Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1947: In case the city breaks, what will he do to us?

I didn't have any psychological preparation to hear her ask about the war that happened more than ten years ago, and there was nothing to prepare, and the first scenes began to emerge in my mind, with ears more nearly real roar, The noise of the hustle and bustle at that moment, I almost thought that memories came true.

However, just when I was a little lost, the sound of wonderful words sounded in my ears again.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"


"You answer me, mother."


I froze slightly, looked down, and looked at her bright eyes, and then said hoarsely, "That was a decade ago, you are still a little ... just a little bit bigger, how can you remember?"

"That's the way it is." She thought for a while, and then asked, "Well, who was fighting this time?"

"It's Shengjing who fights with your father."

"Oh? Then, what's the result?"


"The father defeated them, didn't they?"

I smiled lightly, not at all.

In the war that year, if you really want to talk about it, Pei Yuanzhang was defeated, and it was a terrible defeat. Yang Yunhui and Chang Qing, two generals he relied heavily on, were folded in Dongzhou, plus Pei Yuanfeng's departure As a result, there was no general available in the imperial court for a few years, which also became a big regret after him.

He asked Fu Bazhen for political affairs. One of Fu Bazhen's suggestions was that there should be no large-scale war in the border area within five years. It seemed to be a promise, but in fact, it was helpless.

But these are not the ones that make me the most distressed, the ones that make me the most distressed are Huang Ye and Huang Tianba.

Over the years, I think he didn't spend all day in pain and pain, but I couldn't save him.

But now ... not necessarily.

I heard before that Losh didn't appear on the front of the battlefield in Central Plains, because he was stuck in something by staying at Shengjing, and then reminiscent of the Iron King, I guess the trouble he encountered should be King Tiemen returned to the grassland.

And now, I already have soldiers in my hand!

Although this soldier is cold, he promised to give me all his possessions to take care of me. Moreover, he has always respected Huang Tianba as a person. Now we are no longer controlled by anyone and we have our own. Strength, to save him is not an unimaginable thing.

As long as I can leave here and return to Xichuan.

As long as the war in the Central Plains did not exhaust the light cold forces ...

Of course, it is still too early to think of these, not to mention that I and Qinghan have not yet returned to Xichuan. Now that I am in Linfen City, it is not completely safe. How to fight and how to solve the crisis in Linfen. Still unknown.

However, I was probably too fascinated. Miao Yan reached out from the quilt to hold my sleeves and dangled. I hurried back to look down at her, and she opened my eyes and looked at me: "Mother What are you thinking, why don't you answer me? "

I reluctantly smiled: "It's been many years ago. What do you say, go to sleep."

After speaking, you must pull the curtains on both sides.

But as I moved, Miaoyan said suddenly, "Mother, in fact, you just said that war was between the father and ... and Ada?"


My hand trembled slightly.

The curtain fell slowly, as if a cloud of mist drifted between me and her, covering each other's eyes, a little confused and invisible.

However, I clearly felt that the words of wonderful words seemed very powerful, as if there were two hands to stick out of her eyes, to pull some truth out of my body, and her voice also brought After a little eagerness, "Mother, at that time, the two of them had already fought, right?"

"..." I looked at her with a stunned look: "You, how did you know?"

This sentence is almost equal to affirmation.

I saw her eyes blink suddenly, as if a streamer was passing by.

She was silent for a while, and said softly, "Because, I grew up by my father's side when I was young."


She looked at me and asked earnestly: "Mother, how did I get to Ada?"


"In the past, my mother told me that it was because of some accidents. The father and you were separated from me, but what kind of accident was it, you never told me, and I never thought about it."


"The emperor is the emperor. He is so powerful and you are so powerful. What kind of accident has made you lose me."


"Only fighting, right?"

I just realized that I underestimated my daughter.

I thought that some things could be kept under her control, no matter how many uncles in the adult's world, but the child should grow up in love, even if sometimes, some things are illusions, they should maintain that illusion, so that she should not have regret But I didn't expect that what was before her was a simple cause and effect, and she could see through it so easily.

