Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1573: Tomorrow we will win!

"No matter what situation we face, it will not affect us."


"I treat you the same as before."

I didn't speak for a while, I just felt that my chest was pinched by something invisible, and I was slightly out of breath. After a while, I said lightly: "Yes? If so, then you might as well tell Me, what do you plan to do tomorrow? "

He looked at me gently and said, "Tomorrow, we will win."


My breath suffocated slightly.

In the moonlight, his face was as soft as the fairy in the painting, with a meal style drink, clean and dust-free, but his words were sharper and harder than any sharp blade. Into my heart.

What makes it harder for me to breathe is that I know he never talks nonsense.

To his gentle smile, I just felt a chill seeping out of my heart, making my limbs and five bodies cold, I stood for a while, then smiled lightly: "Is that right? Yeah, Anyway, after so long a journey, I'm also weird. It's not bad to see a good show. "

After speaking, he turned away.

The people behind me didn't move a bit, I could almost feel that his quiet moonlight-like eyes were pursuing me until I reached the depths of the cabin and could no longer be touched by his eyes. Came down and leaned against the wall.

The cold sweat on the back wet the clothes.

At this time, I hope I have the ability to leave here, even if I ca n’t return to Xichuan and return to Yishan Shelan, which he left to me, even if I can go ashore to Zhao Yuncheng ’s barracks, in fact Except that Pei Yuanxiu told me "they will win", I didn't say anything. Even if I really have the ability and have the opportunity to escape, what can they do for Zhao Yuncheng?

Maybe, as I said just now, I can only watch one play.

I just don't know if the play will be as he wishes or as I wish.


The next day, I got up early.

Although I was upset, I slept for a long time. After all, people dangled on the river easily fell asleep, and yesterday ’s battle only made me feel tired, so I met with Pei Yuanxiu on the deck. I went back to my cabin and soon fell asleep.

I thought they would get up early to prepare to attack Jiangling.

But who knows, I've got up, dressed, and freshened up. I went out and saw that some of them were just up.

Lying on the window again, there was no movement of those warships.

Strange, isn't he planning to attack Jiangling again today, and threatens to win? In this state of slack, how can such a situation win Zhao Zhaocheng's well-trained and arduous troops?

I was puzzled in my heart, but there was no way to find someone to ask. I could only wait in my cabin. Someone sent me food. I ate breakfast and continued listening to the outside movement. Finally, I heard that some people started walking around, like passing a message. When they lay at the window and watched, some boats on the river also shuttled back and forth.

I don't know how long, the water mist on the river slowly dispersed, and the sun rose.

My heart became more disturbed.

Pei Yuanxiu said that he wants to win today's battle. If they are actively preparing for the war, then I still think that there is a possibility of a fight between the two sides, but there is no movement on his side, and there is even no sign to start. Increasingly uneasy.

Obviously, not fighting is a good thing, but at this moment, I became a little impatient.

Because I don't know what he will do where we can't see it.

Just when my mood gradually became heavy and the sun was getting higher and higher, finally, I heard a footstep outside.

The cabin I live in is still some distance away from Pei Yuanxiu's cabin. They are probably afraid that I really overhear something, so they arrange me so far away, but even then, if there is any news to be passed in, send the letter. People still pass by in front of this corridor, I can clearly hear that footsteps ran all the way, and went to Pei Yuanxiu.

I sat at the table and nodded to the table with one hand.

Click, click.

Time passed by little by little, and when I hit the hundredth, I felt the ship tremble suddenly.


They were loose in heart, but immediately tightened again. After a while, they supported Pei Yuanxiu like yesterday and took me to the deck. He was still sitting in a comfortable chair, probably because of today's The sun is a bit hot, and it is Yuwei of the autumn tiger. He still holds a fan in his hand and gently fanned himself with a cool breeze.

After a while, our ship sailed to where it was yesterday.

There is no cover now, and I can see at a glance that a wide rocky beach was swept up on the bank of the earth-shaking fierce battle yesterday, and now there are neat teams standing there.

With a closer look, there are two teams.

All of them are cavalry ahead, even more than the cavalry who rushed out of the mountains yesterday and overwhelmed the party that landed on this side. They formed a square army formation. people.

