Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1590: Who is he?

As soon as the curtain opened, I could see her completely.

The moment I saw her, I froze.

The Nangong Lizhu in front of her is still the same as before, although-paler, thinner, and stunned, but a real beauty, her beauty is not so easy to be damaged, she standing in front of me, It is still a country, like a flower, a painting, a delicate and moist porcelain, which is careful, for fear that it will destroy this beauty, and it will break her up with a touch.

However, at this moment, a crack appeared in the original perfect porcelain.

There was a scar on her right cheek.

I took a sigh of cold air and looked at her with wide eyes, but I couldn't believe what I saw, and she shuddered to bear my gaze. After I looked at her for a while, it seemed like I couldn't bear My eyes seemed to be the same.

She grasped the bead curtain's hand, and the curtain was torn off by her.

The pearls were crackling down, as if something had shattered to the ground.

When I spoke, my throat was also dumb, and it took me a while to retrieve my voice: "You, what are you-what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Oh--"

She laughed, but this smile was more heartbreaking than crying. Even I had seen tears rolling in her eyes, but it didn't flow down.

Maybe she shed enough tears.

My brows are tightened.

Admittedly, I ca n’t say anything good about her until now, especially once it was tit-for-tat and there was a hostile relationship between you and me. Even if I had barely been able to be relatively peaceful in the palace before, it was not a settlement. However, after all, the human heart still exists. Any normal person will have a pleasant perception of beautiful things, and hope to protect them, but after seeing beautiful things being destroyed, destroyed, they will eventually If you are reluctant, you will have a secretive heart.

Therefore, I still felt a little sad when I saw the dazzling scar on her beautiful face.

I frowned and asked, "What the **** is going on?"


"Who hurt you?"


"Did you leave the Imperial City before?"

At that time, soldiers and horses were in chaos, and swords did not open their eyes. Was it accidentally injured at that time?

Nangong Lizhu sneered: "If that's the case, I'll take my fate."

Isn't it? The more I doubted, the more disturbed I became.

"Who the **** is that?"


"Who hurt your face?"

She shivered as if she had returned to a nightmare situation. After a while, she slowly squeezed out three words from her teeth—


My heart sank a bit: "What did you say? Han Zitong?"

Is she really so ruthless, for Pei Yuanxiu, or in other words, to prevent anyone from interposing between Pei Yuanxiu and her sister, such a cruel hand against Nangong Lizhu?

Nangong Lizhu gritted his teeth and almost crushed his silver teeth. He said fiercely: "At that time, I was just in Jinling, and of course I didn't want to stay here. I didn't want to stay with them. I want to go back to the capital and back to the emperor, so I-I make noise every day, keep making noise. They put me under house arrest here. "

"So, how did they hurt you?"

"Not long after that, they suddenly said something."

"what's up?"

"Dripping blood to recognize your relative."


"I do n’t know why, they suddenly talked about it, and I do n’t know why they should admit their relatives, but with whom, suddenly one day, a group of people came to me and said they wanted to be with me. Remove something from your body. "


"Of course I refused to submit, but as soon as I resisted, they immediately controlled me to take the blood from me."

My breath froze.

Nangong Lizhu was shaking more and more, even her voice was shaking, as if it was back to that day, the day that made her heartbreak: "As a result, they cut my arm and took my blood. . "

"The wound on your face--"

"After taking my blood, they left this for me."

Nangong Lizhu said, tremblingly stretched out his hand, stroked the scar on his face, and said painfully: "After finishing, they also said that because I was struggling, I missed it and hurt me."


"Because I kept making trouble before, everyone believed what they said, and they believed that it was because I struggled to resist and let them miss, that left this injury."


"So, I became, blame yourself, and deserve it!"

Seeing her say more and more pain, in the end, she couldn't even speak anymore. The whole person seemed to collapse to her knees and fell to the ground. I couldn't say anything for a while, just watching her silently.

