Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2094: Why didn't you get married that year?

I think, maybe Qingtangcheng doesn't agree with me?

I have been here for less than half a day, and the embarrassing mood has always been in the shadows. Now the hall is quiet, but the warmth brought by the warm tea can't resist the surrounding air suddenly cooling down a lot. .

It seemed that he felt the coolness, and Pei Yuanzhang gave a cough and said, "Oh?"

This word seems to have a different tone.

I looked at him, and then looked at Qinghan aside. There wasn't much expression on his face, but he just looked at me without blinking, and on the other side, Pei Yuanzhang chuckled: " I did n’t even know that when you went out, you still had this—'A strange encounter '? "

I smiled and said, "But the old people met and talked a few words. It didn't matter what mattered."

"No," Miao Yan said again, "Father Emperor, the wolf has been reading poems to the mother, and also said to send the mother back, to see the mother's husband, to see if the mother was murdered!"

I slowly turned to look at the wonderful words and said with a smile: "Girls, don't talk so much."


"Isn't it okay to be quiet?"

She pouted and looked at me: "But mother, I really don't like that person."

I laughed: "I don't like it either."

"Then how long have you told him?"


I put down the tea cup in my hand and held her hand: "You should go back to bed, it's too late."

"Mother, I have just returned."

"It's too late just to come back!"

I couldn't help but rip her out of the chair, and then said to Pei Yuanzhang, "The civilian girl first retreated."

After speaking, without looking at the light cold, he turned around and went out.

The wonderful words on the way were still very dissatisfied, and I really wished to talk to her, and I did n’t know who she learned the story from. She took her out for a stroll, but she even came out of the “accident”. . Back in the small building, I trained her first to let her know that there are certain things to be rude, do n’t listen to rudeness, do n’t watch rudeness, do n’t say anything. Although she listened to me, her face was still stubborn and dissatisfied look.

Tossing up to now, I was tired too, and let someone come to serve her and wash her, and changed another dress, and let her fall asleep first.

Miaoyan soon started to fight with his eyelids, and when he was wrapped in a quilt, he asked me, "Mother, don't you sleep?"

"You're sober with your anger!"


"Sleep later."


"You sleep first."


She looked at me carefully, but after a while, she closed her eyes and went into a dream. I looked at her angrily and funnyly, and walked over to gently twist the strands of hair on her face. At this moment, a maid went upstairs quietly, and I walked over to open the door, and saw that she was about to come and knock on the door.

I asked, "What's up?"

"Ms. Yan hasn't slept yet? Then, has her Royal Highness slept?"

"She's asleep."

"Great," she sighed with relief, and smiled. "Liu Gongzi is here, downstairs, and wants to see you."


I was a bit surprised that Qinghan never came to me so late, especially when I lived with Miaoyan.

I was going downstairs immediately, thinking about it, and turning back to tell the maid: "You are watching the princess upstairs, don't let her go downstairs if she wakes up, tell me.


In fact, every night when a good word sleeps, there is a vigil at the door. The maid who is familiar with the door moves to a small stool and sits at the door. I just walked down the stairs with the armrest. The lobby below.

Because of the coming of some people, the following maids added a few more candles, which illuminated the room. Qing Han was sitting in the chair, and one hand wiped the cup mouth of the tea cup unconsciously, hearing my steps Sound, hurriedly looked up.

I walked over to it: "Why are you here?"

He smiled, didn't answer my question, just glanced upstairs, and whispered, "Did you fall asleep?"

"Just fell asleep. Luckily you came after she fell asleep."

"That's good."

I walked over and sat in the ring chair next to him. Immediately someone sent me the hot tea. I no longer wanted to drink tea, so I touched the tea cup with my hand to warm it. "What's the matter?"

He said, "Well, what I just said, the one you met outside-called, what is it?"

"Slang downed."

"Did he not let Qingsi's son be Qingchuan, why did he come to Qingtang City?"

"I think it's strange, but after hearing what he said, there seems to be something going on here."

"What's up?"

"I don't ask, so I didn't ask much."


