Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2102: The beginning of everything, is that dagger?

I looked at him, and for a moment my breath was a little tight: "What do you say,".

At this moment, neither of us spoke, but there was something in the sight of the two of us that even hit the taste of sparks.

Furang artillery!

Thousands of pounds of impact force, that is ordinary people, animals, even the powerful crossbow is difficult to do, all I can think of now is that thing.

And thinking of this, I suddenly understood something.

At that time, his mother appeared in the iron shop of Tieyushan and asked him to forge a dagger with green ore. Then, he should just want to try his craft; soon after Tieyushan built the dagger, the Yan family came. Come to him and order an iron car that can withstand the pounding shock.

From that night's test, the mother not only saw Tie Yushan's superb craftsmanship, but also his mentality, so after that, she began to promote Tie Yushan, and Tie Yushan started his career as an ordinary blacksmith. It has now become a side of Nishikawa.

And that year, my father in Nian Baoyu fought a battle for my mother.

Folang machine guns appeared for the first time in front of the East Chaga Cavalry. The destructive power of the earth was called "a unilateral slaughter".

So is this really the case?

The beginning of all this is really the dagger?

Feeling my breathing was disordered, Qinghan covered my back with my backhand, and gently clasped my fingers: "What happened to you?"

I bit my lower lip and trembled, "I, I'm very upset."


"Light cold, this matter makes me very disturbed."


"I always think--"

I didn't finish my words. His fingers clasped my fingers strongly. I looked up at him, and saw his firm eyes flash with firm light, and looked at me solemnly: "Don't be afraid."

With these three words, the temperature of his palm was ironed to my hand, and slowly passed to me.

He clasped my fingers, slowly clenched my hands, and said, "There is nothing worthy of your fear. We have come in so many storms before, and I believe this, we can certainly Get through. "


Maybe, it was really comforted by the temperature in his palm, and the originally disordered heartbeat slowly recovered.

I looked into his eyes and nodded gently: "Um."

He smiled, and then said, "Besides, all this is actually our guess. Maybe the dagger that the teacher gave to His Royal Highness is not the one your mother gave him; instead, look for Silang. Perhaps the only way to buy green ore is to build farm implements. You don't really need to make a conclusion so quickly and start worrying. "

I laughed bitterly, indeed, all of this, even more than 90%, is my guess.

It was just speculation, that scared me into this.

I laughed: "Still you're calmer than me. If I were alone, I would be blinded by myself now."

"You, I can't do without it."

Looking at him with a bit of pride, I could not help smiling: "Then, for the rest of your life, please advise me."

With that said, both couldn't help laughing.

The original tense mood finally relaxed a bit because of this joke. I drank tea for a while and was thinking about what to do next. Qinghan suddenly remembered something and looked back at me: "Yes, Does anyone else know what you just said? "

"Tie Yushan would not go out and talk about her mother," I thought for a moment, and then said, "but—"

"But what?"

"However, when I went to him, the conversation between the two of us was overheard."

"Who overheard?"

"Now I want to come, it should be Qinghan-the man under Yan Qinghan. Now, his people are under your control ..."

After listening, he nodded gently, "I know, I will restrain them."

"Then we want to send a message back to Tie Yushan and let him—"

"It doesn't have to be," he waved his hand and said, "After all, it's still the old saying, after all, it's just our guess. Before entering Xichuan, don't act lightly; come again, Xie Yuan has not been arrested yet. Live, our every move may be under the eyes of people. If he finds out, he will be subject to others. In fact, the key to the matter lies in the dagger of His Royal Highness. However, he is now in Xishan Academy, and has Nan Zhen Yizai, I believe no one dares to act lightly. "

I nodded. "That's right."

"Press this thing first, and wait until the emperor worships the emperor's tomb this time."

"okay, I get it."

"Actually, I am more concerned about another thing now."


"That chain mail," he said, reaching out and rubbing his eyebrows lightly, "I don't know why, I'm always worried about this."

