Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1610: "Sister", I can't afford it

Xiao Qian hesitated for a long time before finally Nie Nuo said, "Mrs. stayed in her room for a long time today, and went to the lady's room in the afternoon."

Han Zitong said: "She went to my room? What?"

Xiao Qian whispered softly: "Mrs. past, asked us to ask the lady for the records of all the events in the government over the years, as well as the keys to the account room. Some seals were taken away. Just when we came in, I heard that the lady had already Several people in charge of the house were called to her yard. "


Han Zitong's eyes flickered, and a stubble in his throat brought his head down.

I sat next to me, and my face was slightly darkened.

Unexpectedly, Han Ruoshi moved so fast. As soon as Han Zitong said nothing, she immediately took away everything in her hand and asked those in charge to go to her yard, naturally listening to her.

This Jinling Mansion is really going to change hands.

Han Zitong was silent for a long while, then said hoarsely: "Yes ..."

Xiao Qian nodded slightly and looked at her carefully: "Miss ..."


"You and Miss-you and your wife, are you still sisters ..."


"Is there anything you can't say clearly in person?"

Han Zitong didn't answer her sentence and didn't even raise her head. I only saw her bleak, droopy eyelashes trembling slightly. In the blink of an eye, I could always see her eyes overflowing, but she kept biting. Teeth insisted that they didn't flow out.

After being silent for a while, she smiled and said sourly, "Now, what else can I say?"


"What else to say?"


She said that the whole person was a bit lost, like a puppet without a spirit, and slowly took the bowl and chopsticks to chop rice in his mouth without even eating any dishes. That little Qian can also be regarded as a clever and clever girl. At this time, when she saw the appearance of her own lady, she was so distressed that her eyes were twisted into a frown, but she didn't know how to say it. Can be solved.

I sat across the corner, winking at her gently, and begging her not to disturb. At this time, it was best to make Han Zitong cry.

That Xiao Qian hesitated, and finally retreated silently.

Sitting still, I watched Han Zitong holding the bowl, his mouth full of rice, embarrassed and pitiful, half a moment, a tear dripping from her eyes, and it fell into the rice bowl.

After all, she was the only one to taste it.


That night, because Xiaoqian cleaned up another room and sent out the bedding and utensils, Han Zitong didn't sleep with me. I was lying alone on that large bed, listening to the message in the other room. The low sobbing sound that came, could only sigh.

It was dark at dawn.

This time, Han Zitong didn't wake up so early, probably crying too late last night. After I got up and finished washing, I saw her come out. Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches. When she saw me, she knew I reached out and covered up, I wouldn't say anything.

When Xiaoqian brought in breakfast, while the two of us were sitting and preparing to eat, I took the porridge bowl and stirred it with a spoon, then looked up at her: "What are you going to do today?"

She froze and looked up at me: "You ask me?"


"What do you mean?"

"Difficult, but also like me, what do you do? What do you really want to consume here?"

She looked dull and looked down at the bowl of clear porridge in front of her: "I'm not going to consume it, I just--"

I saw her talking difficult, so she interrupted her and said with a smile: "I just want to say, no matter what you think, but there are things that are not as simple as you want to lose."

She looked at me: "What do you mean?"

I smiled and didn't speak, and bowed my head and took a sip of porridge.

After having breakfast, Xiaoqian just removed all the dishes on the table, and after a short walk, they ran back again. Han Zitong was preparing to sit on the couch and continue reading as quietly as I saw her. He ran back gaspingly, frowning suddenly: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Qian stood at the door: "Miss Er, Miss is here!"


"Ma'am, ma'am."

Han Zitong's hand shook, and the book fell to the ground. She stood up: "She's here?"

I also got up from the window and looked out, and I really saw the other side of the path from afar. Han Ruoshi took her maids and babies to this side.

Suddenly, the quiet inner courtyard suddenly became lively.

Han Zitong and I both walked to the doorway. Seeing that Han Ruoshi had also walked to the open space in front of the door, facing us, and the two young girls followed her, apparently experienced what happened last night. Now that Han Zitong is in the courtyard again, they are not so stubborn to stop Han Ruoshi from coming in, so when we met, they both hesitated: "Miss Yan ..."

