Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2079: Vanishing Chain Mail

That armor has been stolen and sold by Dao Hu's son. Dao Hu is now in a rage. If others show a shudder at that armor, I am afraid he will not say a word.

Sure enough, after hearing Qing Han's words, I felt that Father Hu seemed to be subconsciously relieved.

I asked softly beside, "Dad Hu, what's wrong?"

Father Hu said indignantly: "What else can happen, that beast, that filial son! When I got up this morning, I found out that the room was wrong, as if someone had come, and it turned out to look-" he said Then, he looked involuntarily, there was only a wooden shelf with a crimson shirt, and his eyes showed an expression of indignant hatred, saying: "The armor is gone!"


"I went downstairs and saw the little bunny!"


"You said, it wasn't he who stole it, who else? He even dared to lick his face and said he just came back to see!"


Qing Han and I glanced at each other for a moment without talking.

Originally, he came here today to take a look at the armor, but he did not expect that the armor was stolen.

I felt so sorry in my heart. I walked to the wooden frame and said softly, "This is what your ancestors uploaded! Unfortunately, there is only this red dress left, and it is useless."

"This, it isn't," my dad said in a rage. "The clothes and the armor were originally the benefactor."


I was a bit surprised. I thought that this red dress was just a random set on a wooden stand, but I didn't expect that it was a suit with that armor.

Recalling the appearance of the armor on the wooden frame, it really looks like blood, and I don't know what it looks like when worn on a person?

The pain of Dad Hu's face was obviously to him, this was the memory of his ancestors, the graciousness of the mountain, but in the eyes of his son, it was only worth a few dollars or two.

"I, I wish I could kill him, I wish I had never given birth to this beast!"

He was so angry that the blue tendons on his neck were all violent, and when Aunt Hu lying on the other side of the bed heard him say this, she even cried, and Hu limped, "You still have a face Cry, why did you stop him when I was about to kill him? That boy can do such a thing, and you still protect him! "

Madam Hu cried, "Why don't I know that the child is not fighting, but never again. In the end, it is still our son. I am already this age. If you kill him, what's the point if I live? ? "

When Father Hu heard this, he couldn't even speak out of anger, and put the medicine bottle in his hand heavily on the table.

I looked at Qinghan and didn't know what to say for a while. As the saying goes, poor couples are sad, but this is still a little reasonable, not because poverty is a terrible thing, but When people face poverty, the dark and degraded side of human nature is often exposed without reservation; on the contrary, there are not many people who can maintain the bright side in poverty. Because such people often Nor will it be too long.

Speaking of which, God has arranged more than one kind of destiny for a person, but to go to the light or darkness, often depends only on the person's own choice.

Qing Han lowered his head to straighten his sleeves, then raised his head, and softly persuaded Father Hu: "Daddy, you still don't want to be too angry, it's not worth angering your body."

I said beside me, "Yeah. Now I should think of a way to see if I can retrieve that armor again."

"get back?"

Dad Hu heard this sentence, and then he seemed to be stinging. He probably thought it was over after he was stolen, but he didn't expect to find it.

Qing Han said: "Since this is the thing of my father's benefactor, naturally I have to find a way to get it back."


"Listening to you, your son owes a gambling debt. Stealing that thing is nothing more than selling money to pay off the debt. As long as you go along this route, there may be room for recovery."

I said, "After all, that thing isn't gold or silver jewelry, nor can anyone afford it. What good can ordinary people buy a set of armor? Your son can only use it as a pawnshop. , We can ask people to go to the pawnshops in the city. "


Father Hu became even more shocked. He looked at us and looked at him for a long time, and said, "What are you, two people?"


Qing Han and I looked at each other without speaking.

The look of doubt and inquiry in his eyes deepened, and he stared at us: "The clothes of the two, and your conversation, do not look like ordinary people."

Qing Han laughed lightly: "Dad joked, we are not ordinary people, but who else can we be!"

