Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1660: Jiang Xin met

Pei Yuanxiu didn't answer me immediately, whether he agreed or disagreed.

But after that, Xie Yuan disappeared again. I asked Huazhu and she said that her master had gone to Yangzhou, and I understood that Pei Yuanxiu should have agreed to this matter and was relieved.

But the next moment, my heart was tense again.

Convince Wen Fengxi? I don't have this confidence.

Even from the bottom of my heart, I don't think persuading him is the best option right now.

Xie Yan did not hide me, even if he did not hide me, I also understand how important time is to them and to the current war situation. With Yangzhou City, changing the situation in the Central Plains, even if I do n’t know what to do, You can't weigh this weight.

I just couldn't help watching the terrible massacre three days later.

Half a day later, Xie Yi returned.

He told me that I could persuade Wen Fengxi.

As soon as I heard this, I stood up from the table in surprise, but Xie Xing went on to say, "But I didn't go to Yangzhou to persuade him."

"Not to Yangzhou?"

I froze, where should I go to see Wen Fengxi?

Now the two sides are already like this. If I do n’t go, will I let Wen Fengxi cross the river? As the head of Yangzhou, how could he be involved in danger at this time?

Xie Yan said: "The good result we discussed with him was that you two took a boat and met Jiang Xin."

"Jiang Xin?"



"In order to ensure his safety and to ensure that you do not have any accidents, both of our ships must retreat to their respective ports."

My heart jumped, but before I had time to think about it, Xie Yan seemed to have seen my thoughts at the moment, and then said, "I will take you by the boat."


Sure enough, I want to be beautiful.

Xie Yan looked at me: "The agreed time is noon tomorrow."


Seeing me silent again, Xie Xuan's eyes flickered and asked, "You think about it, would you like to tell him something?"

I didn't speak.

Xie Yan looked at me for a while and then said, "But I have to tell you first. In addition to persuading Wen Fengxi, don't think too much, and don't think of any chance ... this is what he can do The biggest concession of his is that he would not let you go if I had not repeatedly promised to protect you back safely. "


"If there is an accident, you will not only save Yangzhou, but you will make the slaughter of the city ahead of time, do you understand?"

I looked up at him, sneer: "Of course I understand."


"I've been dead every day these days. Can I still understand?"

I have n’t been an obedient person since I was young, but Pei Yuanxiu, he just has the ability to crush all the hard bones in my body into powder. He ca n’t take away my consciousness of resistance, but it makes me afraid A little resistance, such a person is probably born to be my nemesis.

What else can I do?

Seeing my sneer, Xie Yan frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just said gently: "then think about it carefully, and what to say to Wen Fengxi tomorrow. You must remember The safety of Yangzhou City lies with him, and your persuasion may save thousands of people. "

After that, he left.


That evening, Pei Yuanxiu came to my room very early.

When he came, I was sitting at the table, sewing a piece of clothing stitch by stitch. When he saw me like this, he immediately came over: "Why are you sewing?"

I looked up at him, said nothing, and still looked down to continue sewing.

With a frown on his brow, he was about to call someone outside, and I said softly, "You have broken a few of my clothes. Wouldn't it sew them?"


His words were immediately blocked in his throat.

Since these days, he has torn my tight clothes more than once when he is in a hot mood. The clothes have been changed one after another. Although well prepared, there are still few intact in a month. . This boat is not a boat for outings. There are only a few maids to serve me, and each of them is afraid of me, so I will not ask them for suspense. I just asked them for needlework. Sewing.

He said immediately: "This is not what you should do."

I lowered my head and embroidered stitch by thread: "What do you want me to do in this room?"


This time, he was silent again.

Without being allowed to leave this room, I really can do nothing but eat and sleep. I can only sit on the bow of the ship silly every day, like a lifeless ragdoll, but he only eats and sleeps. The time will come, so there is no feeling.

Now listening to me, I also stunned, after all, did not stop me anymore.

So he sat aside and stayed with me quietly.

The candlelight was quiet, only a little swaying when he and I breathed heavily inadvertently. The dress in my hand was the best, except that the sleeve was torn and I sewed it. In a circle, the broken cuffs were finally stitched, and then another circle was required to reinforce it.

