how many wrong things she did, I thought about it after all."

At the end he said, his voice went down slowly.

I was silent, and then nodded slightly.

Actually, how much can I understand his feelings, life-saving grace, and yongquan report, which everyone knows, but how much life-saving grace is to use his own life in exchange for the life of the other party? Such a beautiful, innocent little girl, just as old as a flower, has been obsessed with her life in exchange for the life of a loved one. At that time, she may not love how deeply, but her heart, but More than anyone else!

It was just her sincerity that did not bring her happiness in later years.

Pei Yuanzhang chose the former between the throne and her.

He destroyed that girl's pure but fragile heart.

"Yeah, I lost her first, so I also want to compensate her. I know her mind is not simple, and I know she came back to her, not sincerely coming back. But when I think of the past, I still stay Got her. "

I lowered my head, looked at Pei Yuanzhang's injured hand, and said gently, "However, Miss Nangong finally returned to her past."

Hearing that, Pei Yuanzhang also bowed his head and glanced at his hand.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't tell what emotions were in it. After a while, he said, "However, I lost her again."

My breath suffocated and I looked up at him. Pei Yuanzhang looked at me and said calmly, "Just now you said, she's hard to come by."


"She is indeed rare."


"But you are even more rare now for you."


Actually, I also understood what he would say to me, so at this time I was unexpectedly calm, no fear, no fear, just slowly raised my head to look at him, he also looked at me, seriously and Calmly said, "朕 ... 朕 Although he is a prince, he also knows that there is no perfect thing in the world. Even though He is now the Supreme Master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he also knows many things. Save it again. "


"Lightness, it's fine to say that you have no love, and you admit it. If you can only choose one person in your life, you will choose you, not her."


"I didn't want you to look back, because I knew that I hurt you too deeply at first, I just—do all this and want a fairer opportunity."


This time, his hand moved closer to my hand again, but he didn't hold me like he used to, but just touched my fingertip with his fingertips. The cold touch caused by blood loss made me tremble slightly, Looking up, but facing the temperature that is completely different from that of the fingertips, scorching eyes: "You can remember hate me, but don't resist me, okay?"


"I just want to have a fair opportunity, whether it is Liu Qinghan or Pei Yuanxiu, even Yuanfeng or Huang Tianba, I have to stand in the same position as them."

I glanced up at him for a moment, only feeling my heart twitching and panicking.

Too many thoughts popped up in an instant, as if the tide was surging and choking people.

In addition to Nangong Lizhu's infatuation, and his frank shock, my mind was also slightly shaken.

Nothing else, just for the scene they were in.

Nangong Lizhu's blood ...

Even if it is not a master of medical practice like Xue Muhua, I understand how much blood is fed to the mouth, it is impossible for people to really make up for the bleeding blood.

However, cut the hands of two people and merge the blood of the two sides ...

Is this feasible?

If this is true, does that mean that the blood of Nangong Lizhu has flowed into Pei Yuanzhang's body?

I shook my head subconsciously.

This doesn't work, let alone anything else, the human body is cut apart, and the blood can only flow out. Where can I hear that it can flow backwards? Nangong Lizhu was too young at that time, but she was too young, and her character was naive. At the critical moment, in order to save Pei Yuanzhang, she was whimsical, and it was also possible to get medical treatment in an emergency.


I'm still a little puzzled in my heart.

I remember when Xue Muhua diagnosed Pei Yuanzhang's veins-that seemed to be the only time I saw Pei Yuanzhang asked someone to give her a pulse vein, and the rest of the time, he didn't even allow the doctor to approach him-and that time, Xue Muhua seemed He noticed something strange about his body and said "not congenital".

Not congenital, naturally it is acquired.

And if Nangong Lizhu's blood really flows into his body, does it even count as "the day after tomorrow"?

If this is the case, it is not Pei Yuanzhang who really has the problem, but Nangong Lizhu!

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