Dad Hu stared at his face, shook his head, and said more firmly, "No, you must not be ordinary people. The mask on the son's face cannot be made by ordinary ironsmiths."

This time, Qing Han himself stumbled.

The two of us were not too fancy and did not show off when we went out. We thought about not revealing our identities, but we never thought that the mask on his face would betray him easily.

Dad Hu stared at us both with a frown, and said solemnly, "Who the **** are you? What the **** are you doing here?"

I didn't know what to say for a while, but Qing Han had stood up with his hands on his sleeves and looked at his expression. It seemed that he did not intend to explain or conceal any more.

Although Father Hu is old, his eyes are like a torch. He gloomily looked at us both: "Did you also come for my armor?"

Qing Han said, "Old man, we are not malicious."

His sentence is not bad, it can be regarded as the default.

Immediately, I saw Papa Hu's face became more and more gloomy. He put the medicine bottle in his hand aside and turned his back, saying coldly: "The two have other plans, the old man has nothing to say Say, but this armor has been stolen now, it doesn't make much sense for you to stay here, please leave! "

At the other end of the house, Aunt Hu leaned on the bedside, and her lungs coughed for a while, her waist couldn't straighten up.

I went out quietly with Qing Han, and when I reached the stairs, I stopped again and said to Aunt Hu: "Ma'am, your body is important, you take care."

After speaking, they followed him and left.

Because there was a turbulence just outside, there are still some people pointing at the iron shop, and I and Qian Han came out without talking, and the two walked quietly to the alley.

When I was about to see the carriage, I couldn't help but asked softly, "What do you think?"

"Chain armor."

"What?" He suddenly said a term I was completely unfamiliar with, but I couldn't react to it, and stared at him blankly.

"Chain armor." He repeated again: "That armor is called chain armor."

I was a little surprised. He just came upstairs, and he only saw the wooden frame and the red clothes. How did he know the name of the armor?

He smiled and said, "Just when Father Hu opened the box to get the medicine, I saw a long bundle of iron wires under the box, which was about ten feet long."

"so what?"

"Papa Hu should put at least some valuable or meaningful things in his box, but he put that bunch of iron wires. I want to be a blacksmith and get such a pair of sophisticated armors. The wish should be to copy it. "

I just remembered that the pair of armors I saw yesterday did look like they were made of iron wire, one ring and one buckle, very tight.

Qing Han also said: "General armor is made of iron and cowhide, but there is only one armor made of iron wire, which is what I just said-chain mail."

I sighed, "If you didn't tell me, I really don't know what it is, chain mail, it's a strange name."

Qing Han smiled: "Have you met yet, I have never even met."

"Then how do you know it's chain mail?"

"Feng Xi told me."

"He has, or has he met?"

"He didn't. I saw it only in the book of soldiers. This armor, as you said, is very precise, so the cost is high. It is said that in the past, it was only owned by very high-ranking generals. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary soldiers. of."

Can only generals have? But Hu Hu obviously said that the man was patrolling alone, so he met his great ancestor, would the general still go on patrol?

My eyebrows frowned, and whispered softly, "Then why now--"

Qing Han smiled lightly: "You also know that this dynasty, especially him, all his energies are in the reform of the New Deal. In the early stage, he paid no attention to the generals, and he did not spend so much effort to make such expensive construction. Armored. "

So this armor is rare.

But now this armor was stolen, and it was the next day I saw it by accident.

I said, "What do you think of today?"

He also turned to glance at me: "You!"

I thought about it and said, "That armor doesn't seem to have been stolen by Father Hu's son."

"Why do you see it?"

"The armor was stolen last night. If it was really his son's job, what are you doing back this morning? Is it because of the arrest?"

Qing Han nodded and said, "That makes sense."

Even he agreed with my speculation, and I hurriedly said, "That--"

"That incident has another hidden feeling. Others also stunned the armor. Maybe it was a long time ago, or maybe you just discovered it yesterday. In short, someone was one step ahead of us and took advantage of last night. "He said, a little light in his eyes:" This thing seems more interesting than I thought. "

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