Behind the cavalry, there are infantry.

Although it is a little different from yesterday's array, it is clear that he still grasped his purpose. The coordinated battle between cavalry and infantry was the most effective in this place.

Upon seeing such an array, Pei Yuanxiu shook the fan lightly, and then said, "Such people should not be reused, it is also an official's responsibility."

I glanced down at him.

After he said this, his face remained indifferent, and he made a color to the people around him. The generals had probably already discussed the battle plan with him, and then stepped down and led themselves. After a short while, I saw another thousand sails on the river, countless warships, and those boats that landed in coordination yesterday appeared in our sight.

I couldn't help but clenched the fence next to me, frowned, and looked nervously below.

Today, although Zhao Yuncheng is in a different array, the tactics are similar to yesterday, and since Pei Yuanxiu has decided to win this game, he must be different from yesterday.

So what would he do?

Suddenly, all the warships had gathered to the front, densely lined up on the river bank, and the shallow water once again appeared as it was yesterday. Several generals stood on their warships, and at the same time ordered the bannermen around them. The flag bearers also played flags almost simultaneously.

Immediately, thousands of people jumped out of their boat.

The river surface boiled again. In the height of one person's water, I can only see countless heads throbbing, and they all rushed towards the shore. On the other side, Zhao Yuncheng still rode on his high horse and looked at those people. When he was ready to go ashore, the opponent's flag bearer made his first order.

Immediately, the first cavalry team rushed out like an arrow off the string.

For a while, the sound of killing on both sides was trembling, and watching it was the same as yesterday. The cavalry was rolling with soot, and it struck the sky. Suddenly, Pei Yuanxiu rushed to the front and the soldiers who had set foot on the river bank fiercely The ground pulled their weapons from behind their waists--

The sharp scimitar draws numerous arcs of light in front of my eyes!

I haven't responded yet, I watched those cavalry who rushed over came, but when they were about to fight, all of them were short, rolled on the ground, rolled to the ground, The machete in his hand was straight towards the hoof, and the horse's knee was cut off!

Immediately, I heard Jianma's stern long hiss, ringing across the river.

The cavalry did not expect that the opponent would suddenly use such a trick, specifically to cut the horseshoes. This move was really faint. The horses were cut off and their front hoofs fell down head-on. The cavalry on their backs often caught off guard and were hardened. He threw it a few feet away, and some just broke his neck and died, and fortunately escaped, and those who were immediately caught up with their sharp machete ended their lives!

On the river bank, there was such a **** killing scene again!

I just felt that my heart was tight, listening to roars and screams in my ears, watching Xue Liang's machete stained with red blood little by little, because the first cavalry was blocked, and the people who landed on this side Having gained a great deal of space, they went forward bravely and ran on the river bank.

In this way, I'm afraid Zhao Yuncheng is really missing today!

I was so scared that I could n’t help but want to close my eyes, but I could n’t help but look at the chaos. Zhao Yuncheng was just shocked by the sound of the horse in his seat. He wasn't too surprised. The big mood fluctuated, but he waved his hand at the height immediately.

The flag-bearer at a high place immediately gave a banner to the army behind.

I didn't recognize many semaphores and didn't understand what the order was, but at a glance I saw that the cavalry behind them had all tightened their reins and started to prepare!

Does he want these cavalry to continue to charge forward?

But just a while ago, Pei Yuanxiu specially used a group of people to restrain his cavalry, and there is such a team, even if there are ten cavalry, it is just the same ending!

Han Zitong also realized this and sneered: "The Qiang donkeys are poor!"

My eyebrows were frowned, staring at every move below.

And the next moment, I saw that the cavalry did not rush out immediately, but all the backhands pulled out the bow and arrow from the back, immediately put the arrow on the string, and aimed at the boiling water in front was a burst of fire!

Those who want to take the opportunity of the first team cavalry melee to rush to the river bank have not yet responded, the meteor-like arrow rain has fallen head on!

The people who landed were blocked again!

At this time, Pei Yuanxiu also saw the following. I wonder if it was because he was shaking the fan all the time, even if the people around him were standing in the Jiang Feng, all sweating, but he was the only one. A little coolness.

Seeing this scene, he even nodded slightly.

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