Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1602: She wanted to kill the most, after all, it was me

Nangong Lizhu had fully understood at this moment, and stared at me with wide eyes: "That--"


I stretched out a forefinger and put it on my lips, to make her quiet, and then both of them stopped breathing, just listening to the outside quietly, the wind had completely stopped, and the two of us were close at hand, almost both Can hear each other's heartbeat.

Uh ...

Just when the two of us were facing each other, motionless, suddenly a loud noise came from our ears!


A window on the other side of the house was smashed by something from the outside, and for a while, sawdust splattered, as if an entire window had exploded. Then, two dark figures smashed out of the broken window. Come in.

It was two tall men in black, with black cloth on their faces, showing only their eyes, holding a dazzling steel knife in their hands, and suddenly breaking in from the dark outside, it was like a phantom of the night, The two of them saw at a glance that I and Nangong Lizhu were scared and opened their eyes in the inner room with pale faces.

The two did not speak, but looked at each other and rushed inward.

At this moment, Nangong Lizhu was really out of breath. She stared at the two masked men in black-no longer having to ask, no need to think about it, the steel knife was just around the corner. The chill that came out had heralded the evil spirit brought by them.

I stood up subconsciously.

Nangong Lizhu was frightened, and grabbed my sleeve subconsciously, as if pulling me back. I felt her voice was trembling like her people: "You, your people? ? "


"They, as they did last time, are waiting far away?"


I didn't speak, I just stood still and looked at the two men in black coldly.

The bead curtain in the center of the room had been pulled down before, only the layers of curtains were left. When the windows were smashed by them, the cold wind poured from the outside blew the curtains continuously, but they couldn't stop this In the footsteps of two people, they strode over.

As a flying gauze rose in front of them, one of them swung the steel knife in their hands.

When he heard a hiss, the tulle was cut open with a knife.

Seeing that half of the broken gauze fluttered in the air, but the man's slash did not stop, but he slashed his backhand and cut it straight to my neck.

Nangong Lizhu screamed in shock.

In her scream, none of my eyes blinked, watching the knife draw a cold light in the air, and it quickly cut to my neck, just at the moment of the blast, suddenly, two came from the top of my head. Shocked.

Everything happened too fast. Before I even had time to look up, I saw two figures flying down from the top of my head. They were right in the middle between me and the two men in black, and one of them stood still. , Reached for the knife that cut me!

It's those two girls!

As soon as I saw them, my heart trembled. The two men in black were startled by the sudden appearance of them. One of them was holding the knife, but immediately reacted and moved forward fiercely. As soon as she was sent, the girl was a girl after all, not as powerful as a man, and the long knife approached her own throat, and she was about to slit her throat!

The girl had no fear, and her body fled to avoid the blow.

Immediately afterwards, the four men fought into a group.

I was standing in the inner room, with Nangong Lizhu, pale and sweaty, behind me, watching the two girls and the two men in black fighting among the flying curtains, and there seemed to be countless Figures were shaking and chaotic.

Then I took a step back.

Because of the covering of those curtains, we couldn't see exactly what the war was like, but after a while, we saw those flying white gauze stained with blood. At this time, the night was getting darker and the sound of fighting in the house gradually spread out. There seemed to be movement outside. The two men in black immediately realized that the first opportunity had been lost, and it would be useless to entangle. After shaking the trick and driving the two girls back, they immediately jumped out of the window where they had just hit.

The two girls were going to chase subconsciously, and I hurried forward: "Stop chasing!"

The two of them stopped at the window and looked back at me.

I said, "No need to chase."

The two of them were still hesitant, but their pace slowed down, and they lost the best opportunity for chasing. The two figures have immediately merged into the deep night outside.

They sighed, one of them came over, "Ms. Yan, why not chase?"

"Yeah, we can catch them, at least find out where they came from."

"No need," I said, "I know where they came from."

