Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1644: How can I keep her? !!

In the darkness that was slowly getting into the night, a burst of fire burst out!

I suddenly took a breath.

That is--

I felt my shoulder twitch slightly under the palm of my hand, and Pei Yuanxiu's fingers clasped my shoulder slightly, stepped forward and walked to my side, and looked at the sudden fire in the dark with me, and my brow suddenly Wrinkled tightly.

I was strangled by him, unable to move, but I could feel his fingers cramping.

For a short while, the husky voices of two people sounded at the same time:



Speaking this word, the two stopped at the same time, he turned to look at me, his eyes flashed a little: "You said."

I took a deep breath: "You know what I'm doing tonight?"

His eyes flashed slightly: "I don't know."


"I just know that I can't give you another chance to leave me."


"No matter what happens, you can only stay with me."

At this moment, the hand on my shoulder suddenly turned into a heavy weight, so that I was almost out of breath. He felt my paleness and helplessness, his palm raised slightly, but he still didn't let go. It seemed to me that if I let go, I would disappear from his eyes.

He took another look at Jinling Mansion, then looked at me: "Tonight, what do you want to do?"


"Those, who are they?"

At this moment, there is no need to hide it anymore. I took a deep breath: "The people of Yangzhou Government."

"Wen Fengxi sent?"


"What are they going to do? Control Jinling Province?"


"Still, come and kill me?"


At this moment, I was confused.

Not long after I told Ao Jiayu about the past fireworks in Yangzhou City, I found that the back door behind the inner courtyard was blocked by people. At that time, I was certain that Han Ruoshi would release fireworks to Ao Jiayu. The opportunity to set fire in the inner courtyard, because this "natural disaster" is irresistible manpower, and there are reasons why Ao Jiayu must set off fireworks, she can thoroughly clean up the suspicion from this incident.

Therefore, this fire, I originally believed that it should start from the inner court.

But just now, I was a bit unsure.

Wen Fengxi sent people to Jinling Mansion, of course, it would not be as simple as creating a little chaos. As the saying goes, "capture the thief and capture the king first." Kill Pei Yuanxiu directly.

The fire in front of it-was it the inner courtyard, or did they burn over the cave?

If it's the fire in the inner court, that's fine, because from the beginning I explained to Nangong Lizhu that Han Zitong-if she can figure it out for herself, she can save herself.

However, if the fire was burning from their cave house--

Suddenly I shuddered all over and turned my head to look at Pei Yuanxiu, eyes full of disbelief.

He was very calm and even looked at me with a little indifference.

When I spoke, my voice was completely hoarse, almost inaudible in the wind: "You, you left, what about the cave house?"


"Ao Jiayu, where is it?"


"Is she in the cave?"


"still is--"

Pei Yuanxiu said calmly, "She should be in the best place to watch her fireworks."


His words were light and light, as if the wind was blowing through his ears, but the cold sword and frost sword was in the wind. At this moment, I just felt that the blood in the whole body had frozen into ice.

If the fire is burning from the inner courtyard, then at least one more thing tonight is in our grasp.

If the fire burned the cave ...

Even if it wasn't the fire in the direction of the cave house, the person who heard Feng Feng analyze him should start tonight, taking advantage of the weakest defense around him!

Anyway, Ao Jiayu is the most dangerous person tonight!

I looked at him, but felt a dull pain in my chest: "Do you know what will happen tonight?"


"Do you know what would go through leaving her alone?"


He didn't speak, but from his frosty eyes, I saw a kind of almost cold, and at this moment, I understood all.

He certainly knows.

Even if he didn't know what the person who heard Fengxi was going to do tonight, but the bride stayed alone in the cave room, and tonight almost all the forces were staring there, he could fully predict how things would develop.

But he came alone.

If Ao Jiayu can spend tonight in peace, then everything is as expected; but if Ao Jiayu really has an accident tonight-to a large extent, the person who heard Feng Fengxi will attack the cave tonight And the end of that defenseless girl, I can almost imagine.