His eyebrows narrowed slightly, as if a little worried, and his thoughts reminded me of the anxiety in my heart before, and I asked softly, "What's wrong? Do you think there is something wrong?"

"I, I can't make it clear, it's just-such a person is not a small person, and suddenly came to Qingtang City at this time, so consistent with our time here, I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. "

"..." I thought for a while and said, "Actually, I'm also a little worried."


"I think the same thing as you. They had a better relationship with Xichuan back then, but I think there should be no further relationship in these years. So I went to Xichuan the last time and I haven't heard anything about them. News, but when I was a kid, I let the toast often come to Chengdu, and sometimes even live with his sons in the Yan family. "

"No further relationship?" Qing Han looked up at me: "Is it because your marriage with him didn't work?"

"may be."


"At that time, the toast was very eager to marry the Yan family. If it wasn't for Qing Chen's young age and his daughter was too big, he might also make them married."

"So, you and that—wolves, why didn't you, didn't get married?"

I looked up at him.

His memory is very good, not to mention being a student of Fu Bashang. After all, he is also a person who has mixed officialdom, but I just told him the name of Silang Daocuo, but he still can only remember a "wolf" Seems to resist this person a little bit, starting from the name.

I couldn't help but glance at him before I said, "Because he didn't look good when he was young."

"Don't look good as a kid? What about now?"

"He seems to be because I always said he was fat when I was a kid, and went back to hunting on horseback every day. I just saw him and I almost couldn't recognize it."

"Nearly recognizable? What does he now look like?"

"It's just like losing weight."

"I just heard the wonderful words. He seems very tall and strong?"

I looked at him with a smile: "What do you care about so much about others?"

"..." He hesitated for a moment, and immediately smiled: "It's nothing, I just feel weird. Now that so many people have arrived in Qingtang City, it was originally a very complicated thing, and he is also here now .If, if it is related to our purpose here, then— "

I frowned: "Shouldn't it? The news of the death of the concubine was only spread over Xi'an. I'm afraid that even Chengdu may not know. He was in Qingchuan, how could he know that he still came here ? "


"Furthermore, for so many years, they are all independent of the Central Plains dynasty. Will this time be a trip to muddy waters?"

Having said that, I was a little hesitant about myself.

In fact, ordinary people do not want to go to muddy waters, but a political leader and a powerful leader understand that muddy waters are easy to touch fish. If Xichuan was not in the chaos of the Central Plains, Relatively independent, the Yan family has not grown so strong in recent years, and has almost controlled the entire Xichuan area.

I said, "Are you doubting that he came here and had something to do with us?"

Qing Han was silent for a moment, and said, "I just hope not."

I thought about it and said, "If you want to know, it's not difficult, I can talk to him."

"No need!"

Immediately after I finished speaking, he immediately looked up and looked at me: "Don't go to him!"

I didn't expect him to reject my idea so quickly, and he was so decisive that he couldn't help it. He seemed to feel a little too bossy, coughed, and said, "It was originally just one of mine. Just guess, you don't have to go to him in person. "


"We can send someone to stare at him."

"Staring at him?" I frowned slightly. "Isn't that good? There are a lot of guards around him. It's not easy to send someone to stare at him. Besides, let's not talk about him now. We don't have any conflicts. If it is found, then it will not make the enemy and cause us trouble? "

After listening to me, he hesitated for a moment: "I, I understand what you mean, but I am a man of his identity who suddenly came to Qingtang City at this time, a little uneasy."

"So, can I just talk to him?"


"Anyway, he really wants to talk to me. If I didn't reject it tonight, he would drag me on about the middle of the night."

Qing Han frowned immediately, and I smiled: "The girls over them are much more free than the girls in the Central Plains and do not have so many rules and regulations, so he thinks so to me."

I saw him cross his fingers, his fingers twisted a little bit white, and then said, "Forget it, let's find a way."


I turned to look at him for a while. He was still thinking about something, and gradually felt my sight, looking at me: "What's wrong?"

I said with a smile: "Are you, don't you want me to meet with that Sang Jiangchou?"

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