I waved gently.

At this time, Han Zitong's face had turned pale, looking at his sister under the steps, a long while, and her throat was shaking: "Sister ..."

Compared to her excitement and fragility, Han Ruoshi would be much colder, with a slight wave of his sleeve: "Don't call me that, I can't stand it."


"I don't know, what do you mean by your elder sister!"


Han Zitong looked at her, eyes full of pain.

I stood motionless, originally a pair of twin sisters who supported each other, and even looked the same. They could only rely on each other between heaven and earth, but now they are completely hostile. When it comes to hostility, in fact, Han Zitong is not hostile to her sister. After all, it is difficult to change a person's nature from a young age. As a sister, she protects her sister for half a lifetime, and it can't be completely reversed in a moment.

But Han Ruoshi is different.

The title of "sister" and "sister" is a nightmare in many women's hearts.

No wonder now, she is so sensitive to her sister's claim.

She sneered again: "You sister, I can't afford it."

Han Zitong was trembling all over, as if someone was holding her chest with an invisible knife.

At this time, the people around me didn't dare to sip, Han Ruoshi stood coldly and said, "I have something to tell you."


"Irrelevant people, let them all back down!"

When she said this, she didn't even look at me, but everyone around her turned her eyes on me.

Irrelevant people-The most irrelevant person here is, of course, me.

This means to make me avoid it.

I smiled and said nothing, so I obediently turned around and went out, and the two girls hurried to follow up and said gently, "Ms. Yan, are you really avoiding that?"

"The two sisters talk, and it's not a problem for me to be there."

Talking and walking outwards, the maidservants and maids brought by Han Ruoshi also followed, but they stood at the gate of the inner courtyard, instead they became their place, and others did not dare to come in casually.

The two girls looked at me: "Miss Yan, where are you going?"

I laughed: "Just walk around this house."

They nodded and followed me across the bridge and went outside.

As before, we walked around the house, and the servants passing by looked very strange when they saw us. They just hurriedly said hello and ran away without talking to me. I was bored, and slowly walked under the big tree that met Ao Jiayu that day.

But today, there isn't that pretty person in colorful clothes standing on it.

I walked under the tree, and as soon as I stood still, I suddenly heard that the other side of the courtyard door was the sibling where the brother Ao and their sister lived.

"Why ?! I don't believe Dad would do this, he obviously--"

Is this voice Ao Jiayu?

I stumbled and listened carefully. It was really her voice that was as crisp and moving as before, but at this time it was completely different from the previous happy and cheerful tone.

Is it--

My heart tightened, and I subconsciously glanced at the two young girls behind me, and they followed a few steps behind me, but my ear strength was stronger than me, and they all obviously heard. The two's faces sank, and they immediately stepped forward: "Ms. Yan, should we go back?"

As soon as they said this, there was a voice of comfort from Ao Zhi's bitter mouth, and he faintly heard him say, "My father had two-handed arrangements ... since I don't ... then you must take responsibility ... "

My heart beat again.

And the two girls have urged again: "Miss Yan, let's go back."

I was in trouble. I had planned to listen to it a little more, at least to know if it was what I expected, but obviously after the night before, Xie Yan explained to the two girls. The actions in this house are temporary Don't let me know, let alone let me be too involved.

After all, Xie Yan must have doubted me about Han Zitong.

I thought for a while, then turned around with a smile and said "OK". When I was about to leave, I stagnate at the foot, and I was tripped by the root of the big tree that was bare on the ground. Ground.


The two girls were taken aback by me and hurried over to help me: "Miss Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"Did you hurt?"

I sat on my knees, frowning and reaching for my ankle, saying, "It seems, twisted."

"What? Then wait, I'll find the doctor!"

One of them immediately decided to let the other stay and guard me, and went to see the doctor himself.

Seeing her running away in a hurry, anxious as if something had happened, I felt a little bit guilty, but at this time I didn't have time to think about anything, because the people in the yard had heard the movement outside, and I heard someone open The sound that the door ran out, followed by Ao Zhi chasing out: "Little girl, don't be capricious!"

The footsteps ran to the gate of the courtyard. As soon as I turned around, I saw Ao Jiayu pouting and standing at the gate.

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