He didn't look impatient at all. He watched me wear a needle and lead, and when the candlelight was dim, he helped me pick the wick and pushed the candlestick to my side.

I still didn't look up, and concentrated on the stitches and stitches. At this moment, he said gently, "Are you familiar with Feng Fengxi?"

I pinched the needle's hand for a while, and continued to sew casually, whispering softly, "I've seen it a few times before."

"Will he listen to you?"

"I do not know either."

"... So, you think about it, are you going to tell him tomorrow?"



"Only, get emotional."

"Emotionally?" He looked at me across the candlelight, and said gently: "You are too emotional."

My hand slipped and the needle got into my fingertips.

I couldn't help but tremble a bit. A blood drop had come out of my fingertips. He hurried over to hold my hand and frowned suddenly. "Why so careless?"

"I'm fine."

As I said, I was about to pull my hand back from him and was about to send it to my mouth, but he pulled it back again with force, and opened my mouth to hold the fingertip into my mouth.

My eyebrows froze and I stopped breathing.

Feeling his tongue lick gently | holding my fingertips, that little blood drop was quickly sucked by him.

I just feel that my whole body is stunned. No matter he holds my hand again, he pulls his hand back hard, lowers his head to not look at him, and Pei Yuanxiu does not regenerate any anger against me. I just squatted in front of me, looked up at me, and said gently: "That's why you always hurt yourself."

I squeezed the fingertip with the crispy tingling sensation, and tilted my head to avoid his eyes: "Just a little injury."

He looked at me and said Shen: "But I still feel bad."


I almost held my breath, but I could hear his heartbeat close by, getting stronger and stronger. He pulled my hand over the clothes and needle and thread and put it aside, and then reached out to hold me, I was almost shocked. Jumping up, but couldn't escape his arm, he was struck horizontally and hugged him, and quickly took me a few steps to bed.

When he leaned down, I was completely covered by his shadow, scared as if to be swallowed by something, my hands rushed to his chest: "Don't!"

He held my wrist and pulled it lightly to the sides so that there is no gap between us. Then he approached me gently, kissed my cheek with his lips, and said indistinctly: "Relax, I won't hurt you. "


"Tonight, I won't break your clothes again."

As soon as the voice fell, the clasp on his chest had been unlocked by his dexterous fingers, and he extinguished the candlestick on the table with a wave of his sleeve, and covered it heavily ...


This night, probably considering that I was going to do that important thing the next day, he was quite restrained.

Finally, after I fell asleep, I could still hear his heavy breathing echoing in his ears, but he didn't tangle any more, just wrapped my waist around those high-temperature arms, leaving me unable to move around him. Slept all night in my arms.

When I woke up the next day, it was time.

Someone soon came to serve us for grooming. After having breakfast and rest for a while, Xie Xun came in and reported that the boat on Yangzhou had begun to retreat.

Our boat, of course, will start to retreat.

And I'm about to get on the boat.

They accompanied me out of the cabin. I wore clothes I had sewn yesterday, and a thick wind chisel was added to the outside. Even so, as soon as I was on the deck, the sloppy river breeze blew me a bit, then Looking around, other warships have really started to retreat, and some have retreated to the south bank.

On the other side of Yangzhou, almost all of their boats returned to their camps.

A small boat docked under our big ship, Xie Yan came over and said, "Miss Yan, please."

I nodded, just as he was about to follow him, Pei Yuanxiu behind him suddenly said, "Light."


I didn't look back or answer, I heard him say, "I'll wait for you here."


As soon as his voice fell, I heard footsteps next to me, and turned around to see that it was the dark-skinned child who was brought up again, as well as some other prisoners of war, all taken to the side of the ship with their hands tied. Standing on.

Everyone's eyes are helpless and dazed.

As soon as my eyes were hot, I turned my head and followed Xie Yi down the steps.

Down a long staircase, we came out of a small door. Outside was the docked boat. The boatman was obviously a soldier on this side. He helped me to get on the boat, and Xie Ye also got on.

As soon as the boatman propped the ship with his oars, our boat drove towards the center of the river.

At this moment, my heartbeat was slowly violent.

Looking up, in the fog, a ship approached from the north shore.

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