After that, I did n’t explain too much. Instead, I looked back at Nangong Lizhu. She was sweating coldly and looked up at me with anxiety. She seemed to want to say something, but her throat was scratchy because she was too scared The sound came, and I just sat there and panted.

The two girls came over again: "So, Miss Yan, have you just been injured?"

"I'm fine."

"Should you call someone over? Or a doctor?"

"No, you two wait outside and I'll be out in a while."

They saw that I had just escaped from the edge of the knife, but they were so calm and calm, except that they were paler and talked and acted the same as usual, so they set aside their snacks and went out. I turned and walked to Nangong Lizhu: "No Scared? "

She looked up at me, only then found her voice: "You already knew?"


"You already knew that Han Zitong was going to do something to us. Did you deliberately come to me?"

"If I don't come, I can't get her to do it."

"But you should at least tell me!"


"In case just--"

"I know what you are worried about, but I still have confidence in the two girls. Look, aren't we all right now?"

She was speechless by me, and probably guessed, in fact, before I came here, I had arranged that the two girls should not wait as far away as before, but kept secretly around the room. However, as long as there is a little movement and rushes in immediately, we can guarantee everything. Although nothing serious happened, she finally had the anger to her self-arranged arrangement, so she gave me a stern glance, and then slowly leaned against the wall and sat on a chair.

She stroked her chest in shock, and said after a while: "Now, Han Zitong has already started, what are you going to do?"

"She missed it."

"So what?" She stared at me: "Missed, and then it's over?"


"She missed this time, what about next time?"


"Someone is protecting you, but I'm not there. In case she wants to--"

Seeing her getting more and more angry and excited, I sighed softly and said, "You don't need to worry, there is no next time."


"Even if it does, it won't come at you."

Nangong froze from Zhu Mei, looking up at me: "What do you mean?"

I said calmly: "She sent someone to the assassination here, in fact, she is desperately desperate. Since she missed it, this matter will certainly not be concealed. Pei Yuanxiu will know at the latest tomorrow morning. When that time comes, she will be afraid It ’s going to experience the same imprisonment as before. Of course she does n’t want to, so she has to do it before Pei Yuanxiu knows it. ”

Nangong Lizhu stared at me.

I said, "But, just like that, she must also know that we are already prepared and she will not come to you again, but to me."


"Because, what she wants to kill is me."

While talking, I slowly stood upright, looked at the messy surroundings, and then said, "You don't have to worry about tonight, but go to a different place to sleep. Tomorrow, I hope something will settle down. "

After that, I turned around and went out.

There was no sound in the room. It seemed that Nangong Lizhu had not been awake from the killing that had just occurred suddenly and the shock brought by those words I said, and as soon as I went out, I saw the two girls standing. Under the steps, as soon as they saw me going out, they immediately greeted: "Miss Yan."

"It's okay, let's go."

I just waved my hand slightly, and took them to Jinling House.

It was completely dark, and I slowly walked back to the inner courtyard by the red light of a faint lantern under the eaves in the distance. This place was quieter than the room just in Lizhu, Nangong, except that the wind was blowing through the bamboo The rustle of leaves made the night quieter and quieter, but it seemed to set off waves in people's hearts.

I went back to the room and left the two girls still outside, just changed into a homely, comfortable long dress, just sat at the table and poured a cup of hot tea, I heard footsteps from outside, slow Slowly walked to the door and did not move.

No one knocked.

I waited at the table for a while, then slowly stood up holding the table and walked over to open the door.

Unsurprisingly, Han Zitong was expressionless, with a pale face standing down at the door. I had opened the door, but she didn't hear anything, didn't feel it, and she still lowered her head.

I looked at her calmly: "Miss Zitong, you are here."


After a moment of silence, she slowly raised her head.

At night, the face was unusually pale, even like a strange face I had never seen before.

Behind her, were the two dedicated girls. They looked at me hesitantly, and I said nothing, but stepped back: "Come in and talk, it's cold outside."

Han Zitong didn't hesitate, but was very slow and took a solemn step forward.

I closed the door gently.

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