Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1556: Prepare a jug of wine

I hurriedly turned around again, and Mr. Ma stood up with his armrest, and said, "All of you, come here."

As soon as Yan Yi left, Yan Yan was locked up again. The old man was already the elder who could speak most. At this time, he said a word, the people of the Yan family in the Lingtang came together, he said: "Her spiritual position is ready, and three days later she will be sent to the shrine for worship."

Upon hearing this, everyone's breathing was heavy.

This is an incredible thing to others, but now no one can speak against it. Yan Yi ’s spiritual position finally entered the Ancestral Hall of Yan after she had taken the last step of her life. !!

This was almost unimaginable in the past, but now everyone must acknowledge this power!

She used her whole life for the power!

I took a deep breath and said, "We will all prepare for this."

"Sending the spiritual seat into the shrine is a big thing," continued Mr. Ma, "by convention, such a major ceremony requires the spiritual descendants to carry her in; if there is no such thing, the owner must act for him."


"But now, the owner may not be able to wake up for a while and a half."


"So-" He glanced at me: "Before the owner fell ill, he explained that everything here should be given to the young lady, so this lady also needs to act on her behalf."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him was stunned.

Actually, I even stumbled myself.

To be honest, I do n’t have the stubborn nature of my aunt. I did n’t even think about entering the ancestral temple before, and now I was suddenly told that if I wanted to act as the host to send Yan Yi ’s spirit into the ancestral temple, I still did n’t do well This is ready.

Immediately, some people behind him also said hesitantly, "This isn't good, is it?"

"Yeah, after all, she is a woman, how can she enter the ancestral temple?"

"Can't the shrine-"

Those people talked in a low voice, and I didn't frown, and Mr. Ma had already raised his head to look at the people behind me, and said, "Your aunt's spirit can already enter the ancestral shrine. Could she let her be the owner of the house? Can't do anything? "


Everyone was quiet when he heard this sentence.

Although there were still a few people hesitating, but after a long while, no one spoke again, and this matter was so silently decided.

I stood there for a while and got a little faint.

But when I watched Master Ma with a look of burnout, leaning slowly on the armrest, returned to the chair, and then turned back, looking at the spiritual bed surrounded by white veil behind the Lingtang, the one who had stopped breathing The figure, suddenly, understood more than ever before, the meaning of her life.

What she wants to gain is not her right to enter the ancestral temple.

But after her, there will be more power that can be won by us and even recognized by the world!

The power of a person belongs to her alone. After her spirituality entered the ancestral shrine, she was nothing but a wooden sign admired by others; but what she opened was a world that was never dared to be imagined in the past. It has given us a wider and smoother road!

This is the biggest reward for her loneliness in her life!

When I turned around and saw Yan Ruoyu with tears in her face, she sobbed softly, and looked at me with a smile, and her tears nodded at me flashingly.

When the big event is certain, everyone will go down and do their own thing. I only stayed at the Lingtang for a while, and Father Ma suddenly said to me, "There is one more thing, you have to think about it."

I looked back at him.

He said: "She is gone. If you are going to live and enter the shrine on behalf of your family, then you must fast and bathe in these three days-of course you can no longer see blood, goodbye swordsmen, but there are some things that you ca n’t keep on doing. After this thing is done, you always have to do it. "

I didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"So, have you decided?"


I was silent for a while and then said, "Father, let's have wine in the village."

He looked at me: "What wine?"

"... the wine for him."

"No, but you can prepare."


"In three days, it can be delivered."

"... Okay, I want a pot."

"A pot? He only needs one."

I glanced at him, but said nothing, but lowered my head, and Mr. Ma frowned slightly, looking at me and saying, "Miss, you ... don't think wildly."


"No matter who he is or what he has done for you, it is not worth your life to pay."


I didn't speak, and after a long time, I looked up and smiled at him slightly.


time flies.

Even the season passes very fast. It has been raining for the past few days. After each rain, the weather is a little bit cooler. It only takes two days to give people a deep sense of autumn. sense.

On the third day, there was still no clear weather.

I stood at the door and looked up at the dark sky above my head. It was getting late, but in fact, even in the daytime, I had n’t seen the sun for days. Dark clouds covered the sky and rain continued. The whole house was cleaned clean, the strings of raindrops falling on the eaves were crystal clear, and they fell on the bluestone slab to make a crisp sound, which was almost agile.

It's just that not many people stop to appreciate this moment.

Tomorrow is the day when the spirit is to be enshrined in the shrine. Tonight, everyone is preparing very nervously. I will be more cautious than others on behalf of the owner.

And one more thing has been hanging on my heart.

Wine-already delivered.

There is no such thing in the mountains and countryside. It is very troublesome for people to bring in from the outside. It was finally delivered tonight. Xue Ye, even sick, lost his temper and called me over. pause.

It's not the first time I've been scolded by her. I just responded, waited until I was exhausted and escaped from her room, stood at the door for a while, the wind was blowing, and the rain fell on my face for a while. Cool, Susu immediately came up and said, "Miss, don't stand here, watch out for the cold."

"I'm fine."

When I said this, I put the rain-stained, cold fingers on my forehead, and the feeling of being soaked was refreshing. I haven't slept well in the past few days, and tonight is the last night. I have to get up.

Tomorrow, sending Yan Yi's spirit into the shrine is a big thing.

Of course, after this is done, there is another big thing waiting for me.

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