Like the bright red cave of Pei Yuanzhen at the time, add a touch of blood!

What will happen then?

Ao Zhi left Jinling after they were Li Cheng. Of course he would not know what is happening now. When the news passed, the person who started the operation was from Yangzhou Wenfengxi. The Bohai King lost his beloved daughter. Ao Zhi Having lost my beloved sister, I can almost imagine their anger.

In doing so, the contradiction between the Bohai King and the court was intensified!

I opened my eyes and looked at Pei Yuanxiu: "You did it on purpose!"


"You already knew that, you already had this plan!"


"As soon as Ao Jiayu dies, the Bohai King will definitely start his army immediately!"

He lowered his eyelids, and his long eyelashes covered those indifferent eyes. I couldn't see his eyes clearly, but he could clearly feel the chill through his bones. The chill emanating from the bottom of my heart made me almost I can't feel the wind of Jiang Feng at this moment.

Without knowing how long he was silent, he looked up and took a step towards me.

And I have already retired.

He said, "I told you long ago that everything I do is for our future."


There was a sting in my heart, but I didn't know whether I should cry or laugh at this moment, but I felt the whole body was cold, but there was a constant hot current flowing in my eyes: "For our future, so you put Putting her new wife in the most dangerous place? Do you know what she is facing now? She may already-- "

"Do you really think she is a thoughtless person?"

His gaze was like ice, flashing through a pinpoint thorn: "Light, she is not as simple as you think!"


"She obviously accompanied Ao Zhi to Jinling, but she accepted the marriage so easily."


"She haunts you every day and wants you to tell her the details of my wedding with you at the beginning, and to make such a candid look that you want to help her look at the wedding dress, than the original wedding ... you think She's so naive, you think she's saying what she really wants? "


"She's trying to stimulate you! She's just saying those words to make you uncomfortable!"


"I know she's not that simple. After all, she is the daughter of Bohai King. Although Bohai King's wife died, he didn't continue the chords, but there were always a lot of Jiji around her. How could she grow up in such an environment? I've been sending someone to observe her in secret! Xie Yan once heard it in person, she said coldly after you left, you are really slow, and she has already talked about this, and you can still be unconscious, Help her plan her wedding wholeheartedly! "


"She wants you to leave me!"


"Before she married me, she put all her wit into you!"


"How can I keep her ?!"


I watched his frown froze. Originally, Qingjun's face was faintly exuded under this dim light, which I had never seen on him before, but because of a girl, he The woman who just worshiped tonight, surging from the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, I didn't even know whether I wanted to cry or laugh.

He said he did it for me.

Because Ao Jiayu targeted me in the back, so this grand wedding tonight has instead become her own funeral?

I just felt that my whole body's strength had been emptied by his words, and I took a step, but hit the fence behind me, almost turned over, and Pei Yuanxiu took me into my arms as soon as I reached out. I ironed it to my cold body.

I looked up and looked at him, but I felt that the heat and the cold were mixed, and I was about to lose myself.

I said suddenly: "She has a plan, don't I?"


"Can you see that she is targeting me, can't I see it?"


"I know she is targeting me, and I also know that she is not so naive. The Bohai King daughter, how could she be such a simple girl? Probably only her brother will be willing to believe that her sister is innocent, and she is also a child. Same. "

His eyes darkened: "But you still want her to marry me?"

I smiled suddenly: "Pei Yuanxiu, do you think there can be innocent women around you?"


"Which innocent girl can stay by your side or even-survive?"


"If I'm naive, even a little bit, I might die tonight!"

The hand holding me also shook slightly, but held me tighter in his arms. The red robe, like a flame, surrounded me and him.

I said sadly: "Do you admit it, you-people like you, do not have a simple, single-minded girl."


When I said this, my eyes flickered, and I looked at the distant firelight far away, and said gently, "No, maybe there was originally one, but tonight, she was destined to disappear ... in the courtyard!"

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