I slowly raised my eyes, looked after I got the bamboo curtain, and then reached out and said, "I'm going to look in there."

The big man nodded and turned to look at the room. He immediately changed his face and said fiercely, "Where do you want to go in? What do you think we are?"

"I treat you here as a casino, so bet on it."

I smiled: "Why, you are afraid of losing, so you dare not gamble?"

"Lose? We will lose ?!"

The big man was almost irritated by me. I stepped forward and stared at me angrily. At this time, Qing Han stepped in front of me and calmly said, "Since you don't dare, then bet is fine. You casino Don't hurt yourself before you bet. "

At this time, the atmosphere was a bit stern. The big man looked at us fiercely, and the people around him were also fierce. It seems that the next moment is really going to hurt people.

But at this moment, we heard a very low voice, as if someone was tapping the wall softly, making two barely noticeable tuk tuks. Then the big man came back to God and looked again. Over there, the figure behind the bamboo curtain gently waved his arm again.

The big man took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Gamble!"

Having said that, he walked to the gaming table: "What are you gambling?"

I looked down at the dice cup on the table, and the big man immediately said, "Bet on this?"

I looked up at him with a look of contempt, even when he was steadfast, and thought about it, and then laughed: "Since I only bet on one, then bet on something special."

He said, "How are you gambling?"

I said, "It's too common to bet on the size and the size. It's better for us to bet-just count the points."

"Hear points?"

The big man stunned, and everyone around him was stunned. A few people even couldn't help but whispered in astonishment.

Bet dice, this is very common in casinos, and the bet size and buy size are largely based on guessing. Somehow a little fluke in it, audible points, then it is entirely based on ears and skills, this is not an average gambler I can bet.

The big man glanced at me suspiciously: "Only you?"

Obviously, he couldn't believe that I could have such ear strength, and I said with a smile: "One more thing, if two people can't guess, then whoever guesses the point closest to the correct point is the winner. How? ? "

As soon as he heard me, he showed a contemptuous expression.

"Well, if you want to bet, Grandpa will play with you."

Speaking, I glanced at the slight coldness outside the situation, and sneered, "I only hope that after you bet this one, your husband will not give you a break!"

Qing Han and I looked at each other. He probably was at a loss as to the phrase "Xiangong", but at this time he couldn't afford to argue with strangers. He just smiled and said, "That's not true, I just Hopefully, after she wins, the people over there will not run away. "

The big man snorted coldly, and started to handle the dice cup on the table.

I also picked up the dice cup on the other side, and threw three dice one by one. There was a sound of gurgling in my ears. Looking up, the big man shook the dice cup. I can only hear the sound of fierce collision of dice inside, as if ringing a bell. Obviously, he is also an old hand. The action of shaking the dice cup is flowing, and he shakes it down and slams it on the table.

And I covered the mouth of the dice cup with one hand, shook it three times, and buckled it on the table.

At this time, people in the entire casino noticed this, and those other gamblers at the other gambling tables also stopped their gambling and gathered around this gambling table with dozens of hundreds of eyes staring. Holding the two dice cups on the table, everyone had to be quiet to hear the sound of a pin falling to the ground.

The big man glanced down at my dice cup, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked up at me: "Guess how much!"

I thought about it and said, "It seems to be-eleven o'clock."

He immediately sneered, and even without waiting for any response from the people around him, he opened the dice cup on the table.

There are three dice, one three, one four, and five.

A total of twelve.

The people around me immediately gave a sigh, some were praising that I was only a little behind, some were sorry, but actually a little worse, I was afraid to lose today.

Qing Han beside him also frowned slightly, he glanced at me, I nodded slightly at him, and said to the big man: "I'm a little worse. Now it's your turn, you can guess Guess, what's in my dice cup? "

He sneered and said, "Your twelve o'clock!"

Everyone around was starting to move, everyone's eyes were staring at the dice cup. Although no one spoke, I could feel that everyone's voice seemed to be urging and wanted to see the answer immediately.

I smiled, reached out my hand, and slowly opened the dice cup.

With the dice cup opened, the first dice exposed was five o'clock.

Someone around already whispered, "Four o'clock! Three o'clock!"

"I don't think so."

"Can you really guess?"

"Three o'clock! Four o'clock!"

At this time, it seems that the gambling game is no longer at the gambling table, but in the entire casino. Everyone bets in their hearts. Some people bet on me to win, and some people bet on him to win. Opened, everyone's heart almost mentioned his throat.

When I opened it a little more, the air almost condensed.

Because they saw that one of the remaining two dice was stacked on top of the other dice, but it did not completely cover the points below, but just stacked a small corner, which was clear You can see that the top dice has three points and the bottom dice has four points!


It's really twelve!

Inside the casino, someone could not help but exclaim.

The big man also seemed to have a cold sweat. As soon as he saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face. He raised his hands and wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at me. He was about to say something, and suddenly his face changed.

Because he saw the dice stacked on top tremble slightly, then tremble again, and then flipped down from above.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and everyone watched the dice flip over.

By this time, I had completely opened the dice cup.

Five o'clock!

A total of fourteen!

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