Although many unexpected things have just happened, at this moment, I am really dumbfounded.

Seeing Pei Yuanxiu holding his hands on the ground and supporting his body, but his face became increasingly ugly, and he was almost going to fall, and the people around him were even worse. He had fallen to the ground one by one. Suddenly, the whole battle took place Changed upside down.

What exactly is going on?

There was a flash of light in my mind, and I hurriedly looked at Yan Qingchen. He slowly stroked the small iron box with his two hands. The sword of those people had just approached his eyes. Any panic look, all of this, more like he expected.

These people, of course, would not fall off the ground for no reason. Could it be him, what did he do?

Is it-the glass of water just now?

Just like this, I immediately denied my thoughts, I also drank that glass of water, many people around me drank, but we were all safe and sound, and I didn't feel a little helpless.

The next moment, I suddenly found something—

Those who drink water are all right, but those who do not drink water all fall down!

That water is, the antidote?

I looked at him in shock: "Dust!"

Yan Qingchen looked up at me, a smile of little temperature floating on his pale face, and said softly, "Sister, don't worry. However, you can take a step back."

I was shocked and didn't respond, but Tang Ting around immediately reacted, pulling me back, and the last few people in the field could not support it anymore, and they fell down one after another, and were immediately waved by Yan Qingchen. People went up with swords and swords around their necks, and some even brought hemp ropes.

Two people approached Pei Yuanxiu, grabbed his hand and dragged him off the ground, and tied his two hands behind him.

Pei Yuanxiu's face was pale, with cold sweat all over his forehead. At this time, he looked up at Yan Qingchen and gasped, "Originally, you already have this hand."

Yan Qingchen didn't speak, just ticked the corners of his lips.

Yan Yan, who had fallen to the ground, was struggling and couldn't believe it: "No, how is it possible? We can't be poisoned!"

I turned to look at him, and he struggled, "We didn't eat your stuff or drink your water, how could it be--"

Yan Qingchen glanced at him coldly, and said nothing, and just waved his hand, and several people immediately took the order and began to dismantle the thick wooden pillars standing in the courtyard. After the wooden pillars fell down, Put away all the large white veil for shading, Yan Qingchen only ordered: "Take it outside and burn it."



Immediately I realized that it was the white veil. The medicine he used was not used for diet and water that everyone might be aware of, but for such things.


As soon as he saw that the situation had been brought under control, Mr. Ma carried the sturdy iron rod back to look at Yan Yi, and immediately turned around and greeted the people behind him: "Come, follow me!"

They rushed towards the village immediately.

Just now, Pei Yuanxiu's people have already started working in the village. Now that the situation on the side of the ancestral hall has stabilized, of course, he must immediately rescue his own people.

I subconsciously wanted to follow, but at the corner of my eye, I saw where Pei Yuanxiu barely stood, tied his hands with those people, and I frowned, but still didn't leave. Seeing that a large group of soft white clouds were gathered in the hands of those people, there was still no scent that would alert people, but all of them fell into this situation under this design.

Pei Yuanxiu smiled lightly: "Good plan."


"I just don't understand how you--"

"What do you understand? What do you not understand?" Yan Qingchen put the iron box back in his sleeve, and then waved his hand: "Bring it on."

The men immediately took their orders and kept Pei Yuanxiu walking.

As they walked in front of me, I looked at Pei Yuanxiu's pale face. There was no light in those black eyes, and some of them were just dark and flashed in front of my eyes.

Baisha has been pulled down, and the scorching sun is shining directly on me.

But at this moment, I had a chilling feeling.

I subconsciously looked at Yan Qingchen, and he also looked at Pei Yuanxiu, not even letting his eyes go. At this time, he said coldly, "Just send someone to look at him."

Hearing the two guards behind him, he immediately said, "Yes!"

After speaking, I followed the layout.

I kept watching Pei Yuanxiu being taken away by those people, and the back disappeared on the other side of the crowd, but there was still an unbelievable sense of confusion. At this time, Yan Qingchen also looked up at me with a smile on his lips: "Sister, really only sister can be like me."

I looked at him, and for a moment I could n’t get back to God. I just intuitively looked at those people and took away a large roll of white veil, and then looked back at him: "You, you took medicine in this thing, and you just relieved us The ice water is-- "

He didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

My eyebrows suddenly frowned: "What about you?"

