Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1558: So he is fearless!

The fire lit my eyes.

And my breathing stopped at this moment.

All the people here were staring with eyes wide, watching when the soaring fire was boiling in front of him, Father Ma had already reacted, and he rushed forward with a short step: "It's a dungeon!"

Dungeon? !!

When everyone around me heard it, they all exclaimed, and my heart sank, and the subconscious also had to drive there, but when I took a step, I stopped and turned back to the guards and said, "Watch They must not move in one step! "

The couple of Yan Yan also made straight hair toward the sky-high fire in the night, but could n’t fully react. The guards rushed forward to hold them. I handed the spirit card in Yan Ruoyu to Yan Feibai and Wei Yang said, "You stay here and don't go anywhere."

A few of them nodded at me, and then I followed Father Ma and ran quickly with a group of guards.

On the way, while I was running, I was listening to my heartbeat like a cymbal drum, and a heavy breath filled my ears. The fire in front dissipated that darkness, and it seemed to ignite in my heart. With a little charcoal red, I was trembling slightly.

Dungeon fire ...

That's where Pei Yuanxiu is!

Could it be that he has--

This thought flashed in my mind like a meteor. I had no time to think about it. I had followed Father Ma through those narrow alleys, and finally arrived at the dungeon. The fire had sprayed out of that door, as if a beast had opened its mouth, its fangs were exposed, and it was fiercely spitting the flames. Before it approached, the hot temperature had burned the human skin. Can't open my eyes.

Through the door, I saw that there was already a sea of ​​fire inside!

I subconsciously rushed in, Susu screamed in horror, and quickly reached out and hugged me.

"Miss, don't!"

I was hugged by her, and couldn't walk at all, I could only feel the temperature of the flame, and saw thousands of tongues of fire coming out of the gate, dancing wildly.

I can't believe myself, let alone my eyes!

Pei Yuanxiu, is he still inside? !!

Has he escaped, or has he--

Su Su was afraid that I would be hurt by the flames, and I hugged my hands tightly around my waist, and I shouted in a terrified expression to myself: "Come, come, come! Fight the fire, the fire is here ! "


Is there a fire here?

I was shocked, thinking of the damp and cold feeling when I entered the dungeon. Su Su's words suddenly awakened me. I hurriedly turned to look at Mr. Ma, and saw his brows almost twisted into one. Alas, shaking his head, Shen said, "It's impossible. There isn't even a spark in the dungeon. Could it be a fire?"

It can't be a fire ...

Could it be that--? !!

My heart beat for a moment, and then when I turned to look inside, there was a sense of inexplicability.

Pei Yuanxiu, did he do it?

he already--

"I didn't expect him to move so fast," the fearless monk came after us, and he said to the door, which had been almost torn open by the flames, "this man is so clever."


"He can do this kind of place--"

But Mr. Ma frowned: "Impossible, I obviously sent someone to stay here, and all of his people have been arrested by us, and all five of them have been watched. If he really wants to escape, no Maybe there is no movement at all, why did we find out that it was burning? "

Listening to him, I frowned.

At this moment, there was a rush of heavy footsteps behind me. I looked back. It turned out to be Auntie Red. She flew in desperately. When she ran to a distance of ten steps from us, one Seeing us standing here and seeing the flames of the sky, the whole person was stupid, standing still there.

The light of fire illuminated her pale face, and her frightened eyes.

There was a little anxiety in my heart, and I hurriedly said, "Aunt Hong, why are you here?"

She's not always taking care of--

At this moment, Aunt Hong looked at me and said with a dumb voice: "Miss, do you see-old lady?"


I just felt numbness in my back for a while, and it seemed like I couldn't understand what she was saying, and looked at her stupidly: "What did you say? You, you say it again."

"Old lady, have you seen her, Miss?"


"She, she's here."


"She said that she was worried that the young lady could not bear to deal with this surname Pei, she was worried that you could not get it, and she didn't want to make you embarrassed, so-"


"... So, she's coming to help you and kill that Pei Yuanxiu!"