I just don't know why she suddenly mentioned this.

Or was she always thinking about this?

I hesitated before I said, "Since you already know, why come to ask me?"


"Do you want to ask me what kind of accident, what happened, you will be separated from us, you will come to your father, right?"


She nodded silently.

I thought about it for a long time, and then slowly said, "When you were separated from us, in fact, the mother was not with you. At that time, the mother was captured and captured by Shengjing. When I returned from Shengjing, Only then did you know that you were gone. "

Her eyes widened slightly.

"Why didn't you see it? What happened in the middle? The mother is not really sure."


"After meeting you again, my mother didn't plan to ask again."


"Because it's enough for you to come back to your mother. Mother doesn't want to care too much."


"And you," I looked at her eyes behind the curtain, and said seriously: "Your thoughts may not be the same as the mother, it is understandable. If you want to know what is going on, you can also inquire and ask .But there are two things, mother must make you remember. "

She said, "Mother, you say."

"No one wants to abandon his child. Your father emperor loves you so much. After years of being separated from you, he has never stopped sending people to find you. After he has found you, he is happier than anyone."

"Good words."

"And your father, you have protected you. For so many years, no matter how many contradictions between him and your father and emperor, even-hatred, but he did not put those emotions on you, but made you happy. It's a great kindness to grow up with him carefree. "

"Remember the wonderful words."

"Whatever the answer you are looking for, remember these two things."

"……I know."

When she said the last few words, her voice trembled slightly. After a long silence, she slowly raised her eyes and wanted to look outside. Although the dark night sky could see nothing, it was far away. The sound of fierce fighting and killing has been endless, she said softly: "Mother, now the people who attacked Linfen City were sent by Adie, right?"


She paused, as if she could hear her throat choking in the silence. After a while, I heard her hoarse words: "What if Dad treats us if the city breaks?"

Although this sentence was a question, she did not seem to be asking me, because after she said the last sentence, she slowly lowered her head, and her eyes seemed somewhat helpless and startled.

"What will he do to us?"


The child has really grown up, her questions are getting deeper and deeper, and gradually, to the point where I cannot answer.

Or maybe, she had a more complicated past than ordinary people, and it ’s more difficult to understand love and hate. Maybe it is the hardest thing to face in life-no solution.

I smiled, reached into the valance and gently stroked her face, then said nothing and blew out the candlestick beside the bed.

There was darkness in the room.

I walked quietly to cover the windows on both sides, and then lay on the couch myself, pulling a thin sheet to the chest to cover it.

I can't see anything in front of me, it's dark, and my ears are more sensitive. I can clearly recognize the different loud noises in the hustle and bustle, the sound of the city gate being hit, the sound of arrows flying, The roar of people roars.

In these sounds, there is always a slight but clear breathing sound.


A little light slowly penetrated through the window.

Its daybreak.

And the noise of the hustle and bustle of the night finally quieted down when the first rays of sunlight shined through the eastern sky. Until this time, I felt like I had removed my chest and pressed an invisible boulder, and it became loose. Tone.

When I got up, I felt pain in my shoulders and back.

I didn't sleep for a whole night, and it was not a relaxing time. I sat and took a breath, and got up to clean up the soft pillow and thin quilt on the couch. A dagger was exposed under the soft pillow. Yan also got up and stretched his lazy voice, and quickly put away the dagger.

Last night, she asked me what would happen if the city broke?

In fact, this incident is really only incidental, but I am afraid of this incident.

Actually, I can't answer her.

I know that no matter what Pei Yuanxiu has become, even in the Jiehe, his despair and grief, but I still believe that he will not let people hurt us, at least--

He won't let me die in the hands of others.

However, war is war. This is a beast. Once the war starts, once the beast breaks out of the fence, it will not be controlled by anyone.

I don't want any tragedy in Me and Miaoyan as I saw when I entered the Imperial City.

But now, I know it's all right.

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