I still vaguely remember that when she was pregnant in the palace, she wanted to murder Chang Qing, but she caused trouble to herself and was aborted by Yuwen. At that time, she really blame herself, and she deserved the wrong. I don't think there is any pity, but this time, seeing her painful appearance, a bitterness rose in my heart.

However, there was a trace of inexplicable doubt.

Speaking of it, the moment I saw that she was hurt, and it was hurt on my face, the possibility emerged in my mind. After all, when Han Zitong saw me for the first time, she had to kill me for her sister. It's no surprise that Nangong Lizhu is now under this hand.

But there is more than that, I always feel a little ... somewhat uneasy.

Is it really Han Zitong!

Really Han Zitong, ruined the appearance of Nangong Lizhu!

Will she really do such a thing for her sister? !!

But why do I feel like she-

My heart kept tangling, and then I looked down at Nangong Lizhu's painful curling into a ball, clearly knowing that I shouldn't, but in my heart there was a little bit of unclear, unclear compassion.

After a long time, I sighed lightly.

I think, after all, I'm still-hard-hearted.

I leaned down and held her arms to lift her up. I felt her pain and weakness, and it was almost difficult to get up. I could only support her as much as I could, helping her to sit down beside the bed, and This way, stepping on those beads, knocked a lot of things, and crackled into pieces.

When she sat back on the bed, I stood on the side, and remained silent for a while, then asked, "Are you sure you are Han Zitong?"

"Not her, who else? She and her sister are the main agents of Jinling House. Many things are left to her."


This time, I have nothing to say, after all, it was her who followed Pei Yuanxiu to Xichuan.

I glanced around the room and said, "Then you have been here these days?"

"Not here, what can you do?"


"I'm not like you. I don't have that much ability to come and go freely."

I was silent for a moment, then lowered my voice again, and said, "But I still want to thank you."

She was covering her face, but her shoulders twitched slightly at this time.

I said, "I received the news from Xiao Yusheng. He said that when Jiuyao Lao left here, he was almost found out, but was covered by a woman and hid in the mansion next to Jinling House. Only then did the search of those guards escape. "


"I didn't know who he was talking about before, but now I know that it was you."


She didn't speak, just lowered her head.

I said seriously: "Thank you."

Nangong Lizhu remained silent for a long time, and then said, "Don't thank me."


"I'm just not reconciled to myself."


"I just did, remember a word you told me back then."


"Don't let my opponent do what he wants."

Hearing this sentence, I somehow laughed bitterly.

Unexpectedly, it was just a sentence that flickered to her, which would make her remember so deeply, and even after so many years, because of this sentence, yin and yang helped me.

At this time, Nangong Lizhu looked up at me and said, "That old man, has he left safely now? Is he all right?"

I froze slightly.

I did not expect that when she was so distressed, she took out a snack and asked about the safety of Yao Lao.

In fact, until now, I have n’t told her the truth about her life experience, but from the dying help of Nangong Jinhong to help Pei Yuanxiu, I think with her keenness, I should have guessed some, but between Yao Lao and her I do n’t think she knows about the relationship, or she just asked me, and she should n’t be like that.

Perhaps, in the meditation, there are always certain things destined.

For example, the feeling connected with blood.

I glanced back, the doors and windows of this room were tightly closed, and I didn't speak very loudly to her. Even if there were people listening to the corner outside, I should not be able to hear the dialogue between us, but I was very careful. After stopping for a while, I looked back at Nangong Lizhu and stunned, and said, "He is fine. My people rescued him. According to their footsteps, they should return to Xichuan soon."


"I'll let people figure out a way to help him connect-the people of Miaoshanmen."


"His medicine is good, I want him to save someone."

Nangong Lizhu frowned and looked at me, wondering why I suddenly said this to her-something inexplicable, nothing to do with herself.

Having said that, I stopped myself and looked at her slightly frowning brows. I hesitated for a long time and finally said, "Nangong Lizhu, you know who the old man whom your coverman rescued from me is who ?"

She frowned even tighter, and those clear eyes still looked at me: "He, who is it?"

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