Actually, what he was worried about was something I couldn't hold back, but looking at the dangling stitches on his eyebrows, which made him look more tired and tired, he said, "You just said, I worry Everything is our own guess, and this is even more-what do you want to do so much? I don't believe anyone can block our way. "

He probably felt that I was a little self-confident, and couldn't help laughing. "You."

As I was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the movement was quite loud. It seemed that some maids hurried past the outside. Me and Qinghan are now very sensitive to these movements. He immediately got up, and I hurried to follow him. Go out and open the door, and sure enough I saw a few maids in a hurry.

I stopped one and asked, "What are you busy with?"

The maid said, "The emperor is back."

Pei Yuanzhang is back! That Nangong Lizhu--

I hurried to ask the maid: "Where's Concubine Nangong, did the Emperor find her?"

The maid thought for a while and shook her head: "The emperor went alone, and he came back alone, and no one was with him."


My heart suddenly sank.

Did not find, or found Nangong Lizhu.

The sudden loss of hope made me feel a bit overwhelmed, and my heart was faintly producing colic. Qinghan also sighed in disappointment, looked back at me, and said immediately, "What's wrong with you?"

When I saw him looking at me, I immediately made a small smile: "Nothing."

"You still worry about that, Concubine Nangong?"

"I'm just a little ..., hey, she doesn't know where she went."

"..." He glanced at me and said, "It's a good thing to find it. Don't worry if you can't find it, it's not you who should be anxious."


I endured the cramps in my heart, and the unexplainable sourness in my heart. I only nodded my head slightly. He sighed and said, "I think the emperor and the old man are really sad. Come on, please go comfort him. "

"forget it."


"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with you. If you pass by this way, it will make them feel bad."

He thought for a while: "Also, I can't help anything like this."

My chest panicked and said, "Okay, now that I don't go to Silang Gyatso, I'll go back with the good words, you, you can take a good rest."

"it is good."

I waved goodbye to him and walked out. I walked out of his courtyard and stopped, looking pale.

After taking a breath, I looked up and went straight to Pei Yuanzhang.

The attendant went through the briefing and waited for a while before welcoming me in. As soon as I entered the room, I saw that Pei Yuanzhang was sitting behind the wide table case, and both hands were hanging on the armrest. One hand held the jade hanging on the wrist as usual, rubbing it constantly.

I stepped forward and said gently: "Your Majesty ..."

He raised his head to look at me, his breath was slightly heavy: "You already know."

I nodded and asked, "Did I not find it, or-"

"The messenger got it wrong, that's not her."


Although I have been disappointed, I was disappointed again when I heard the news.

However, feeling the almost overwhelming shortness of his body, I tentatively comforted and said, "Maybe, the situation is not as bad as we thought ..."

He glanced at me and said blankly: "I know, you don't have to say these things in front of You."


This person is really not good at talking.

I stood in place, and for a while I didn't know what to say. He was silent for a while, changed his position, still hanging his hands on the armrest, and said, "He doesn't know that yet?"

I knew he was talking about light cold, and immediately said, "I'm still hiding him."

"How about Yao Lao?"

"Yao Lao said, as long as he is there, he will not let Qing Han be in trouble. However, his old man is also anxious to see the concubine."

He was quiet for a moment, then Shen said: "I know."


I hesitated, in fact, I wanted to ask him a little bit, who was the one who left the city from Xi'an that night. If Nangong Lizhu had only one chance to leave the city, why did n’t he find a way from there?

He looked up at me and said, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

I said, "I--"

He looked at me.

"..." I hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, are we going to worship the tomb in three days?"

He said, "Yes."

"But what else needs to be prepared?"

"No need, it's time to prepare, I have ordered."

"The tomb ... is it far from here?"

He glanced at me and said, "Go and know."


"Do you have anything else?"

"... Nothing. The civilian girl retired."

I turned around and walked slowly to the door, about to open the door, and he suddenly called me again: "Light."

I hurriedly turned around.

He looked at me, paused, and said, "In the past two days, you shouldn't go out anymore, let's not go there anymore."

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