I didn't see him drink that water.

Moreover, according to the situation just now, the more physically exhausted, or the more physically weak, the more unable to resist the onset of drug sex, why did he stay safe?

However, although he was safe and sound, looking at him pale and weak now, is no better than a person who has taken medicine.

Yan Qingchen smiled slightly, this smile, as if the strength of the whole body had been relieved, he also softened a whole person, and then gasped slightly, saying: "I have been practicing my resistance these days Medicinal. "


He smiled lightly: "Give them medicines, they must get them in places they can't think of. If there is a slight difference, they will be aware of them, so they must be prescribed to all people. But my body-my sister also Know, I may be the first to fall. "

My face also paled: "So these days-"

I looked at his legs. These days, he has been treating his legs. I thought that was all, but it was because of these legs that he became so weak. It turned out that he was always taking advantage of his own treatment. The appearance of weakness, covering up all the facts.

As long as his own body is resistant, he will not show any flaws even without antidote.

Because of this, even people like Pei Yuanxiu couldn't beware of this!

He really is enough!

In the face of him, I didn't know whether it should be pity or fear in my heart for a while, but looking at him pale and weak, it seemed that the bones of the whole body were taken away in an instant, and cold sweat dripped, almost soaking his The clothes, even his breathing, became a bit difficult. I hurried forward: "Light dust, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as my hand was on the armrest of his wheelchair, he grabbed me. Although his strength was not strong, the cold temperature in his palm and the cold sweaty touch made me tremble slightly, but he didn't have the heart to pull out his hand. Here, he looked up at me, cold sweat slipping off his face like a broken bead, and even the voice of the voice was so low that he could not hold it. "Sister, you-what's going on here, I leave it to you! "

I was so shocked that my heart stopped and I squatted down and looked at him: "Dust, you, are you okay?"

"I'm okay," he strongly supported, but only left his vitality: "It's just the doctor reminded me that my vitality is only enough to support today. The next time, I need to rest."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

I was so anxious that tears were coming out, but looking at his pale face, gradually turning into a godless eye, I couldn't answer me at all, I could only reach out and hold his hand with another hand: Rest assured, leave the matter here to me! "

Hearing this sentence, a slight smile appeared on his face.

Then, those dumb eyes were like candlelights swaying in the wind, and the light extinguished as soon as he closed his eyes.

He fell asleep.

Even so, his hand was still holding my hand tightly.

This is my first time, I don't want to break free, don't want to let go, but want to give him strength and let him support.

However, at this time, I was not allowed to do so. Yan Yan had been bound and taken away one after another, and then there were things in Gantang Village. What did Pei Yuanxiu do in the village? On the side of the shrine, how much can be controlled, everything is unknown.

I gritted my teeth and pulled my hand out of his palm, but I also felt that his strength seemed to be taken away by him.

I hope he can survive.

Thinking of this, I glanced down at his pale and thin face, gritted his teeth, and then turned back to Yan Feibai and said, "You protect the homeowner, first retreat into the shrine."

Yan Feibai hurried to support Yan Qingchen's wheelchair and looked up at me again: "Light, what about you?"

"I still need me here!"

Speaking, I said to Yan Yi again, "Aunt, your old man also--"

She was calm from the beginning to the end. Even if the sword strikes just before her eyes did not make her a little flustered, she said calmly, "Here we are. Go and see, Gantang Village cannot be destroyed by them. ! "


I nodded, and when I looked back, Wei Yang had already stepped in front of me. I froze, and a confident smile appeared on his face, saying, "Cousin, don't worry, it's not the worst thing. One step. And me. "

Although I didn't have much contact with him as a child, and I was completely unfamiliar, looking at the familiar, handsome face and his confident temperament still gave me great comfort, and I nodded gently: "Ok."

Just then, a sound of footsteps came from the village.

There is a large number of people and horses coming towards us.

Even, I saw the people who originally held Pei Yuanxiu to be locked up. At this time, they all returned!

At this moment, my breath tightened immediately, and I stared at the wide road ahead, and everyone around me hurriedly gathered together, with the sword in my hand, ready to fight against the visitors at any time.

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