I just felt a buzz in my head, I couldn't hear anything for a moment, and I couldn't see anything. Only the hot temperature behind me, the flames burned almost everyone, and almost made my skin rotten. I slowly turned around and looked at the dungeon that had been flooded with flames, looking at the mouth of a beast like a blood basin, spitting the door of flames, and suddenly my eyes were dark.

"no no……"

I shook my head and widened my eyes, but everything in front of me became chaotic. Only the door, which was constantly blasting flames, opened its mouth like a beast and swallowed me in.

And I saw at a glance that on the ground at the door was an iron chain that had been burned red.

That's the iron chain locked in the cage!

"Do not--!"

I uttered a scream of sorrow and rushed in immediately. This time they were all stunned. Everyone rushed up to stop me. Su Su even hugged my waist. I was dragged to the ground, and I also gritted my teeth and let go: "Miss, don't!"

"Miss, danger!"

My tears came out like the flood of a dyke, and the tears were scorched hot by the flames nearby, and it was so hot that they could not see anything. Only the flame was burning in the eyes, even more To my heart.

Do not! Will not!

Xue Yan, she won't!

This time, Mr. Ma was also panicked, he immediately waved to the people around him: "Fast, extinguish fire! Quick extinguish fire!"

As soon as his voice fell, a dull sound came from the bottom of the ground and from the flame-jetting door. We looked up and heard a loud noise, the ground shook slightly, and the dungeon The depths had collapsed, and a burst of smoke and dust spewed out of it with the temperature of the flames. The fearless monk reached out and grabbed me and Susu, and flung back.

We avoided the hot smoke and fell to the ground.

I struggled and looked up, and saw the dungeon completely collapsed ...


It was slowly shining.

I stood at the door of the dungeon, motionless.

All night I watched them pouring buckets and buckets of water into the bottomless abyss of flame, listening to the struggling sound of cold water on the hot stone wall, and finally the fire became smaller. The flames went out, and they went in carefully one by one, cleaning up the broken boulder inside, and carrying it out little by little.

The sun came out, and the sun shone on the dark, scorching stones. The broken wall in front of me was just like my heart at this moment.

a mess.

Tears have already dried up.

At this moment, my eyes were so dry that every time I blinked, it felt like a needle was piercing, and it was so painful that I couldn't blink. I stared emptyly at the front, watching the gravel at the door After cleaning up, lift the contents inside little by little.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion inside--

"Come, come here!"

"be careful!"


I shuddered a little and walked forward. I took this step and felt that my feet were completely stiff, and I almost fell. Susu hurriedly helped me. I stumbled over and saw a few people cautiously. When a corpse was lifted out of it, everyone immediately held their breaths and carefully retreated to the side.

Yan Ruoyu took off his clothes and laid them on the ground, asking them to put the corpse on it.

It's ... Xue Yan.

I walked in front of her and slowly knelt down. She lay there calmly, with no injuries on her face and body, but with a lot of soot, some dirt, and a dark reddish color on her cheeks. That's what a suffocated person will look like.

The people who carried her out stood on both sides, and said sadly: "The fire, it just burned in the doorway, and it was not burned inside. So Madam she, she-left the whole body."


"Also, a few people she took--"

They didn't finish their words. There was another footstep in the dungeon. Other people carried the corpses of several guards around her one after another, almost the same as hers. It was just that they had obvious, almost fatal injuries on their bodies.

it is my fault.

I ignored it.

I've been with him for so long, I thought I knew him completely, but it turned out that I didn't know anything at all. I didn't even know that he had this skill and ability.

So he is fearless!

And Xue Yan ...

I lowered my head, looked at her face, and trembled her fingers, and gently wiped the dirt on her face—she wanted to kill that person for me, she wanted to solve it Don't make me miserable, don't make me embarrassed.

How painful was she when she was dying? How surprised?

Tears fell on her face, dripping with the dirt, and I couldn't hold it anymore, slowly curled up, and leaned down to hug her cold, stiff body.

"Mother! Mother--!"

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